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Posts posted by Delfato

  1. Would like to see a bit more builds/buildings.

    This is very standard builds.

    Siege camp walz are a bit low for walz that is.


    Looking at what you have uploaded it looks good, but i want to see something bigger.

    As it curntly is i would say:



    also the reason why is pritty shady...


    Why do you wish to become an Event Team Builder?

    I wish to become Event Team Builder because I always build with the survival inventory on LOTC, I always run out of materials. ET Builder gives me a chance to build without depleting my resources.


    you can change my mind by building something amezing, that shows you got what it takes.

    i’m missing style builds.


  2. Username Delfato

    Timezone Utc +2

    Group/Nation: Dwarf/Kha/human


    Have you ever held a staff position before?

    On difrent games yes, on lotc no.


    Have you ever been banned before?



    What style do you prefer to build in?

    Medieval, caves.
    Can alwase learn new styles.


    Are you comfortable using World Edit commands?

    yes, small area edits are fine.
    But i still have to learn a few things, dont use world editers alot.


    Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list: Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy

    Here is a list of screenshots of my build.

    Its the kha area, custom landscape & buildings and tree's.

    Most things on this build are done with hand.

    And alot of modreq's for the current lotc server, so thanks to the mod team for supporting the build.


    I do like to look back on old servers.

    It gives me the idea to put some things back in for the feeling of some builds.

    In the kha build it was the statue of the kha's and there banners (things that make there race known).



    Explain what you feel results in a quality build

    Custom things like tree's and mapping.

    But also the little details like adding slabs, stairs or ore's to caves to make it feel more like a cave.

    For buildings i would say that it looks like its part of the area where its build. (less equal levels.)

    Multiple poeple helping on a build, so you don't stress out over your own build, this also inproves builds sometimes or gives you new idea's.

    Time, alot of time.


    Why do you wish to become an Event Team Builder?

    I like to build, and i'm bored most of the time when i'm online on lotc.
    And feeling a bit of pride for the buildings/things you make that contribute to good RP.


    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    Spend alot of time building.
    Making the buildings really nice looking.
    adding small landscape details to make the build fit in.

    Using alot of time to build, most due to me building by hand.
    Large terrain editing or block scrambling. (lack of experience for wand/sniper/brush use.)


    How much time could you give this position in the foreseeable future?

    Unkown, starting a new job soon in sept, but my gues is around 18/21 hours a week or more.


    Current Username:



    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice):

    Delfato #2314



    Timezone(s) you mainly play: +1

    What group/nation do you consider to be your main?

    Cruntly kha, also sometimes build dwarf builds. (Playing race mostly dwarf)


    Have you held a staff position before?:

    No not on LOTC, did apply less then 5 min ago for GM.

    Do you currently hold a staff position?

    Not that i'm aware of atm.

    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?

    Yes~ already did.

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?



    What style do you prefer to build in? (Low fantasy, High fantasy, dungeons, creatures, terrain, etc.)

    All round.

    Are you comfortable using world edit commands?

    Yes and no, i do have to learn a bit more in these things. bin a while sins i used them.

    Provide screenshots of three builds you have created from the following list (Terrain, Creature, Medieval, or High Fantasy)

    Does the Kha build on 6.0 map do?.

    I dont keep screenshots of my builds.

    Explain what you feel results in a quality build.

    small house Details, specail terain details, custume tree's & less squire builds.



    Why do you wish to become an ET Builder Member?

    I have some free time, and i'm mostly bored.

    What strengths would you bring to the team?

    Dont know.

    What are your weaknesses?

    quarts buildings, and i mostly build things by hand, this takes a bit more time. (mostly has to due with me not wanting to **** up by using commands.)

    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?

    3/5 a day or more (do have a job might be less sometimes)


  4. IGN(s): Delfato

    Age: 24

    Timezone: +1

    Delfato #2314

    What map did you join during?:

    map 4.0
    Do you have access to a microphone?:


    Average daily playing time?:

    Atleast 3/5 hours or more. (Do have a job)
    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?:


    Why do you want to join the GM Team?:

    Just to help out in the modreq's and learning on the job while doing it.

    I alwase get bored while i'm on the server.

    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application:


    Anything else you want to tell us?:

    Can only try my best, and hope to learn thing from it. You can alwase poke me on steam.

  5. Name:

    Age: 73
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: is good in making small provits in trade's
    How many will be moving in with you?

    just me...
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?

    ~unaware of the law, but does accept that there could be a law.

    Mc Name: Delfato
    Skype: Delfato

  6. Redstone and the explanation behind it.


    While restone can be easily found in the mine's, the mineral contains 3 different minerals within it.

    Redstone is a mixture between clay, electro magnetic particles and small iron particles.

    [This explanes the redstone line's and why they can go up on wals]


    When redstone by itself is layed on the floor in small amounts it doesn't do anything.

    If redstone is piled up and is refined into a redstone block it creates heat and admits a small electronic signal witch powers nearby redstone.

    When the normal layed redstone is powerd by this it also creates heat and transfures the electonic signal to the end of the redstone line. Does powering or heating the object that is used.

    [This would explains why redstone can power netherrack to ignit and why pistons/traps work as they do.]

    But you dont need a redstone block to power redstone by itself, redstone can also be powerd by a lever grinding gears and abit of redstone to provide a small anount of electronic particles at a constant speed.

    As for buttoms they give a small electornic spark that powers the redstone for a small amount of time.

    Then what are redstone torches ? redstone torches are like the redstoneblock  refined redstone, only put into cloth and raped around a stick.

