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Status Updates posted by ForbiddenExile

  1. Gg left for a few weeks so that I could focus on school, ic house got taken. It's nice when stuff gets taken away without your approval or consent.

  2. I've been thinking lately.. What if there were four dimensions in our universe? Now I may sound like a complete idiot however, all answers/questions are justified. What if, Shadows, Reflections, Light, and our Physical universes we inter twined with one another? What would that mean?

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    2. Zerlina


      I mean, if you don't think physics exists then you do you. But that is very silly.

    3. ForbiddenExile


      Nah, that's not what I meant @Zerlina I wasn't saying physics don't exist. I was simply saying that it was man-kind who came up with the theories that lead to discovering more about them. Meaning our understanding could be completely wrong from just a simple mistake a long long time ago. That's like our alphabet or numbers, man-kind decided what numbers would be, what letters would be in the alphabet and so on. Practically anything we know of today was /invented/ or solved by another human being. That being said, as I said above our complete understanding has the ability to be completely wrong yet in our eyes it's the only thing we know.

    4. Ford


      Grass is green. The way we perceive things might be right or wrong in the long run. Though, it doesn't make much sense to say something is completely wrong if it works really well with how we want it to work(i.e. alphabet, languages, mathematics, etc.). Sure, there might be some barricades in our progress, but usually they're worked around, so it's all good. 

  3. Just wondering, how is everyone this fine.. whatever day it is where you live.

  4. I'm gonna be gone for a day or two, gonna be busy.

  5. Gonna be hard to type for some time... my cat tore a large cut into my finger, If I use incorrect grammar my apologies.

  6. It's a good day to be alive. - Famous last words.

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