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Posts posted by Venomoo

  1. OOC/RP Application

    MC Name: Venomoo

    RP Name: Voraail

    Skype Account ((PM me if you wish for it to be private)): You have it you nerds

    Timezone: US CST

    Profession: /sk breeder top

    Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it?: Why is this even a question.

    PK Clause Agreement ((Yes or No)): I don't pk but maybe for u gois :^)


  2. 22 minutes ago, AbbatiaAmor said:

    People put time and effort into their artwork. If you're unwilling to pay for someone's art, you don't really deserve it.

    ^^^ Very true, if you aren't willing to pay such a small amount then you shouldn't have art, although you can always keep track of your favorite artists and most that stream may do raffles that you could enter for free. It's still very much appreciated to support artists through paying for their work since it's a pretty damned hard thing to make a living out of.

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