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Posts posted by Ticklem0nster

  1. 38 minutes ago, SergioliniAKASirDwarvy said:



    Rp section

    Name: Jensen Jager

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Birth place: Unknown

    Reason for joining: Invited by Ailred var Ruthern.

    Do you swear to protect House Ruthern, the County of Metterden, and the Kingdom of Haense?


    OOC Section

    Mcname: AceYung

    Discord: sergio.brz


    Report to Helmholtz for further orders.


    Captain Godric Black

  2. 1 minute ago, ArenaLord said:

    Name: Vigeth

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Birth place: Northguard

    Reason for joining: Looks interesting.

    Do you swear to protect House Ruthern, the County of Metterden, and the Kingdom of Haense?

    I do swear to protect this great Kingdom and great country

    OOC Section

    Mcname: YasuoBot

    Discord: WitchHunter


    Report to Helmholtz for further orders.


    Captain Godric Black

  3. 1 minute ago, ()()Evilpizzaman()() said:

    Name: Alexander Hawkwood

    Age: 23

    Race: Human 

    Birth place: Haense

    Reason for joining: Housing and Income

    Do you swear to protect House Ruthern, the County of Metterden, and the Kingdom of Haense?

    I sweat to protect House Ruthern, the County of Metterden, and the Kigdom of Haense.

    OOC Section

    Mcname: evilpizzaman

    Discord: GangGang123#4322


    Report to Helmholtz for further orders.


    Captain Godric Black

  4. Full Name: Godric Black

    Date of Birth: I don't know but I'm like 35

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Birth Place [I.E: Kingdom of Haense, Crownsland, Saint Karlsburg.]: Sain Karlsburg

    Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Bastard of House Colborn

    Name your purpose for enlisting: For King and Country!




    Timezone: CST

  5. 4 minutes ago, MCPancakes said:

    My group is urguan, and a look at my ban record would reveal I have only been banned once and for only a week when I first joined the server. And i dont think there is any reputation for the coalition other than what Oren wants to give us because they are salty... 


    When I said that I was more of looking at norland and Malg, he has a record.  But I'll admit there was a little bit of flame in that so my mistake.

  6. 1 minute ago, Fuze said:


    This was the reason they were banned, if you did the same thing as they did you should have been banned as well.

    When I say I'm mad I didnt convert it, I mean that the gear didnt work that's all.

  7. I will admit it's kinda shitty that you were all banned, I would've just liked the weapons to be taken away and gear restored. I myself have no salt cause I didn't die in the fight, only slightly mad at myself for not converting all my gear.   

  8. 1 minute ago, MCPancakes said:

    I believe it wasn't too long ago oren was complaining when their leader got banned for blatantly breaking rules. Now when four of us get banned for not being aware we had glitched items, you think it's justified? We explained this to Onslaughted after it happened and he said that he believes us when we say we didn't know. He also took our items without any resistance on our part. We then returned a large portion of the gear we won from that fight and apologized for the accidental use of broken weapons. After that, we went even further and allowed them to search our vaults in case we had anymore broken items.... this ban is not at all justified and the fact that one of us even got hit with a 6 month ban is absolutely ridiculous. I dare say we should be thanked for making this bug known, even though it was unfortunately discovered after we defeated you. We had no intention of cheating in a fight in fact we never expected to win in the first place.


    With the reputation your group has i very much have a hard time believing that you were unaware of having such items but who am I to say such things for I am a salty Haenseman.  

  9. Kevin is a good man who can bring people together.  I've been in a few groups with him in it and always it is him to lead the charge to bring people together rather than fighting between eachother. I feel like this man would do great things as a GM. +1

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