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Posts posted by =Nkruma=

  1. As the dwarf sat in his simple home reading the daily paper he noticed a oddly ***** advertisement "Hmm.. Seems dis uman' is in need o work." He would say while throwing the paper into his fireplace  "There ye' are lad! got ye' some proper work for ye!" The Frostbeard would yell whilst dropping his pants to take a leak onto the burning newspaper.

  2. Ladies and gentlemen today I present to you Nkruma's Art Shop! I felt inspired by Jonificus's art work so I decided to create a shop of my own! I also think that I just explain to you that my art work isn't fantastic but it is of memeing material.

    I will be offering to make and sell you self portraits of you or anyone you wish for a grand total of forty minas! Props cost no extra charge and backgrounds cost only an additional twenty minas.


    If you'd like an example of my artwork here you are.



    I have a few conditions for your requests and they are:

    1. That you please limit the amount if people in the picture to being less than five.

    2. You may request any race for me to draw but note that races such as Kha or Orc might end up looking different.

    3. Also please notify me if the piece of art is intended to be a wallpaper, profile pic, etc

    4. Scenery will take longer according to the specific request.


    Once again the exact prices are 40 minas a portrait and extensive backgrounds 20 extra minas.


    The form in which you will request!



    Character's name/s:

    Skin or other reference:

    Extra Background:


    Thank you for your time and I hope to see requests!

  3. Nkruma sat in his dimly lit study opening letters of importance when a small letter to the side caught his attention "Wha' in Yemekar's name is this fookin' doin' here?" The dwarf would sigh noticing the title alliance "...Yeh dun fooked up yeh bloody kinstabber..." The angry Frostbeard would say upon reading the treacherous news which lay before him "I'm tellin' yeh this now Urguan don't take tuh kindly to it's betrayals "He would then burst out into a fit of laughter thinking about Norland

  4. Thank you coders for pulling this server together... Without you we wouldn't have the pugsying experience we do today. We wouldn't be able to walk out of our houses and hear "PVP DEFAULT ME M8 REKT UR MUM."... We wouldn't be able to have the full LOTC experience we have today. We love you coders!

  5. I was wondering if you could edit the skin that I already use for me. I'd like you to add little trinkets and odd details such as hooks, leather straps and such onto the front of the torso. Also if you could add a leather satchel going across his chest with books that would be great. To get the skin click here http://www.needcoolshoes.com/ Then enter the username "Nkruma" Where it says. Thank you for your time.

  6. This is a bigoted and sexist poll. For one there is only two options for gender not fifty three. Two you've left out all the Lord of the Craft players who live in Antarctica. And third some people have feelings. You didn't ask if they are homosexual, bisexual,  trisexual, megasexual, or dogsexual.


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