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  1. -OOC- Mc Name: philmachica Skype: tim.jocavic Do you have teamspeak? yes -RP- Name: Rami Fardee Race: Human Age: 23
  2. A young halfling dips his quill into an inkwell and, in small neat handwritting, composes several letters to be sent to various farmers throughout the land. To whom it may concern. My name is Falco Lightfoot and I am looking for employment as a farmer. As you are no doubt aware we halflings are considered among the greatest famers in the land. I would like to offer my services to work on your farm in return for food, lodgings, a small amount of minas, and the chance to return to my kin each winter. If you have a position for me please send a response to my burrow. Sincerely yours, Falco Lightfoot
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