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Posts posted by Blanchables

  1. Graham Milner would slowly lean into his desk, scribbling furiously at the piece of parchment before him. With an exasperated sigh, he’d have finally finished. His eyes would dart over each word, his head cranking slightly to the side as he did so. He’d take in a deep breath, yet again, before getting back to work. Within a day, flyers would be found scattered around the great cities of Man, the contents of which contained a simple letter. Hung onto notice boards, tacked onto houses, and in the hands of citizens, they would read as follows:


    “To the people of Cyrilsburg, the Empire, and anyone with a strong will to listen,


    The Renatian Empire, while strong and generous, is currently blind to the growing issue of certain ideals that betray a moral sense of right and common sensibility. Such issue is inherent from an Empire that cannot entrust its Lords to lead, and wish to tighten its grip on the common man. We’ve become negligent towards people that feel themselves loyal to us, that fight for us, that can call the Empire their home. As someone of admittedly common blood, one whom has before felt the safety and security of the Empire, I now feel as if we’ve begun to lose the values that we have held so highly before, but together, we can redeem ourselves and bring us to even greater heights than ever before.


    We’re a great nation, such cannot be disputed. But a great nation cannot survive, let alone thrive, without a certain level autonomy present. The head of a hierarchy is meant to supervise, observe, guide, but not directly control, and punish those that are seen as lesser. The strength of a vassal is that they may lead their people of the Empire the way they know best, that they, above all else, can govern the ones they most closely associate themselves with. Their culture, their ideals, their beliefs, are all contributing to a greater Empire, a cultural hub for all people of all different types to convene and live side by side in a peaceful society.


    This can be resolved, however, as I know we, as an Empire, are capable of such changes. Freedom must be restored, and the vassals must be allowed to govern their people as they see fit. Various religious sects should be tolerated, and allowed to be practiced within the security of their homes, as long as an understanding that the Empire’s primary religion is that of Canonism. A group’s religion is apart of one’s identity, one’s culture, and these ideals should be protected within the Empire borders. We are made of many different people, each with their own stories and lives, and if someone differentiates from the template designed by the Renatians, they should not be punished, but embraced. Why must our own people suffer, when their only crime was that they did not fit inside of a homogenized mold, casted by those in power to feel superior to others.


    The purpose of autonomy in government is a simple one. Let those in power dictate who is best to efficiently run sects of their land and govern their people. How is one able to effectively lead different variations of people, when they aren’t anywhere remotely close to those people, when they don’t know these people? Justice should be carried out by local authorities, those who are familiar with their kind and which crimes are worthwhile. An entrusted Lord should be able to raise a levy, effectively running their homes the way they see fit, all of which can still be monitored by the Empire.  The heads of the Empire need not worry themselves when all can be safely managed by trusted vassals, people put in place who are fully capable to maintain a state of free expression and ideals in their own homes.


    We as a people represent so many different things. Freedom, devotion, courage, strength, and adaptability. We cannot resign ourselves to petty hate and infighting when so much is on the line. Our homes, our freedoms, our lives, our family; All of these keep our great nation together, bound as one people, regardless of circumstances or beliefs. We maintain vigilance in peace, and ferocity in war. But we must not let differences in culture separate us from people we consider comrades, people we’ve known as friends. We are stronger together than we ever were apart, and we’ve lost sight of this. We are different in many ways, but alike in many more. We want what’s best for this Empire, we want the freedom and salvation of living in a world where we can say what we like without facing the fear of death. And finally, we can make this world possible, together. Just how this Empire was created, it will survive, and thrive, on such principles.


    I beseech those in power, those with influence in Parliament, consider the words of a humble common man, one whose life is dedicated to the well-being of a strong Empire. We must bring our people together, to promote a healthy cultural diversity, where people with hearts geared towards the Empire and the promotion of unity and virtue are valued about bloodlines and hatred of differences. If such requests are dismissed by the powers in Parliament, then let this letter be a beacon, a call for others who think the same as myself, to represent themselves in Parliament. Only together can we bring our mighty Empire back to the forefront of power, showcasing strength, intelligence, unity, and culture, the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. This power rests within our hands, and only together, can we use it.


    Signed by,

    Alcalde Graham Milner of Cyrilsburg”



  2. Just now, GenericNoun said:

    Benjamin nodded along, speaking out after. “Don’t be readin’ much er makin’ much sense. But I t’ink yer right. T’ose knobs are feckin’ dumb!”

    He then proceeded to drink and cause a disturbance in the streets. 

    Graham would grumble upon seeing Benjamin drunkenly run throughout the streets, moving to chase after him. He could only wonder how in the world he was promoted to Captain before he had been as he dragged him back to his bed to sleep it off.

  3. After a long day of patrolling, Graham walked steadily back to the barracks, looking to finish up his daily reports. Upon hearing a commotion outside of the barracks, he went above the gatehouse, looking outwards to the city. The commotion came from a small gathering of people, gathered just outside of the feast hall. A town crier stood in the center of them, reciting the notice. He talked eagerly of the winner, announcing the results and of Graham’s victory. With nothing but a smile as Graham looked onward towards his people at the call of his name, he breathed in a gentle sigh of relief before turning on his heel and returning to his office, settling down before recollecting his emotions, bracing himself for his newfound responsibilities.

  4. Graham recalls fondly of the many portraits around the city he painted for this advert. ”Truly, a subject worthy of a masterpiece.” He would quickly return to scrubbing the streets of the city, cleaning any foul litter that creeps in dark corners.

  5. [OOC Information]


    Username: Blancharizard

    Skype (pm if you’d rather it be private): mrblancharizard
    Discord (pm if you’d rather it be private): Blancharizard


    [RP Information]


    Name: Enzo Roche

    Race: Heartlander

    Age: 24

    Previous experience: Various guards (Grey Cloaks, Wardens), Kellian Family

    Weapon of choice: I prefer a long sword, but I'm capable with a bow and arrow

    Profession (blacksmith, woodworker, miner, etc): Primary: Lumberjack  Secondary: Woodworker

    Why do you wish to serve in the Relourian Brigade?: I wish to pick up my sword and shield and defend my homeland.  


    I. Name: Einar Jorrlaskar

    II. Age: 49

    IIa. Date of Birth [if Known]: Late Spring.

    IIb. Location of Birth [if Known]: Unknown

    III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human

    IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]: Highlander

    IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Commoner

    V. Place of Residence: Adria

    VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]: Trained in weaponry

    VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]: Lumberjack



    MC Name: Shayin

    Skype ID: You have it.


    Sporan reads through the request to join. "Sounds good to me!" Sporan stamps a letter of approval

  7. Sporan came into the Cathedral to see the headless body of the Duke, lying lifeless on the floor. He stares at the body in a mixture of confusion, bewilderment, and denial. "They will pay." were the only words he uttered as he quickly walked out of the death site.

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