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Posts posted by Lizellan

  1. Name: Lentos

    ((MCName)): DarklySerious

    Origin: Unknown to me.

    How can you declare you are Malithill: Though I was raised among Valah, I stood out because of my violet eyes and silver hair. I also have long felt the need to follow maehr'sae hiylun’ehya.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Haelunor: So that I may learn magic, as well as help our grand city forward through these recently dark times.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race: A great race of teachers and avid learners.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you: To me it means progress, and maintaining our health.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why: maehr'sae hiylun’ehya, since I find it important to maintain my health, for even if the life of a Mali is long, it may be cut short by horrific illness, and all progress lost.

    What is the subject of the first book you will submit to the college (If you have already submitted a book, please inform the council and provide us with its name): Frost Witches and their abilities.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the roads from The Cloud Temple together: I would be unfazed. If a Mali’aheral chooses to spend their time with Valah and Uruk they may, but the must be prepared to be looked down upon by their kin.

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the council: I have long spent my life on the road, and even though I was raised to trust in a higher power I do not believe it.


  2. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: DarklySerious

    How old are you?: 12

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before?: Yes with the same character (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/132827-whitelist-application/#entry1268022)

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The one on cyber bullying

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No ma’am

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Through a skin site



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Playing as a character you are not in real life

    What is metagaming?: Using info from outside of the game to gain an advantage over other players

    What is power gaming?: Giving a character overpowered abilities and skills to give them an advantage


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Rune Elivia Moreva

    Character’s gender: Female

    Character’s race: Human (Heart lander)

    Character’s age: 22

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):


                Rune began her life in a small village in Vailor, where she grew up with her dear old uncle and aunt, who worked too teach her as much as they could. Her aunt did the best she could too raise her to be ladylike and proper as her mother would have liked, but the girl was far too curious and rowdy. Such curiosity got her a snakebite on her chin, which scarred despite her aunt’s efforts to heal it properly. Her aunt eventually gave up with the manner lessons, instead turning to teach her all she knew about history and letters. Her uncle- once she turned eight- began to teach her- much to her aunt’s displeasure- how to wield a dagger like he had as a boy, which she turned out to be quiet good at, and enjoy. her uncle did also make an attempt to teach her swordplay, like he had as boy, but his wife put an end to that, saying she didn’t want the girl running off to war like he had in the civil war of Oren. A couple years later, a scholar came through town, looking for work.  Rune’s aunt and uncle gave him a place to stay in the attic, where he stayed for around a month, and in that month he grew fond of their niece.  Three months after he took up accommodations in their attic, he came to the old couple with an offer. He said a girl with a curiosity and thirst for knowledge such as hers should receive a better education, and he was happy to supply, but she would have to come with him. Rune’s uncle was thrilled at the idea, but her aunt needed a bit of persuading. Once she agreed, they discussed it with Rune over the evening meal, and she was just as excited as her uncle. A week later she left with him. She was thirteen.

                Rune traveled with the man for a few years, and within those years she helped him with work and took lessons from him. They grew close- considering each other family, but then there was a day when the scholar fell ill with what she believed was Ki'Katta. They found a town, and took rest at the inn, Rune exceedingly worried for her friend. He died a week later. She was sixteen.

                Devastated, she sold what she could from their things and set off on the road again. Rune was sad and lonely, traveling the world with only the clothes on her back, a few books, and a witty tongue. It was two years later that she had developed a sort of ‘home base’ in a city. She would return there after each adventure and knew a few friends. It was here she fell in love with a mage, a man who cared a great deal for her. Time passed, and then she went off on an exceptionally long journey. When she returned, the man she loved had developed a bad reputation with the authority, and he left her, breaking her sweet loving heart. It was from this she grew a foul distrust to mages. She continued her travels.


    Personality Traits: She’s flighty and intelligent, but a bit naïve and impulsive when it pertains to romance. Rune can however be witty and comical in everyday conversation.

    Ambitions: To learn as much as she can in her short lifespan.

