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Posts posted by Brokenhelix

  1. 18 hours ago, Tahmas said:


    do you love me


    Yeah, you're ma favorite.


    16 hours ago, Lyonharted™ said:

    but like

    y gm tho

    what drives u

    I like helping people a lot and meeting new folks.

    It sounds super basic but I've been playing on the server for over a year now and I want to see good things happen for it.
    I care too much about mineman.

    13 hours ago, Gusano Arentonio said:


    what gives you inspiration in life


    The fact that the entirety of human existence was just an off-chance of happening and that so many things could have gone wrong and killed off our existence. But it hasn't. So life is kinda worth living if you think about how much has come to make it happen.


    10 hours ago, ski_king3 said:


    When will you start playing your high elf more?


    Probably when Ker'nor doesn't need me as much as it does. I'll learn some magicks.


    10 hours ago, Weabootrash said:

    change your profile picture

    I've been told it's creepy, but I like it. It's from the Gorillaz. I like that band.


    8 hours ago, 6xdestroyer said:


    Why did you pugsy me?


    Cause you hella ugly. jk it was meestake.

    4 hours ago, TheMostKawaliioftheAlices said:


    cause dat mouf

  2. 11 minutes ago, Cooliomafia said:


    You can't silence me! ;c 




    2 minutes ago, TheDarkIsEternal said:


    Why did you decide to play a darkie..?


    And.. do you love me? <3


    Return my love senpai 


    Well, after my first character, an orc, didn't work out because I didn't know how to speak blah, I made a dark elf. Cause hey, elder scrolls dark elves are fun. Then I soulstoned by accident and ended up at Ker'nor. I didn't really make another character after that.


    and sure, ya weeaboo.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Cooliomafia said:


    Why do you severely despise me so? 


    Oh hush.


    8 minutes ago, Parkins said:


    how much do you love me?


    would you start a business with me in farming spook rep?


    You ping me a lot to do your modreqs, so only sometimes.

    And maybe. I'd be down most likely.

  4. Just now, Tox said:

    Just.. Why?

    I dunno. Physics?


    Just now, Jonificus said:

    What're your thoughts on fat snake oil salesman and the person who plays him?

    What are you most excited about for Christmas?

    Can you honestly think of a way to ruin a belgian waffle?

    I like the fat snake oil salesman and the person who plays him is one of my favorite foreigners. Crazy nord.
    I am excited for the extreme amount of candy and eggnog that I will and have already consumed lots of.
    aaaand I dunno. Hep B is pretty bad.

    and in a response to the video, the part where he pulls on his nipple ring made me severely uncomfortable. So no.

  5. Just now, Dakirennis said:

    How does it feel being my son? What race would you play if you weren't a darkie? And how do you feel about the steady rise of tism in the server and it's populace? 

    Pretty good, interesting at times. Enjoyable. I would probably play a orc or a human, not a dorf, those accents are hard. The tism is ROUGH and in heavy amounts.


    1 minute ago, Cooliomafia said:

    why do you hate me so 

    I don't. I just severely despise you. Kappa.

    1 minute ago, Tox said:




    Why what

  6. Honestly I'm not great at posting on the forums cause I'm lazy, but I don't want Stone Miner to be my rank, so I'm doing this to farm some posts..


    Ask me anything. 


    Don't take anything I say too seriously

  7. Flyers have been put up around the Dominion and given out to it’s citizens by dark elven children. They read as follows.


    A Glimmer of Hope and Love


    Two lovers torn between two sides come together in a ceremony of love and commitment. Prince Jayce Des’nox of Ker’nor and Ecaeris Aradan invite friends and family of Axios to gather with a festival of love to celebrate their marriage.


    The festival will offer a wide range of delicacies for a feast, drinks, festival games, and the night to dance with your loved ones and friends under the stars of the Ker’nor festival grounds. Presents are not required, we only wish for the attendees to have a lovely evening amongst others in celebration.


    The event will be held the next elven day at dusk at the Ker'nor Festival Grounds. For those of you who don't know where Ker'nor is, it's behind Lindandria.

    ((12/22/16 @6pm EST))


    We invite those who wish to attend, but we ask to please refrain from bringing any sort of weapons or ill-will. Ker’nor is a place of peace and we would like to keep it that way. We ask all attendees to lay aside past transgression for this fine night.


    The following letters have been sent out privately by lemur and hawk as a request for attendance:


    “We formally invite you to the wedding of Jayce Des’nox and Ecaeris Aradan. You have been specially requested to attend.”




    Ecaeris’ Invites:


    =Leilatha Devione (Maid of Honor)=


    =Cecilia Faelyn Lepida=


    =Talar’ker Telenna=


    =The Tahorran’okar=



    Jayce’s Invites:


    =The Des’nox Family=

    =Prince and Princesses of the Dominion=

    =All Citizens of the Dominion=

    =The Clerics and Paladins of Trinity Keep=

    =Ser Avanel=




    =Lady Anna Sophia Amador=

    =Sarrion of the Enchantry and Guests=

    =Haadi Mubdi=


  8. Dwarves - Oren





    **The Dwarves - Oren Warzone is now open!**


    Carts stand outside of the capitals, proudly awaiting their patriots to the land in which they must either attack or defend!

    The Cart for Oreners is at Johannesburg outside of the gate with the beacon near it and the dwarven cart is outside of the gate surrounded by orange wool. They are labeled each by a sign, should you take the wrong cart to kill people, you will face an instant ban. If you do take the wrong one by accident, soulstone away or modreq for a GM to teleport you out.


    There are three capture points that will be controlled by pressure plates to claim them. In order to claim a capture point, you must have four players stand on each of the four pressure plates for a small amount of time. At 6pm EST every day for the time period of the warzone, the controller of two or more of the points will receive a point. The side with the most points at the end of the warzone time will recieve a bonus at the siege!

    The locations of the capture points are marked by the beacons, which will either be orange or purple based on their current holder. Oren is purple and Dwarves is orange.


    The normal rules apply for this Warzone:


    *Horses are not permitted

    *The barrier is in place to keep you inside of the area, do not try to get out of it.

    *You must always have a status on in the Warzone. If you do not, you will be free game for either side to kill. Affectionate for Oren, Casting for the Dwarves.

    *Status switching to avoid damage will result in a ban.

    *Players running around without anything on them trying to collect gear from the fallen to get away with will be teleported out and given a warning, if they continue, they will be faced with a ban. This means you can't come in with no armor and a stone weapon. Don't try to dance around the rule by wearing a leather hat and a stone/wooden axe. An exception of course, for the races that can't wear armor.

    *No base camping will be allowed! Base limits are displayed on the path, if you are caught spawn-camping, you will be warned and removed from the warzone.


    You are open to make a modreq pointing out the players breaking the rules, if not strongly supported to do so.


    During the time of the warzone, raiding between the two nations will come to a halt. Call it a Christmas Truce of Sorts, eh?

    See you all on the battlefield! Merry Christmas!

    Special thanks to some of our builders, Babadooks, Bahbou123456, BlauSchlumpf, Cablam, Chaw, hackehen, Kevinblabla7, nathanbarnett36 and Wolfdwg. and keaton but he didn't do anything.


  9. Jayce reads over the document with knitted eyebrows, wiping the sleep from his garnet-colored eyes.


    Laying the parchment to the side as he casts his gaze outwards towards the cold stone walls of Ker'nor


    "I'm staying inside." he mumbles to himself  "Future of our realm is uncertain..." he repeats to himself


    "Has it ever been planned?"

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