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Posts posted by Apeena_

  1. Ada was in bed when her youngest daughter came to read the missive to her. Once she had finished, the maid nodded to herself with a ghost of a smile on her lips.

    “I wonder if they’ll ask me to organize the feast!” The maid wondered as her daughter began to assist in feeding the frail woman spoonfuls of soup.

  2. MC Name: Apeena

    Character's Name: Medaith

    Character's Age: 1


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Alrin Sul'Sumana


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Comprised of working clockwork parts, these nonmagical constructs consist of working mechanisms in the place of the usual fleshy pieces and organs the descendants have become accustomed to. They possess eyes, that are treated alchemically in order to make them functioning, a voicebox, similar to that of a musicbox, alchemical substances in the place of blood, tubing in the place of veins, a framework that is similar to that of a skeletal frame, and a heart; the most essential part of an animii. The heart produces the energy needed for the animii to function, while the brain is responsible for intelligence. The more wrinkles these constructs have on their brains, the smarter they are, although their intelligence can never exceed that of a descendant. A few additional flaws the animii possess is that if they were to ever lose an amount of alchemical substances that would reasonably cause a human to pass out from losing that amount of blood, the animii would shut down. Unlike how human blood clots and heals, an animii is unable to clot it’s ‘blood’, so any excessive bleeding would be hard to stop. They also have very vulnerable joints. Once the animii’s heart is destroyed they are, for all intents and purposes, dead, although the heart may be salvaged if there is enough of it left. The frame of the animii can be broken, or snapped with enough force, or sliced through with a weapon such as a sword. A unique capability that animii have is their ability to overclock. While they are overclocked, they can run fast and are stronger than they would be normally, though the downsides to doing so are that the heart beats at a wildly irregular pace, putting the animii at risk of internal damage and often puts them out of commission for IRL hours after coming out of overclocking.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. From within the kitchens of Valwyck, the aging Ada solemnly slaved away at batches of baked goods, the continued quietness of Valwyck growing evermore quiet after Ana’s demise. The maid fondly recalled her select dear memories of the Gant; from first meeting her child, to her silent admiration of her as one of the only women to stand up to the late Petyr Baruch.

    “A tough woman til the end. I am glad to have known her, even if it was only for a short time.” 

  4. A nearly elderly maid of Valwyck prepares a picnic within the kitchen, filling her wicker basket with the goodies she knew the Baruch children liked -- cookies, small sandwiches, various juices, and a large blanket that she had hand-knit for this occasion.


    "A wretched person, truly. But he was still their Papej, and they will no doubt grieve in their different ways." The aging woman said to another maid, "My heart breaks for those poor children." 

  5. The aged maid of Valwyck sat in her room for the remainder of the day after hearing news of Sofiya's fate. 


    "I am so sorry." She offered to the silent room, "I will watch over them until my last breath."



    MC Name: Apeena


    IC Name: Escanor


    Original Race (n/a if not applicable): Highlander


    Transformed Form: Dreadknight


    Creator (MCname and RP name, n/a if not applicable): Lokhir, TauFirewarrior


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Walking hallowed suits of armor held together with the use of blood runes. These creatures are sired from the tormented souls of whatever descendant was slaughtered to make them. Their sole purpose is to follow every order to the letter that they are given from their Dreadlord, this individual is the blood mage that created and controls the Dread Knight. While boasting strength somewhere between an Olog and a Golem, these abominations have slower movements speed and are susceptible to holy magic and fi magic as well as blunt objects, specifically blunt aurum. Additionally, Dread Knights never have to breathe nor eat, they are immortal, and remain as such by fueling the blood runes that hold them together.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  7. MC Name: Apeena


    Character's Name: Gilhiel Synalli


    Character's Age: 16


    Character's Race: High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Transfiguration


    Teacher's MC Name: Tahmas


    Teacher's RP Name: Crumena Synalli


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yeah


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope




    MC Name: Apeena


    Character's Name: Gilhiel Synalli


    Character's Age: 16


    Character's Race: High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Cognatism


    Teacher's MC Name: Tahmas


    Teacher's RP Name: Crumena Synalli


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yeah


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope



    MC name: ZBigCheese


    Character's name and age: Anira, 217


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Electro Evocation


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?: @Fury_Fire


    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?: Lefkos Amethil


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: None


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: None

  10. Arryn “Revlis” Silverblade




    Basic Information:


    Nickname: N/A


    Age: 20


    Gender: Female


    Race: ¾ Human and ¼ High Elf


    Religious Standing: None


    Alignment: Neutral Good


    Homelands: Arryn’s home is the Dreadlands


    Status: Alive!




    Height: 5’7


    Weight: 120


    Body Type: Slim


    Eyes: Hazel/Light brown


    Hair: Light, chestnut hair that reaches down  to her lower-back


    Skin: Fairly pale, mostly free of blemishes


    Markings/Tattoos: Arryn has no visible scarring on her body


    Health: Excellent

    Personality:  Although kind, she is prone to keeping her distance from others, especially Orenians, and values family above all else. Her shyness is overly apparent, and her politeness knows no ends. She is distrustful of most, excluding her family.

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