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Posts posted by Jlyoko

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Andriel Elre Z'lorn


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Andriel Elre Z'lorn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Druidic Communion


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Druidic Communion is considered the basis and first magic one learns to magically become a 'Druid'. Known as the gift given from the Aspects, Cerridwyn and Cernnunos, Druidic communion allows for the ability to connect to and eventually alter/help nature's song through the control of their own natural energy and that of the natural energy around them. Both flora and fauna can be communed with, typically very rudimentary at first until a druid can learn how to fine tune their abilities. Druidism, at it's base level, is the protection of the 'balance,' also known as the cycle of life. The balance can be thrown off by many things, but most commonly is effected by those who harness and use the powers of the Void.

    Those who wish to become Druids go through what could almost be considered a three step process. First there are those who 'Seek' to become a Druid, also known as Seekers. Thought to be the easiest stage, Seekers do just that, they seek someone to Guide them in becoming a Druid. Upon starting their path with a guide they enter into a dedicancy, also known as a Dedicant. Over time the dedicant completes tasks and trials that teach them about the Balance, Cycle, The Aspects, and what it means to be a true druid. The final step is becoming a full fledged Druid through a process known as Attunement. Attunement rituals are the final test given by the Aspects themselves in the form of a player run event/vision given to the player whereas upon passing the test the dedicant emerges attuned and able to listen to the song of nature. Although at first quite overwhelming, the young druid would eventually grow used to the song, eventually becoming a soft hum that would always be there, although usually not as loud as before.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Druidic Communion can be broken down into three sections:

    Communion: The basis for most druid gifts. Communion is the ability to talk to and 'communicate' with flora and fauna using the song of nature as a focal point. Through Communion one may pass thoughts and feelings, although in very mundane forms earlier, up to full on thoughts and words once a Druid has had both enough time and experience using their gifts.*

    * The act of communion and it's outcomes may vary depending on a few factors: How long the person has been a Druid and the intelligence of any animal one may try to commune with being the main setbacks.


    Control: Through communing with a plant or animal one may influence the natural world around them. Often mistaken as a command, druids can use their powers of communion to ask nature to perform various feats through various gifts learned from their guide. At base level a Druid may ask nature to move a root or swing a branch, while more complicated commands and control can be asked by those with more experience, nature does not always have to listen and do what it is asked.


    Infusion: Infusion can be considered one of the more flavour filled parts of becoming a Druid. Mostly known for a Druid's ability to control the natural energy inside them and their ability to share that with others, be that another druid or the nature around them. It's also one of the more important sub-sections as it allows for Druids to share their power amongst each other, and even contains the spells for Attunement and Unattunement. Infusion also holds what most consider to be Druidic enchantments, or essentially imbuing various Druidic gifts into items up to even giving items their own sentience. Druidic infusion can be used to ‘enchant’ various mundane artifacts with abilities similar to that a Druid may use. Most commonly used to enchant Control spells. A Druid gathers their energy and uses it to imbue the desired effects into the object.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Spell: GLEANING


    "One second, I'll fetch another cup..." Andriel would say to the group of people sat around the table. Hurrying outside, he places his hand on a nearby tree and closes his eyes. After a few moments he'd open them again to reveal a soft pink glow. His entire form would seem to sparkle as the scent of cherry blossoms fill the air.

    Andriel's face would slightly scrunch up as he begins to focus more on the sounds of nature around him. After a few moments, he'd begin to hone in on the individual song of the tree in front of him.

    Upon finding the song of the tree, he'd begin to slowly feed the tree some of his own natural energy along with the image of a wooden teacup. As he does this, he asks the tree to help him make another using it's bark. Petals made of mist would seem to form in the air around his hand and begin to flow into the tree, giving it the energy it needed to create such an object.


    [!] The tree would begin to shake as Andriel fed it energy. The bark would begin to bulge and grow underneath Andriel's hand until it formed the shape of the teacup's handle.

    Andriel would reach out and pull on the handle, albeit very slowly. As he'd pull, the tree would begin to groan and glow where he was now pulling out a fully formed teacup.


