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Posts posted by bobisthebest1234

  1. Lord william was once a kebab, a very amazing kebab. One day lord willy went out and showed the world his kebabness. Every man and other kebabs smiled the suns smile at the glorious kebab Lord william! The end!


    okay. i want a real story

  2. the group have found and troll cave and want to go in. "lets see what is in there." said willam. the 7 friend went in the cave and saw a pile of bones. "okay. we have see the bone now lets go!" said bob. "not yet, we must wait." said jack. "wait for what! to be troll food?! no way!" said bob. but the group stayed in the cave. they 20mins later the troll come back! "who is that i smell In my cave!" he attacks john and jack, but willam fights him back. the troll fight back as well. but willam is to good soon the troll is gone to find a new cave or to wait for the group to be gone.  soon the group leaves, back on the path.




  3. "are we there yet?" asked bob. "no, not now."  said willam for the 5th time that day. the group of 7 wandered over the hills and past villages. soon they came to a dark tower the creaked and rumbled . "i will go in." said jack. the tower was in bad shape and from the looks of it not used in 100 or so years. then jack came back it and said "lets all go in. okay?" so the 7 friends went it the tower. they walked it to the biggest room and saw a tattered banner hanging on the wall. "lets get out of here!" said bob in a scared voice. willam said "sorry we can't, not yet not now!" the group found some treasure like a staff of gold and some holy objects. soon they left the tower and went on their horses and then went on the small dirt path. the end!



  4. Event Planners, MC Names: i don't know please ET do help me

    Event Type: adventure 

    Event Date: may 1st-30th

    Factions/Nations effected by the event: humans and dwarfs and elfs 

    Event Location: under the island

    Summary: we go under the island to find out about the odd rumble 

    Concept Images/Screenshots none yet

    Other Information: long event

    Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: yes a lot I mean it!

    If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: actors and builders and npc to!





    a farmer boy was looking at his sheep when to ground rumbled he fell on the ground and was so scared that when the guards got there all he could say was "no the ground boom weee!"   the guards took him to town and next day all the good races went down in the ground!!

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