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Posts posted by Shadowlord5

  1. Name:Galaheirn Halodorn


    Experience/Degree:No degree, but a wide range of experience with range weapons. Trained with a Master in the use of all High Elven Weapons. Accounted for 7 deaths of the enemies of our Race and previously served Kag'iim in Orc Raiding and Hunting.

    Occupations and Labour Skills: Previous Mercenary. Exceptional with Weapons both Close-Quarters and Range. Scouter

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?: I have ancestors raging back to the Aegis. I have been told about it too by my parents and Master.

    How long has one resided with his/her people?:Since I was born

    Will you place the wellbeing of Silver and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?:I shall do so until my last breath!.




    Skype (can be sent privately if requested):Privately would be nice!

    Do you have teamspeak ?:Yes


  2. Given Name: Imrilas Ano'thern

    True Name (MC Name): Shadowlord5

    (Skype Name): namanshamrocks

    Race? Silvan/Wood Elf

    Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? The Knight

    Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? I swear 

  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?:Shadowlord5

    How old are you?: I am 15 years old.

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes, I am aware of this.

    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): No, this is my first time.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes I have

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Cyber bullying is not allowed. 

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): Yes. I do not understand the rule of destructing hacks. Does that mean griefing?

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Google search for lord of the rings servers




    What is roleplaying?: To act as a certain character or genre for entertainment or work.

    What is metagaming?: Using knowledge in a gaming universe gained from experience or external matters 

    What is power gaming?: Power gaming is when an emote is used which forces the other player to act according to the emote.


    In-Character Information


    Character’s name: Imrilas

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Silvan Elf(Wood-Elf)

    Character’s age: 200 years old


    Biography   My name is Imrilas. I currently live in Cerulin. I have lived here many decades, learning to become one with nature and the bow. My parents died soon after a great war with the other races of the elves. I left Salvus, my hometown which was just becoming filled with all races. I went to Fiandria, hoping to seek a sign in the ancient forest. But then i soon stumbled upon the House of the High Elves. I realised instantly I was unwelcome here and would be everywhere except the House of the Silvan Elves. I fled to Cerulin and trained constantly.


    I met a young wood-elf here, a girl by the name of Leo'rnie. Her parents died in the war too. She is barely 10. Looking into her eyes, I saw myself. Scared, alone and desperate for company. She too is an outcast, part Silvan and part High Elf. I decided to take her under my wing. Now i teach her the weapons and how to become one with nature. I constantly have ventured out, fighting forces of the Shadows and being ever watchful. Our Lord does not appreciate this. He constantly forbids me from these activities. Yet i wonder, if I do not fight the Shadow, what prevents me from joining it. But there is an evil presence i feel. Now i fear there is a Shadow growing. One that seeks to devour all.But I await it.


    Personality Traits:Enthusiastic, Conscious and Bold

    Ambitions: Revenge against the Shadow and to be accepted.

    Strengths/Talents: Loyalty to his own kin, excellent with the bow and daggers. 

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Arrogant at times and unable with other weapons

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Black hair, Slightly shorter then the other race of elves but taller than Silvan Elves. Brown Eyes and medium build.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):http://imgur.com/Aw13FEc


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