    [!] With a SNAP the cup would break away from where it was coming out of the tree. Now fully formed, the cup would be exactly as Andriel had pictured in his mind. The natural energies around the druid fading as he allowed his communion to stop.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "How're you feeling now that The Song isn't so strong?" Andriel would ask his young student as they sat together next to a small pond.


    The young student would be sat next to the older druid, twitching every now and again as they heard something new around them. "Oh!" The student would begin to say before pausing, seemingly still getting distracted by all the new melodies around them. "Apologies, I'm doing better! My time spent napping in the fae ring really helped." His student would eventually say, smiling at Andriel.


    Andriel would return the smile along with a soft chuckle. "Aye, I can see that! I know it can be overwhelming at first, but today I'm going to help you search through all the noise and tune into just one thing." he'd reply before looking around them. Seeing a nearby flower growing next to them, he'd guide his student's attention to it. "Ah! This should work! I know right now all you're hearing is everything, but for now I'd like you to focus in on trying to hear just this one flower."

    The student would nod enthusiastically at Andriel before wincing and holding their head. "Alrighty... I'll try..." they'd reply before moving to stare closely at the flower.


    Andriel's eyes would glow bright pink as he'd begin to focus in on his own communion. "Ah! Yes! I love the enthusiasm, but perhaps a different approach, hmm?" the elder druid would say, tapping his student on the shoulder. "Remember how last time we spoke about focusing in on the song in general? Connecting to nature, yes? How about we start with that?" he'd say before sitting back to watch what the student would do.

    The student would let out a small huff before scrunching up their face in concentration. After a few moments, their eyes would open to reveal a dark navy blue glow. They'd continue huffing and puffing as if concentrating on the song were taking some energy from them.


    Upon noticing this, Andriel would place a comforting hand on the student's shoulder. "Like that, aye, but I'd suggest relaxing a little bit. Allow the song to flow through your mind. Listen to how the voices interact with each other." Once the student was visibly more relaxed he'd continue. "I like to imagine the song to be like a strong and sturdy rope, built by winding together several smaller ropes and such. Now imagine that rope unraveling, with each strand being like a different voice in the song of Nature. Each plant and animal has it's own song, and through concentration and hard work, you can tune into each one. It's the basis of how we communicate with nature."


    The student takes another deep breath as they visibly relax further. Closing their eyes again, a small bead of sweat forming on their brow, they'd slowly pick through the sounds of nature around them. Their ears jerking as they'd tune into the various sounds around them until narrowing it down to the one small flower in front of them. "I... I think I did it..." the student would mutter as they opened their eyes. They'd lean closer to the flower, inspecting it as they focused on the soft tune coming from it in their mind until...




    Andriel would quickly slice the flower from it's stem using a small knife he had quietly gotten out. The plant would shriek in the student's mind, a loud sound surprising the student before suddenly being cut off.


    "WHAT! WHY?" The student would say, tumbling back where they sat in surprise. Fixing themselves, they'd glare at Andriel with an annoyed expression on their face.


    Andriel would smile before feeding the flower some of his energy and coaxing it to grow back into full bloom. "Apologies, llir. I wanted to make sure you were listening to the right thing. Now go on, back to it."



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Druidism, while having many different ways to use their magic, is also very clear in it's redlines and emote counts. If a student were to powergame one of the druidic 'gifts' I'd first find the root cause of why it happened, be that not enough emotes or using a gift that is either too advanced for them or too strong for their time as a druid, and instruct the student where they went wrong and relay the correct information to them on how they can avoid powergaming in the future through the use of both further education and outside resources like the magic guide(s) on the forums.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Andriel Z’lorn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Blight Healing


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

           Suika Lorenthus Vanari

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Andriel Z'lorn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Druidic Communion


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Suika Lorenthus Vanari


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allona Solaira


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allona Solaira


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Eminence


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sarrion Zytiaear


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allona Solaira


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lelien Izalith


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allona Solaira


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allona Solaira-Thylsealaes


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Illusion Magic


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Sensory Illusion is a magic that allows you to manipulate the senses of a set target, and even influence the emotions of someone else. The main form of illusions are glamours, which basically change the way something appears, sounds, looks, tastes, etc. Phantasms are the manipulation of someone’s emotions. And lastly figments are illusioned objects that are not really there at all. Illusion can be used in many situations and the possibilities are limitless with what can actually be done with the magic. However, illusions cannot be perfect when it comes to disguising one’s self. They cannot make themselves look perfectly like someone else nor can they change their general size (height and weight). But if any illusion is illogical or unrealistic beyond belief then it can be easily broken.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    While there are different types of illusions that one may cast, the magic itself doesn't have any different categories of magic.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Allona would look down upon the clear glass vase which held a single red rose inside. She’d take a deep breath in and slowly exhale as her pointed, Elven, ear shuttered.