    Like the redstone block it also admits a redstone signal and heat.

    Only when redstone torches are near other redstone torches they can cancel out the electornic signal form one of the torches and does stopping the heat and electornic signal from that torch.

    This is done by the amount of refined redstone that put into the cloth on the redstone torches

    [explanes why redstone torches stop working when put like this.]


    What if your redstone line was broken?

    The redstone line can only trapsport electronic signals truw the line itself and would stop working becouse the signal cant reach the end of the line unless there is another way for it to transport the signal.





    From your dear tinkerer ~ Delfato

  7. OOC:

    Minecraft Username: Delfato

    Skype: Delfat0

    Do you have a Teamspeak(Yes/No): yes


    Name: Ethildor

    Race: dwarf

    Profession: Miner

    Skills: Miner, lumberjack & Tinker

    Desired Position: Guard

    Do you understand that misleading Valiant and Balk, and or falsification of any information will lead to your immediate expulsion from the Bank and possible Death?(Yes/No) yes

  8. Out-Of-Character information



    minecraft account name: Delfato

    How old are you?: 22

    Are you aware the server is PG-13?: Yes

    Have you applied to this server before?: No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, its quite long if you have Dislaxya.

    What's the rule you agree with the most?: Destructive hacks such as kill aura, auto-mining, and free-cam, among other plugins granting an unfair advantage are not premitted.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don't make sense?

    yes, but its more that im not use to this...

    claiming with a region pillar. (i have no idea what it is or how to get it)

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Well i was just looking for a new rp server to spend some time on but mostly google help me with find you.

    What is roleplaying?:

    in my own words: playing along the lines of a set avatar to communicate with other players bevore doing any actions ingame.

    What is metagaming?:

    Using out of game information like forums,ts3,skype enzo. To get information that you other wise would not get ingame. And using that for own game.

    What is powergaming?:

    setting your avatar to be something it should not be like, a god or something like that.



    In-Character information



    Character's Name: Ethildor

    Character's Gender: Male

    Character's Race: Dwarf

    Character's age: 72 (Taking in account that dwarfs get around 400)



    Ethildor was born in a village near the boaders of San'vitar, Ethildor father was one of the runesmithes of the village and his mother was a designer. one day his father died while on a job in a near town. Ethildors mother was hart broken by the death of her loved one and she took her own live. Ethildors father's best friend, got Ethildor of the village.

    And moved to a other village with his wive and Ethildor.

    This was when Ethildor was around the age of 10.

    Ethildor was raished by his father friend and his wive in a little village near the mountains, who tought him the skill of smithing, crafting and abit of designing. Aldo his combat skills where Horrible, he decided to leave the village to explore the world at the age of 32.

    He traveld from village to village for 1 year and found a master to train him in the skills of combat.

    After 5 years Ethildor was finished with his combat training.

    His main training was in axes that he had to forge for himself.

    But he also took sword and speer lessons.

    At the age of 42 Ethildor left the village where he trained to learn some other crafts that could be usefull to him later. After a week traveling he found a little camp where mountain dwarfs crafted leather armors.

    Ethildor took a intrest in this and made a deal with the mountain dwarfs he payed the mountain dwarfs a small amount of money to teach him how to make leather armors but he had to stay for 2 years to keep the other side of the bargen he made with the mountain dwarfs.

    Ethildor learnd for 2 years long on how to make leather armors and in the progress he found out that his smithing skills where usefull in combination with his leather work. And so he forged a armor that was not to heavy, and was warm enough to pas along any mounten.

    After he made his armor Ethildor went out on his journey again to find something new to learn.

    2 years he walked around... untill he found some elf's that where reading books in the elvish city of Annil'sul, Ethildor could not read any of the books.

    So he asked the elf's of Annil'sul to teach him, the elfs laught first becouse a dwarf asked them to teach him the elvish language, one elf pitied the dwarf and said that he would teach him.

    It was quite hard for Ethildor to read the elvish books due to the different language...

    At the age of 49 Ethildor could speak and read the books and Ethildor had read manny books.

    One of these books was the book of The Crumbling tower,about how the dwarven king banished his daughter to this tower becouse she had bin tained with dark magic.

    In the book there was nothing on what kind of dark magic tained the dwarven kings daughter.

    Ethildor found this quite the mistery on what kind of cures this would have bin.

    So with that question in mind Ethildor went back to the dwarven lands.

    On his way back to the dwarven lands he decided to pass truw his old home where he grew up.

    One's home. He came back to a burning village, with the corpses of dwarfs and orcs.

    Among the dead where whis foster parents, one was holding a book with a fals cover.. with in the book there was some information containing the history of the Urguan's Hall's on what was hidden inside and possibly the location on one of the keys that sealed the Urguan's Hall's. Aldo the location of this key is hidden with in the riddels in the book so no would fined it, atleast that was the idea.

    Ethildor had no home to return to... he took the book and left the runed village behind.

    Devastated by this he went to the mountens along his way to the mountens he picked up some more books. One's on the frosty mountens he made his home there and thats where he stated in silence for 23 years digging his way inside the mounten to find gold or gems. Till he was 72 and took a few step outside his mountain hall.


    Personality Traits: Shy, and quaite And hungry for knowledge.

    Ambitions: to leave behind something to rember him and his famalie by.

    Strengths/Talents: wise and a exalent craftsmanship in building and armory's

    Weaknesses/inabilities: Has social problems, and has a hard time making friends.

    Latent talent: runesmithing

    Appearance: normal, but slightly higher then normal dwarfs.

    Character's skin: http://postimg.org/image/clz9v49sh/

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