    Strengths/Talents: Is good with a knife, and has a sum of knowledge in alchemy and literature.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: She is hopeless with a bow.


    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):  Rune is fair skinned and dark haired, her locks gathered in front of her. One eye is a dark ocean blue, and the other is a light forest green since she was born without a lens in it. She’s 5’9 and is 112.3 lbs. in weight. The skin of her left hand is slightly darker than the rest of her body, and there is two small puncture scars on her chin.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): thingy_by_lightemeraldtimeborn-d96hin7.p

  3. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: DarklySerious

    How old are you?: 12

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes

    Have you applied to this server before?: No

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: The one on cyber bullying

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): No ma’am

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Through a skin site



    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!


    What is roleplaying?: Playing as a character you are not

    What is metagaming?:Using external information outside of the game to affect yourself inside of the game

    What is power gaming?: Giving your character unrealistic ability's that would give them an unfair advantage over everyone else


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Rune Elivia Moreva

    Character’s gender: Female

    Character’s race: Human (Heart lander)

    Character’s age: 22

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):


                Rune began her life in a small village in Vailor, where she grew up with her dear old uncle and aunt, who worked too teach her as much as they could. Her aunt did the best she could too raise her to be ladylike and proper as her mother would have liked, but the girl was far too curious and rowdy. Such curiosity got her a snakebite on her chin, which scarred despite her aunt’s efforts to heal it properly. Her aunt eventually gave up with the manner lessons, instead turning to teach her all she knew about history and letters. Her uncle- once she turned eight- began to teach her- much to her aunt’s displeasure- how to wield a dagger like he had as a boy, which she turned out to be quiet good at, and enjoy. her uncle did also make an attempt to teach her swordplay, like he had as boy, but his wife put an end to that, saying she didn’t want the girl running off to war like he had in the civil war of Oren. A couple years later, a scholar came through town, looking for work.  Rune’s aunt and uncle gave him a place to stay in the attic, where he stayed for around a month, and in that month he grew fond of their niece.  Three months after he took up accommodations in their attic, he came to the old couple with an offer. He said a girl with a curiosity and thirst for knowledge such as hers should receive a better education, and he was happy to supply, but she would have to come with him. Rune’s uncle was thrilled at the idea, but her aunt needed a bit of persuading. Once she agreed, they discussed it with Rune over the evening meal, and she was just as excited as her uncle. A week later she left with him. She was thirteen.

                Rune traveled with the man for a few years, and within those years she helped him with work and took lessons from him. They grew close- considering each other family, but then there was a day when the scholar fell ill with what she believed was Ki'Katta. They found a town, and took rest at the inn, Rune exceedingly worried for her friend. He died a week later. She was sixteen.

                Devastated, she sold what she could from their things and set off on the road again. Rune was sad and lonely, traveling the world with only the clothes on her back, a few books, and a witty tongue. It was two years later that she had developed a sort of ‘home base’ in a city. She would return there after each adventure and knew a few friends. It was here she fell in love with a mage, a man who cared a great deal for her. Time passed, and then she went off on an exceptionally long journey. When she returned, the man she loved had developed a bad reputation with the authority, and he left her, breaking her sweet loving heart. It was from this she grew a foul distrust to mages. She continued her travels.


    Personality Traits: She’s flighty and intelligent, but a bit naïve and impulsive when it pertains to romance. Rune can however be witty and comical in everyday conversation.

    Ambitions: To learn as much as she can in her short lifespan.

    Strengths/Talents: Is good with a knife, and has a sum of knowledge in alchemy and literature.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: She is hopeless with a bow.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):  Rune is fair skinned and dark haired, her locks gathered in front of her. One eye is a dark ocean blue, and the other is a light forest green since she was born without a lens in the green one. She’s 5’9 and is 112.3 lbs. in weight. The skin of her left hand is slightly darker than the rest of her body, and there is two small puncture scars on her chin.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here): thingy_by_lightemeraldtimeborn-d96hin7.p

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