    Bringing her right hand to the base of the vase, she’d press her palm against the elegantly designed glass. Her digits would wrap around the skinny craft as her gaze intensified upon the rose within.


    Soon, the petals of the rose began to grow richer in color. As pigment seemed too poor into the petals, it became over-saturated and soon they began to take on a deep, ebon black appearance.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Allona sits in her study, flipping through a book with her legs crossed. Adjusting their glasses as there is a knock heard from the door, getting up to answer and see their newest student.


    “K-karin’ayla! I hope I didn’t come by too early.” the young student smiles looking up at them rather awkwardly.


    “No no, it’s quite fine actually.” They’d takes a few steps back allowing the student to enter the home and shutting the door behind them.  “Have you been reading over that book I gave you?”


    The novice turns to his side to withdraw the book from their bag, handing it back out to the master. “Y-yes I did actually! I read lots of interesting things. But I had a few questions actually.”


    “Questions? Ask away my dear.”


    “Why exactly does a mage need to understand their senses so much?” They’d tilt their head, smiling awkwardly once more.


    “Well, as an Illusionist you are giving the ability to manipulate people’s senses, and with that power you must know what you’re doing in order for your illusions to be even the slightest bit successful.”


    “Illusions can be.. Unsuccessful?” They’d arch a brow looking at the teacher, a look of simple confusion strikes their face.


    “I see you didn’t really read the book.” chuckles. “Yes, if your illusion is no believable then it will simply crumble in the target’s mind.” Allona then smiles once more, handing the youngling back the book. “I suggest you read over this a little better, go over glamours as well as I will be quizzing you on that tomorrow. If you know your ****, then we can actually get started I guess.”


    The student takes the book back, slowly walking back toward the door. “T-thank you! A-and will do this time, I promise!” Then quickly rushes out, eager to get started!



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Once it would come to my attention I would take appropriate actions, ex. messaging them, depending on the severity and frequency of said infractions. If/when it happens often enough I would bring it to the attention of the Story Team.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do!


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  10. MC Name: Jlyoko

    Character's Name: Allona Solaira

    Character's Age: 189


    Character's Race:

    High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Blood Magic


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Blood magic, in it’s third generation at least, was born from the knowledge from the great being, Setherien, whose knowledge was passed down to one of the great serpents of Dragur, Malghourn. Thus, the Red Nexus was created. A crystalized mass of congealed blood, the Red Nexus was broken down into nine different shards, given to the mortals to pass along their knowledge. Not needed but a touch, these “Blood Shards” grant an ability that can only be shown, never told of. Blood Magic. These shards contain the information needed for any Tier 5 blood mage to learn any spell from it. These shards may be moved at any time by Malghourn and may be rebuilt by any Tier 5 Blood mage through a ritual and a fragment of the former blood shard. All nine blood shards must be placed on the map at all times.



    Blood magic can be broken down into a few sections: 



        – Augmentation is the use of the genus within one’s or another’s blood to power or augment a spell rather than their own mana as genus tends to be more potent.

        – This comes at a great cost, as drawing too much or too little may have severe impacts upon one’s use of Augmentation, or may render one unable to stay conscious if one were to draw too much blood.

        – If an attempt to draw more blood-genus than a body can handle is attempted then a roll must be made.  If the caster or source of the blood (sometimes the same person) were to try and fail a roll it would result in the aforementioned party to lose consciousness.

        – Augmenting spells can become addictive.  The users of Augmentation often find themselves addicted to using the magic rather than their own source of mana, finding it harder to do so without it.


