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Posts posted by Banard

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edmond of Sava


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  2. Entry 3

    Encounter With A Skinwalker

    Journal Of The Hexer: Bartholomew of Aldersport

    Fifth of The First Seed, 16**

    [An entry out of an old and forgotten journal, from a past age, recording the toils of past hunters.]




    In order to kill a monster without fear, you must first know it. From head to toe, you must study every stain and splotch, ogle every ridge and bump, and measure every fang and claw. You must turn it inside out, spill its innards, and carve out its eyes, if only to see what lies underneath it all. It is only then, when the beast has been shaven to the bone with all of its secrets scattered around it and made into pulp, its likeness humiliated and erased, when you finally know it. You know its age, what it eats - even what it thinks. But most importantly, you know that despite all of the power it dominated with in life, it ended up slaughtered, shamed - made to die in the mud like a common pig.


    And you don't fear pigs.


    But there are some beings out there whose hide you can't study. Whose guts you can't empty on the floor and pick at. Whose eyes you can't rip out and shove into jars. Beings who render the legs of even the toughest warrior into jelly. Beings who you can't be brave against, no matter how damned hard you steel yourself, because they eat courage, and feast on fear.


    Skinwalkers number among those beings. And of course, it was just my luck that they were to be one of the first monsters I ever encountered.



    I had just joined the Manticore Initiative. Vicelin figured I should learn my way around the land, so he sent me and Alfred to scout the Oakshade ruins. You could already sense back then how there was something wrong in the air. How the nature that had taken over the dilapidated houses and its streets had done so cruelly - possessively.


    We made it to the church without trouble, naturally only to find it waiting for us there in the form of a Quotpede. Crawler slipped in and out of the broken walls as I fought with spell and sword, and Alfred with those enchanted gauntlets of his. I think Avenel fashioned them for him - nifty things, but they render you a little too close and personal with your opponent, which typically does not suit the purposes of the Marked. Something that the beast proved when it swallowed Alfred by the arm.


    He made it out in one piece, but it didn't take long for the venom to set in. Poor man began to puff and swell up like a prick in a brothel, skin turning purple and blistered, so getting an antidote became a priority. Alium, pine resin and mistletoe, harvested at midnight. To our luck, Oakshade was as ripe as any forest, and we were already late into the evening. Things would be fine.


    Or so we thought, as we stumbled out of the building, and into the dark.


    It took us a while before we realized we were being followed. I'm not sure we ever would have, were it not for that intuitive feeling you sometimes get when you're being watched. There was this cat. Mangy and sallow, it pawed after us, mouth agape, glaring us over with broad eyes, and needle-thin pupils, stopping whenever we stopped, walking whenever we walked. I brushed it off at first as a stray left behind after the abandonment of the village, but then the night began to turn.


    Out of nowhere, the song of the crickets died, and the wind stopped its rustle of the trees. Only the mew of the cat pierced the silence.


    I looked behind us. It was no longer a cat that sat there.


    We ran.



    A Skinwalker's most precious weapon is fear. It is the inspiration from which they weave their illusions. The roots of the branches that twist around your mind and dig into your sense of reality. The longer it looks at you, the harder that invisible hand around your throat squeezes, demanding that you puke out every last bit of resolve left churning in your soul, before bloating your belly with black terror.


    It got a good, long look at me and Alfred, as it chased us through the living nightmare.


    I don't know how we made it to the house, but as soon as the door shut behind us, the frights died down. Its claws had caught me on the shoulder, and Alfred across the leg. He was in bad shape - all of the panting hadn't exactly helped the spread of the venom, and while the man was as tough as nails, if he didn't get the antidote soon, it would be it. We were missing the mistletoe. I had to go out there again.


    And so I did, with every nerve in my body screaming out in protest.


    I managed. Snuck out to the edge the ruins and plucked the mistletoe, before hefty snow swept in, and the mewing of a cat sounded out in the distance. I collapsed into the grass, summoned enough heat to keep me warm, and shut my eyes. 


    I could hear it walk through the snow, and then move on.



    In the morning, we shambled back to the keep, spent and disheveled, if not counting that clump of steel fixed above Alfred's mouth that he calls a moustache.


    We have since killed the Skinwalker, and its master. But those are stories for other pages. Back then, we were unprepared, naive, and I was all but untested. Today I know better. Today I bear the brand. And I will never let them get in my head again. 


    Marked Men are the hunters. Not the hunted.

  3. MC Name: Banard

    Character's Name: Hraelzyr

    Character's Age: Roughly two and a half centuries.


    Character's Race:

    High Elf / Wood Elf Crossbreed


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Shades are malevolent parasites that infest the souls of humanoid hosts, feeding off their essence in order to grow in power and sentience that adapts to said hosts. Thoroughly dark and malcontent at heart, these entities are at a perpetual tug of war with their hosts for control over their body and consistently haunts every dream, thought and breath made and taken with the intent of wounding and destroying their counterpart’s resolve so that they may in lieu hold the steering wheel. Progenited by the fabled Rilath Ilwindor and the machinations of Iblees, the Shades now stalk the world as bringers of dread, chaos and deceit, disrupting balance wherever balance is able to be disrupted in the cause of their transcendental matron Arun’Asna.


    While the harboring of a Shade is verily a life of torture, there comes benefits to entering such a symbiosis. The parasite may regurgitate the host’s mana into a putrid substance called Amber, which it and the host may summon and form into a countless number of shapes and functions where generally imagination is the limit, like additional limbs, weapons, tools and much, much more. It has many uses, and is the undeniable foundation in a Shade’s ability.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

    i have not

  4. In a faraway land, within a faraway era, a sordid sellsword sits amidst the remains of a barren battlefield. In his palm, he fondles an old medallion, and through the sooty shimmer of the trinket’s metal, glimpses of a forgotten, painstaking past show themselves.


    And as the sellsword reminisces those golden days of yore, he realizes how terrifyingly alone he really is.





    Character's Name: Claus Ashes


    Character's Age: 42


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human


    Transformed form: Strigae

    Creator's MC Name: Lothric, AztecFitnessGod


    Creator's RP Name: Sascha, Iestyn


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Children of the Unseen, Strigae are men transcended into immortal entities through of vampiric nature. Heightened senses,  strength, agility and the ability to regenerate sustained wounds are examples of their boon. This, however, is tied with a deathly thirst of decendant blood, which acts as a Striga's core means of nutrition. Should one fail to do so, they will weaken and wither. To battle one of these creatures, Aurum and deific sorceries could be key for victory, as the former disfunctions the Striga's regenerative capabilities, and the latter capable to utterly destroy them.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. 19 minutes ago, Jentos said:


    We don't want to "enjoy" this.

    we don't want it.

    we have enough of these power surges that people want to continuously gain more and more power. You've already got soul trees, which were supposed to work as a new end game, and yes, they are an end game, just as liches are. 

    And are you ******* blind? The whole ******* server has been screaming about lore bloat.  and I don't want to have to deal with some ******* wight-werewolf-pinnochio-beautiful 7 foot tall wood elf that is literally unkillable, not because of what it is, but because of the players playing it who refuse to die, and even then, if I manage to pound a ******* anvil of gold on this ****, it'll only respawn. 

    So **** this ****, like make some prayers? Druidic culture that adds to the mystery, but ****. This. ****.



    shad YES

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