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Posts posted by Tharggus

  1. Name: Armkohm Doomforged ((xLord_Oblivionx ))

    Age: don't know off hand will update soon

    Race: dark dwarf

    Previous Positions: none, but ye got to start somewhere. 

    Why should you be chosen: I feel as though I could bring this tavern to glory, and make it stronger than ever.

    Previous Experience: none but ye got to start at some point 

  2. #Minecraft name/s: xlord_oblivionx
    #Age: 16
    #Time zone and availability: central roughly 5 hours during the week and 10 hours on weekends, on holidays 10 hours daily
    #Skype: live:dylanstafford1999
    #What is something you have always wanted to change on the server?: The mining world has bugged me for awhile. The idea of a world of mining without a cave system ever and resources so hard to find you almost never do. I also would love to see more player to staff relation, more staff talking to players, as I've seen some players are loosing hope in staff and I'd love to be one of the staff members who revitalizes the bond of staff player, reassuring everyone that staff are good and we do our best at all times. 
    #What are your finest qualities?: My finest qualities other than my dashing good looks would have to be I love people, and I love solving problems, If im given a question i dont know I will go out and solve it for the person asking, and always be nice in the process. 
    #What are your worst qualities, and how could you improve these aspects?: My worst qualities would be my times where I get frustrated when people refuse to listen to my rulings or commands. I've had times on a personal sever i owned for awhile where i would tell an admin or mod to do something and they refused, and  id get frustrated, it took a good 5 min of me relaxing to easily handle the situation, and i need to work on that and become more understanding in all situations, sometimes i need to take a step back and look at the big picture instead of listening to the one person who wont listen.
    #What members of the Staff could you look to for guidance?: Combustionary, Dizzy771, Cosmicwhaleshark, fiat, Tirenes 
    #How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?: I have tons of free time as soon as my school day ends around 3:00 cst and it changes to more on holidays, like thanksgiving coming up on the 22nd-29th.
  3. OOC

    Minecraft Account Name:xlord_oblivionx

    Skype (Send me a PM if you do not want it public): live:Dylanstafford1999 ((if that doesn't work pm me))

    Timezone:central time U.S.

    What are your two main professions?: MINING, BLACKSMITH


    Name: Tharggus

    Age: 127

    Dwarven Ethnicity (Mountain/Cave/Forest Dwarf): Cave

    Occupation (Miner/Lumberjack/Farmer, etc.):Miner

    Are you a citizen of Kal’Akash?:Yes

  4. I will, i just want a small bit of feed back from them before i spend my day writing out a lore for this race, In the end its just an idea i came up with while sitting in class, if i were to write lore id need to be told from the team that its an idea they would like to run with maybe


  5. If anyone is up to it I would love it if you could design me a Lizard warrior skin, It is just an idea i had for rp and if its implemented Id love to have a skin ready for it




  6. *A note is posted on a sign outside of the dwarven city of Kal'Akash*

    "Ores of all kind fer sale Ferrum ((Iron Ingot)), Aurum((Gold Ingot)), Carbarum((Diamond)), Redstone, Emerald, Avanite, Lapis. Any thing ye need at a note or a bird away.

    Ferrum((Iron Ingot)) fer 6 mina a bar

    Aurum((Gold Ingot)) fer 8 mina a bar

    Carbarum((Diamond)) fer 30 mina a crystal

    Redstone fer 2 mina a crystal

    Emerald fer 2 mina a crystal

    Avanite fer 5 mina a crystal

    lapis fer 2 mina a crystal

    Prices may very slightly depeneding on demand

    Need Armour repairs done or Items smithed? Send a bird to Tharggus ((xLord_Oblivionx)), if de bird comes back with no reply leave an order infront of the Ironworks, staight forward from the Dwarven gates.

    All Items will be made or repaired as quick as possible.

    ORDER NOW!!!"

  7. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication! 
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: xLord_Oblivionx
    How old are you?: 16
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): yes
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): This is my first.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I went through every rule. 
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: You must follow established lore while you roleplay. Sorry for the color I couldn't figure out how to stop it. All the rules are amazing but, this is my favorite because, i want to be in a place where no one breaks character and you work with and use lore to play. 
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): N/A
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft? I started watching ProbalyNotAP's series on youtube.
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is the act of preforming a particular role, much like theater where one plays out as a character and lives their lives.
    What is metagaming?: Mixing chats like out of character and in character chats.
    What is powergaming?: Using unrelistic actions against someone else. Ex: Jonh fights the dragon with his bare hands and wins.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    Character’s name: Tharggus
    Character’s gender: Male
    Character’s race: Dwarf 
    Character’s age: 25
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.): Tharggus is a young dwarf, a Irongut, who's father died before Tharggus could even mine his first piece of iron or, gold. Thargusses father was killed by thieves on travel to the great city of Felsen. Born in the city capital of Kal'Akash, Tharggus now lives alone in the vast city of Kal'Akash seeking honor and  power.
    Personality Traits: Shy, growing with a lack of parents or someone to talk to. Optimistic, he never wants to see the bad in a situation he always finds ways to see the good. Tough, being bown in the city he has grown tough by seeing those he cares for die at war and seige. 
    Ambitions: Tharggus wants retrieve the best Ore and become the best warrior and protector in the dwarven nation. On top of that Tharggus wants to reach Paragon.
    Strengths/Talents: Tharggus has a strong knowledge on the ores of the land and is well trained with an ax and sword even at his young age, and he isent to shabby of a competition drinker.
    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Tharggus has a weakness for pretty women, and a horrible liar if you were to get Tharggus drunk and all the 'beans' would spill in seconds. 
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): 5'1, 250 lbs of pure muscle. He has a body above a normal dwarf, muscles carved and chipped away at as if he was sculpted. His eyes are as black as coal, with a cut across his right eye due to a small skirmish with ruffians, his hair is  as brown as wood with a slight blue strip running up the middle, with emeralds and gold and iron dressing his beard.
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):
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