    *Notes And Red Lines On Augmentation:

    - Often takes two or more emotes to perform any kind of Augmentation. The user must first turn the blood into Red Mist and then another to absorb the genus.

    - Blood often has to be within a five block radius, most often coming from fresh wounds.

    - The emotes needed to draw and use genus are added on to how many emotes it takes to cast the regular spell. The regular spell must also be capped at Tier 5 of whatever that magic may be that is being Augmented.

    - Augmenting spells does not unlock access to any previously unknown spells.



        – Bloodbending is a Blood Mage’s ability to control and contort the body through the use of controlling blood. Bloodbending is typically stronger when the user is closer to their target, or if their target has any open wounds or exposed flesh.

        – Bloodbending tiers are in direct correlation to how many Bloodbending spells they may do within a 12 hour period.

        – Bloodbending spells can be considered the following:

            a) Sensing: Blood mages can sense the genus rich blood in those around them. Typically the first learned spell for those who are new to the magic, sensing can take two or more emotes to use.

            b) Contortion: Requiring focus, a blood mage may manipulate and “contort” their target’s body. This usually happens through intense focus, and cannot be used more than twice in a row. If the caster has done a significant move or cast a powerful spell they must take some time to readjust their focus before contorting another’s body. However, this contortion can only be done is what we may consider “natural motions”.  For example, an elbow cannot be bent completely backwards as that joint is not made to do so. Using Contortion one may be able to contort their victim’s body to the point of applying enough force for them to be moved.  This can be done in most directions, except for up, for up to three meters (three blocks). Contorting is usually done if the victim has an open wound or is marked by the blood mage.

            c) Congealing: Usually used for two purposes, congealing can be quite useful. First, congealing can be used to remake a blood shard as long as the blood mage who is recreating the shard is powerful enough and the shard has not been placed already.  Congealing can also be used to create a Dreg. Dregs are pieces of crystalized genus which are kin to that of mana gem, however, Dregs typically can maintain up to twice as long of a duration as to that of a mana gem. Dregs can also be used to fuel enchantments from the Dark Arts and other magics that other cannot be enchanted with.

            d) Scabbing: As the name implies, scabbing can be used to force blood to scab over wounds.  This doesn’t heal the wound or regenerate blood, it simply scabs over the blood.

            e) Concussion: Typically for those of greater skill, a blood mage may cause all the blood in their target’s head to rush in a certain direction, causing dizziness, nausea, and can even result in their victim being rendered unconscious. 

                – Typically, the head of the blood mage’s victim must be able to be viewed or they must be bleeding through whatever cover their head may be in.

                – Victims will always feel the oncoming concussion.

                – Victims can roll against the concussion, albeit coming out still dizzy and light headed. It can take six confirmed emotes before knocking out the victim without defenses.

            f) Hemorrhaging: A violent form of Bloodbending, Hemorrhaging can be used to create a “Weeping Wound” on their victim through bursting veins. The wound is typically akin to that of being stabbed, albiet being surface level only.  The wound is typically placed wherever a blood mage may touch it’s victim.  This touch can be anything from a physical strike to a gentle caress. 

           g) Freezing: The act of freezing the muscles that control movement in a victim through blood magic.  A blood mage must prepare the spell and then physically touch the one he/she is wanting to paralyze in place. The palatalization will stay until the target is either: a)Struck majorly or b)Blood is allowed to escape the victim. Now unable to be used as a target of any more blood magic related spells while paralyzed, the victim may attempt to do a roll to save themselves if they meet certain criteria (Orcs and Dwarves may resist the paralysis after they have been touched and let go by the blood mage through a roll against the mage. Also, any roll after eight emotes resulting in a five or higher may allow the victim to break free from the spell, not taking in the distance between the blood mage and the victim)

            h) Tearing: One of the last styles of Bloodbending, Tearing allows a powerful blood mage to, as it suggests, rip their target limb from limb through sheer force of blood.  This kind of magic requires the blood mage to be able to physically touch the bare skin of the victim, unless they are bleeding through whatever is covering them.  For example, one could not rip off a foot if they cannot see the bare foot, unless the target is bleeding through their shoes.  Larger things like arms and legs take longer to rip off than smaller body parts like fingers and ears.


