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Posts posted by Calioos


    MC name: ShadowedOblivion

    Character's name and age: Cal and somewhere around 400

    Character’s Race: Wood elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:



    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?: Druidic Communion/Control And Blight Healing

    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: In the generalness of things, communion and control go hand in hand. A common misconception is that Druii force nature to do their bidding, when in reality it is more of ‘asking’ it to do things. Druids can not force Nature to do anything, merely ask such. Much like they cannot force a rabbit to try killing someone like in that monty python movie. And even as such, they can’t force actual plants and whatnot to do such, thus when a Druid is controlling a vine or something along those lines, it is more of asking a favour. As the individual has dedicated their life to serving nature, not forcing Nature to serve them.

    Communion itself is the basic building block of all things Druidy. Being the ability to feel the world around you and communicate with it. And while not exactly on the level of sentient beings, you are able to commune thoughts, emotions, and imagery to a certain extent depending on the thing you are communing with. The farther along you progress in communion, the more things you are able to commune with, generally lower tiers requiring meditation to commune, at higher tiers a druid can merely feel the world around them as it is, as they become more attuned to the endless sounds of nature within their head.

    Control, as previously stated is where most misconceptions begin to form. Being taught alongside communion but in no way the same. Control is, contrary to its name, more of asking Nature to do things for you, in return for your service to the Aspects. Newly attuned Druii only able to influence not much more than grass or flowers, or the simplest of lifeforms. The longer they are connected the more they are capable of having natural creatures listen to their requests. Any creature/plant does have the ability to deny said requests, however with each growing year the chances of that become less and less likely. Control itself allows for the influence of accelerated plant growth and usage for tasks like moving branches, roots, trees, or even vines around.


    Blight Healing, in essence the ability to literally heal blight from the world. This ability does not allow the Druid the ability to heal other sentient beings or animals, rather its reserved to tainted lands and plagued plants. Their ability being one of the only to stem directly from the aspects as they channel their abilities into restoring the life of a given area.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):



    To begin with, the lesson would start with Calius sitting the student down in a lush grove of nature of all sorts, perhaps next to a stream. He’d then go onto ask the student to begin meditating, and continue meditating until they felt as if they had a connection to the area around them. Once they had done that they’d move onto focusing their meditation on one item, perhaps a small dandelion sitting right beside them. From there, Calius would instruct them imagine what they’d like the flower to do, perhaps have it wave to them.


    From there Cal would commune as well, giving the dedicant a small boost before stepping away as the flower does the short wave from side to side. After having helped the student up, he would instruct them to keep meditating on their own, as well as practicing to further their progress into the Druidic arts and feeling the Nature around them.


    Blight Healing:


    Calius would lead the student far out into the forest, to a spot of a previous fight between a guardforce and necromancers of previous times. The taint still set deep into the trees and ground as the land lies there, still dead from the lack of attention.


    He’d take his staff from his back and plant the butt into the ground, instructing the student to do so as well. Then he’d begin to commune, telling the student to do the same as he directed his attention to the student, creating a simple power share.


    Calius would then instruct the student to imagine the tainted area living again, the sweet harmonies of Nature returning to the long dead and cold land. Soon after, a faint mist would begin to emit from their staves, gently sweeping over a small part of the plague and beginning to seep into the ground.


    It would take a short while, perhaps 10ish minutes before the ground would begin to take effect, the green of grass slowly sprouting from the ground as the life began to slowly crawl back. The restoration process had begun, and would slowly crawl towards the tree before Calius would instruct his student to stop, so as to not stress himself too far.


    From there he’d help the student back to the city, instructing him to seek help before ever trying to heal blight again, though that he had done a good job.

    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  2. Linandria Housing Registry



    To any who wish to apply for housing within the city, please leave a note below!
    Linandria is always welcoming new Mali of all kinds within our walls and hope to see you soon!


    However, do be sure to read over our laws and other important documents!

    Laws of Laureh'lin
    Wood Elf Information Megathread


    And if not contacted within a few elven days, feel free to ask for myself, Calius Terin (ShadowedOblivion) or any of our other stewards and officials within the city!

    To apply, simply fill out below!

    Housing Application
    MC Name:
    IC Name:

    Additional Residents(Ic and their mc names):
    Additional Resident's occupation:
    Have you read the laws and obligations?:

    If applicable, which Seed do you belong to?

    (Seeds are families in the city that adopt people if you pass their trials. They serve as a tight group that helps one another):



  3. Calius dips his head, letting out a heavy sigh as times were soon to change. "It has been an honour to serve under you, llir."  After a brief moment to recollect himself he'd walk back off into the city, looking for new young mali to house.

