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Posts posted by Chimp

  1. 1 minute ago, Maury said:

    Somewhere in Arcas, a Snow Elf chuckles at the valah and their boastful behaviors.


    2 minutes ago, Maury said:

    Somewhere in Arcas, a Snow Elf chuckles at the valah and their boastful behaviors.

    Somewhere in Arcas a man thinks the snelves would boast too if they were capable of winning anything.

  2. ok but why are you pausing the entire war for this. Just keep it going and then apply the new rules next war or when they are ready. Honestly im getting tired of this war and you changing rules midwar and pausing the whole thing just ensures that it will last well into the summer for no god damned reason.

  3. 17 minutes ago, yopplwasupxxx said:

    “Hah! You opened your legs more than the Ves guards let raiders and Owynists in. Any children that came from your bosom is a petri dish of who the father is.” comments a more decrepit Fred of Marna.

    “That’s not a very nice thing to say about the Ves guards, at least they fight to the death unlike your so called nobles who cower in fear. Considering one of them sacrificed themselves to keep your sister alive, the one whom you did not seem to care for before, i’d say you already owe them quite a lot. If the Adrians were to try to grab themselves a deal much like the Curonites have, you would be more screwed than your ***** mother was.” ((Void this if its not the brother of that girl we kidnapped, u and all ur chars))

  4. “Wait a minute.. Blood sacrifices? That sounds like something an Iblees worshiper would want.. So the Orenians are not only led by a ***** son bastard who is too feeble to carry a sword made of anything other than softwood, they are also led by a blood seeking Iblees worshiper who pretends to be the vicar of GOD? What kind of madness has befallen on this world?” Asks an inquiring man.

  5. “The tyranny of Aurelius who was offered the marnan throne by the marnan king, oh wait, or was it  that time he protected haense from rebels and bandits, making the haensetic king willingly vassalize under him? Such a tyrant..”

  6. 1 hour ago, Archbishop said:

    “I don’t think we need luck when you’re too scared to meet us in the open field and defend the land surrounding Helena.” said Archbishop Zachery as he prepares for a siege, the renatians being too scared to attend the skirmish.

    “Which skirmish? You mean all the ones renatus has won? I’m very confused by that statement, are you in some kind of otherwordly realm?”

  7. 20 minutes ago, Thornz said:

    Cuk’ku’Gorkil remembers the dishonorable gobo Rex, struck with fear, putting orcish word to shame and turning on the elves to join Renatus.

    Remembers those same elves burning their nation instead of defending it in the first place.

  8. Just now, Elennanore said:

    "Though not the greatest piece of work, a fine allusion nonetheless." Says Ellenore Rorik the Norlander.

    (( I rarely make serious rp thread so it might seem like someone unexperienced has made it lol))

  9. 2 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    “Rats ‘r pre’’eh cute ter beh hones’” says Daisy Applefoot the halfling.

    “They are when they spend their days grinding at a wheel of cheese and not trying to rule” A man smirks besides her.

  10. Somewhere inside a cavern in the northern regions of Arcas, a flower a grew. The flower, was of a shade of white.
    Right besides the flower sat a man, a man who was seemingly caring for the flower.

    ”Mother, the rats have come out of their hell holes.” The man said as if speaking to the flower.

    “It’s not enough that they took you away, they have to destroy everything he’s built or else they won’t be satisfied.”

    A cool wind blew into the cavern, reminding the flower that the climate above was not so forgiving. The flower stood its ground, radiating it’s glamorous beauty as if unphased. 

    ”The colossus crumbles and falls, they will build a small statue in it’s stead, hoping that it will have the same effect.”

    The man promptly stood up, looking outside the cavern. He began walking towards the exit.

    ”Climbing a mound of corpses to reach the podium, the rat king will install his statue in it’s stead.”

    “However, the colossus lasted as long as it did because the people helped maintain it, shape it back up, clean it. This is something the rat king will realize, having used that same people’s corpses to reach the podium in the first place”

    The man exited the cavern, the flower still stood it’s ground, divinely waving as each breeze came through.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Drew2_dude said:

    “oh my, the more their head grows with these meaningless skirmishes...the day will come for them, as it has all tyrants.” says Duncan as he shakes his head in pity

    A man wonders why the emperor who’s nation has a proper parliament is a tyrant but the one who has not, is not? 

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