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Posts posted by Reno

  1. Spawn is spawn. it shouldn't be an RP hub, it takes away from actual cities and their taverns. Valor's docks were just a group of 10 elves sitting in a circle, or armies walking trying to recruit people passing through. 

    Save the Rp for the places that were built for RP, not the places that were made as a connection point.




    Today King Tobias Staunton lets our crew inside his newly

    acquired royal palace, to answer the question we all have;

    What does the king do in his daily routine?


    King Tobias Staunton lets us in his newly furnished palace.



    We enter the imperial throne room of the King of Courland, let's see if we can get a closer look



    Just look at those mutton chops on Sven Staunton, truly remarkable



    We move on over to the imperial dining hall, 



    You can almost smell the alcohol from here 



    The king and his lovely wife are nice enough to invite us into their chambers

    Tobias - "You look lovely my lady"

    Lady Staunton - "This necklace is beautiful!"

    Such a lovely couple they are



    And they know how to please themselves as well ;), well leave you two love birds in there for a bit.



    Here we have the Tobias, Ramsey, and Sven watching over the walls. Though it seems that Sven is taking a leak over them!



    Later we see Sven dealing with some Staunton troubles in the court



    Practicing their trio dance



     And to end his day, King Tobias likes to wrap up with his wife in bed




     Catch us next week as we get a look into the daily life of a dwarf, digging holes, drinking ale, and a whole ton of drunken fights.

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