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Posts posted by =Nkruma=

  1. That's honestly lit. Now can someone tell me why the ip for the server (mc.lotc.co) isn't working for me? If you could please tell me why that would be fantastic. By the way that has made me so happy that Oren has collapsed makes me so happy to hear.

  2. Below the twin mountains of Urguan sat a Dwer by the entrance of his labyrinth like home. As usual the Frostbeard smoked from his pipe, scribbled in his tattered leather booklet and thought about past times. Looking over the ridge slightly south of his cavern home he saw the castle of Ordholm and he remembered past battles defending his homeland and his freedom. He then remembered the cries of warriors, Human and Dwarf alike and recalled the blood stained ground on which he fought. He then brought to mind the exactly reason he became secluded from the outside even after the war had concluded. During the last short years he had found himself studying in the art of knowledge, exploration of nature, and the voidial arts. Slowly but surely the Dwarf had refrained from accomplishing his duties as a clan elder which led to him drawing farther and farther from his past friends.........................

    Whilst drinking from his large canteen of ale he would think of his friends and enemies that he had made through his years living in Vailor, and he came to the resolution that it was worth it. Eyelids fluttering his eyes would fall shut leaving the sleeping dwarf lying on the stone entrance.


    A small note wuold read

    "My brothers, I pray to the Brathmordikan that they will guide you and lead you to make decisions that your clan father would deem correct. And that through your example you will lead other fellow Dwer in the footsteps of our fore fathers. -Nkruma Frostbeard Clan Elder and Scribe of the Remembrancer Guild



    Not quite sure many people care about my little goodbye post but I figured that I should make at least a small goodbye post to the people that I know. Here are some messages for you guys that I thought needed goodbyes.



    Your a really cool guy to talk to and I always mooched off of your stuff



    I'm going to light your town on fire some day






    My eye is bleeding! PS you still need to fix my beard ._.



    10/10 grandking of Vanderguan



    You introduced me to the Frostbeards man. Your a special snowflake



    Your pretty much the reason why I even kept playing LoTC


    It's just pixels man...




    U retard BB


    Cool squeaker tho




    Wey herro bish. We talk and **** and your pretty chill over all.



    You guys are honestly pretty toxic but it's been a good ride (For like a couple months)

    To be fair this is probably me just being edgy and I may come back depending on real life. But any ways it's been fun!

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