    3)Rituals and Blood Runes

        – Blood Runes: Used mostly in rituals, Blood Runes are the language of blood magic.  Taught from master to student or through touch of a blood shard, each rune means something different and can be used in rituals to help shape and power incantations. To quote lore: Without the setting of a ritual where effects are specified or may be experimented with, runes act simply as an esoteric alphabet. Drawing one without the proper preparations would yield no special consequence.

        – There are four types of runes: Elemental, Existence, Force, and Totality, each with their own unique take on the world.

        – Rituals: Powered by Runes and often  followed with a sacrifice, Rituals can enable the caster to perform great acts of magic. Each ritual may require different amounts of genus to power them.

        – Rituals can be broken up into many types: Elemental, Summoning, Creation, and Force rituals.

            a) Elemental Rituals often are used to augment an item and grant it additional properties based on the runes used. 

            b) Summoning Rituals often rely on more than one blood mage to perform. These rituals allow the summoning of objects or creatures from this or other planes.

            c) Creation Rituals often are used to create new things.  Requiring at least three blood mages, these gruesome rituals demand great care in their planning and performing, often leading to the creation of a horrible monster or death of the blood mages involved if they do not perform the ritual correctly.

            d) Force Rituals use blood magic to do specific things depending on which rune was used and often do not require much genus.




    Blood magic’s uses can be both good and bad, often leading to enhanced abilities and creatures.


    Blood Mages can offer up a portion of their soul as well as the ability to learn more magics to gain access to enhanced abilities, often called Marrows. Marrows are linked with Totems, which are objects created by the blood mage and must always be on their person in order to utilize the effects of marrows. Upon totems, Blood Mages create Cyphers, which contains many runes written, not by blood, but by the red mist (genus) from which blood mages gain their control of magic.


    There are two types of classifications for those who chose to dabble in Marrows, Rouges and Beserkers. The Blood Mage would find their body shifting to support their newly enhanced organs.


    On Rogues:


    Rogues typically tend to only give up one or two of their other magic slots in order to posses the enhanced abilities of either the Brain or Hand marrow.


    The Brain marrow calls for the mage to enhance their mind allowing them to quiet both inner and outer noises.  Mages with the brain marrow often find that they cannot be affected by shades or other mages trying to get into their heads (this includes any magic that would cause them to hear voices or meddle with their head). Because of this silence, rogues cannot be cognats, shades, or druids or be made into atronachs.


    The Hand marrow allows for the rogue to gain an extra level of dexterity that they would not possess outside of having their totem with them.


    On Berserkers:


    Berserkers have completely devoted their lives to Blood magic, using up all four of their remaining magical slots for enhanced abilities in game.


    Four slots would mean four different marrows: Greater Brain, Greater Hand, Stomach, and Heart.


    The Greater Brain and Hand marrows simply enhance the enchantments of their lesser counterparts in the form of enhanced skilled labor for the hand marrow and the brain marrow allowing for a greater understanding of genus and allowing them to understand higher levels of mathematics, sciences such as alchemy, and philosophy with relative ease. This would allow for knowledge learned through wisdom and experience to be gained quicker.  However, recipes and stuff relating to that are not instantly gained.


    The Stomach marrow would allow the stomach and intestines to “become galvanized” so that the wielder of the totem may consume up to a pound of raw meat or blood and convert that into usable genus.


    The Heart marrow would allow for the Berserker to do two things: 

    1. It allows for the Berserker to store double the amount of blood through self augmentation. This stored genus is stored in the blood, being that Berserkers store up to twice the amount of blood as normal descendants.  They will not suffer any ill consequences from using these extra stores of Genus until they completely exhaust them and use their own natural stores.
    2. Unlocks Blood Sculpting.
      1. Blood sculpting allows the wielder to form shapes and weapons out of their own blood. This tool will remain in it’s form as long a the Berserker who created the object is still within it’s sphere of influence.  The Berserker controls if it’s still solid or if it will be liquidated back to blood. The created object is as strong and durable as ferrum weapons and are created as if they had gone through the weeping ritual and can make use of the draining rune alongside any of the elemental runes the caster may desire. Anything may be made, from armor to wear, to any tool one may be able to use, be that for combat or everyday life.




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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