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Everything posted by Fanature

  1. Fanature


    Sabrina comes from a very powerful and renowned family, at least from her land, which is far, far away. The Wood Family has amassed a grand fortune through swindling small landowners and taking advantage of peasants, striking life-bonding contracts they can never break. These business-related activities are done by her father and his team of agents. But the real mastermind is her mother, Lilith Wood. Sabrina holds the striking resemblance of her mother, but Lilith, who is also slim, is unhealthily skinny, her skin a sickly pale. She is known to be wicked and is also known to have taught Sabrina the art of scheming. Sabrina also has two sisters who are twins, Sydney and Whitney. There is no darker, more evil duo than the Wood twins. They’re known to ride around in their dark, black and velvet carriage, slashing the faces of the most beautiful girls in nearby villages. Sydney and Whitney are not very pretty, and they take their ugliness out on those who are fortunately beautiful. Out of the entire Wood family and estate, Sabrina is the most courageous, kind, and loving out of all of them. But Lilith, her mother, who she favors over Sydney and Whitney, and the reason why the Wood twins mistreat their sister (out of jealousy), continuously tries to steal Sabrina’s pure and golden heart. Her first attempt was to send Sabrina to a school limited only to the worst breed of the wealthy elite. This backfired because Sabrina found herself cracking open her dorm window and climbing out using twelve tied-together bedsheets. Lilith’s second attempt was to brew an odiously green potion that would transform her daughter into the wicked heiress she dreams about: her ideal perfect daughter. That attempt very much backfired because Sabrina not only lost the remaining trust and faith she had in her family, but she decided to leave the estate, the family, to find a new home, and to further herself in a way that's positively transformative. This new land, Almaris, holds so many possibilities to not only amass her wealth and legacy in a positive and uplifting manner, but to also create unbreakable bonds and friendships with those she hopes to meet along the way.
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