    Skype name: You guys have it
    Username: MadnessReigns
    A roll of paper makes its way to you. A set of seemingly familiar initials had you been born within the tribe. Either way, this parchment calls for your attention.
    You open the letter that is cold to the touch.
    The letter reads:
    "We are looking for our brothers and sisters that when we landed on Axios were lost. If you believe yourself to have been one of us in another life, or are a lost brother or sister, call for a hawk.
    They know our people's spirits. They will bring your reply to us."
    What is the name you were given at birth?
    Rorek Othan
    What is the race you were born as?
    Dark Elf
    Whose words are final?
    The Chieftains
    Do you have ancestry within the Warhawkes?
    I am an Othan, cousin to someone probably.
    If you were to be lost in a place you couldn't recognize, how would you find your way back?
    Follow the stars.

  5. Minecraft name/s: 

    Currently I am 17.

    Time zone and availability:
    UTC -10. The middle of the pacific ocean, right between the US and AUS in Hawaii. I have a lot of free time in the coming months, even with school I rarely sleep as it is. 

    Cal Fyre.gif

    What is something you have always wanted to change on the server?:
    Well, as far as the server goes. I like it as it is, more or less. I do think it would be great to replace Nexus with something a bit less grindy to actually give newer players a chance at sticking around and having jobs. Rather than being cast to the side do to having no real skill to offer to the player base other than rp, which should be the goal of attracting new players anyways.
    What is something you would like to change on the game moderator team?:
    For the staff team as a whole, I believe server coverage would be a rather nice thing to improve. While it is true there are GMs on at almost all times of the day, things come up and there are often late hours where no GMs are online, unless they are staying up all night or Australian, in which case they still are getting on late in the day. As previously stated, I have a rather strange timezone that puts me right in the middle of the world really. I wake up  after the Americans, but before the Aussies and when the Brits go to bed.

    What are your finest qualities?:
    I'd have to say my finest qualities are my level headedness and patience.

    As far as being level headed, I can deal rather well under pressure. I always look for both sides of an argument before diving head first into it without any previous knowledge. I even take the time to talk to both parties in equal settings, then in some cases set them both in the same place in order to help them come to a resolution.

    For patience, I am just a really laid back guy. I can wait for massive amounts of time, and if needed wait until a party has cooled off enough to speak civilly rather than let emotion block their initial thoughts, seeing as how often that happens when such disputes over things close to one's player take effect to being close to the person OOCly. However if needed I'm not above bringing the hammer down the stop the conflict entirely.
    What are your worst qualities, and how could you improve these aspects?:
    Worst qualities. Well, I am terribly blunt. I look at things as they are and say it as they are. I sugar coat them sometimes, but generally just say whatever I think at the moment. As for solving that, I'd just need to be told to tone it down a bit or something and I'd of course comply. I'm also passive in general. However once more, I might just need a bit of help getting past that. Another issue I tend to have is trying to make everyone happy. Which I know usually won't work or will make you the 'most liked dead man in town', but I still try it anyways, despite the conflict. And as such, yet again I tend to just need a bit of a nudge out of that.

    What members of the current staff could you look to for guidance?:
    As of the time of setting up this app, the staff member I look up to most would have to be Wrynn. I don't think I've ever seen him without a pleasant mood and he has always been helpful in general.
    Who do you not get along with on the current team?:
    As do to my timezone, I don't get to see most of the team, seeing as many are based from EST or GMT as far as I know. Those that I do get to see via skype or whatever other media or time I tend to be online. They are generally helpful and friendly all around.

    How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?:
    I plan on having lots actually, I have been in school for three weeks already and plan on keeping my current activity state.

  6. Cal sits on the tavern's porch, watching everyone come and go and argue about the new round of propaganda, simply enjoying his vodka sipping in a relative peace. "Well... Here we go again... Whose up for a night of drinking!"  Probably no one even around so he just said that hoping anyone would hear.

  7. Cal would down a drink before going on with the topic at hand. "I should've put a wage on this happening... Could've been as rich as some of those fancy merchants." The one eyed elf simply shrugs, before offering a hearty chuckle to all those in the bar. "Maybe next time, eh lads?"

  8. Right then! Sorry for such a long delay to this answer to so many of these applicants. Just a quick note to say however, it that any who wish to become or are current Sirame may not own a house unless they have direct family.

    Anywho! All applicants have been excepted unless otherwise stated, so in the meantime please contact any of the stewards online at the time, or myself, Calius. (ShadowedOblivion) Again sorry for any long waits and inconveniences!

  9. Well... From what I have seen of what Ada has done so far I honestly have to say +1.

    From her collaboration post with a few others about the Goblin unification, and even putting the dedication into a playerbase as to bring it back from being one of those groups where you think it is only one of the 'older guys' groups.  She has done well and I look forward to seeing it improve farther.

    So as I stated previously. +1 from me.

  10. Alright! So, sorry for the long wait of anyone wanting a house in Laurelin, I only finally have more than 3 houses open for residency!

    All the applied are accepted so please send a bird to Cal (ShadowedOblivion) Whenever you happen to be online, and if I'm not shoot me a message over the forums and I'll gladly find a steward that can accommodate to your timezone, welcome all to Laurelin!

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