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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Cordial__

  1. My profile picture says it all

  2. Celebration is over... 50 posts was so 1 hour ago.

  3. The one meme to rule them all...

  4. The one meme to rule them all...

  5. 9 rep. I feel popular

  6. So, I'm assuming that were leaving Athera in boats like refugees from a warzone...

  7. I was right. We did leave Athera on boats like refugees from a warzone

  8. USA vs Germany

  9. *Insert memey status*

  10. I come back and I can't connect ;D

  11. I come back and I can't connect ;D

  12. That moment when the server restarts while the authentication server goes down

  13. That moment when the server restarts while the authentication server goes down

  14. Day 12, 0300: The server is still down.. ****..

  15. server y u ded?

  16. Rip Dwarf Rebellion

  17. Never forget ------ Irongutia

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