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Status Updates posted by Silvertread

  1. *Pulls own hair out.* It's been over a week now, and I still haven't decided on a character to apply with. Gah!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. H


      You don't even have to play the character you apply with - that's just so we know you understand the server! A friend of mine stopped playing her application character after less than a day, and just switched to an entirely new one. Don't worry about it, you can make a throwaway character to apply.

    3. Silvertread


      Thanks a lot for the help! :D The major issue for me was to come up with an interesting backstory for my character, which I'm finally getting around to writing. I should have my app up before the end of the day!

    4. Silvertread


      Or, y'know, two months later because I completely forgot to post the application.

  2. The walls of the Temple shook, layer upon layer of rugged stone and mortar trembling under the unrelenting assault of the warp-storm. The priest stepped forward, the senses of his cloth-wrapped feet aflame from the rubble-covered floor, and laid the huge tome on a table covered in rock-dust, a single candleflame flickering as he cleared his throat. Another tremble rumbled through the Temple, sending it's bookshelves toppling from the walls. The priest did not care, even as aeons of knowledge were crushed under rubble and dust all around him. With a shaking hand, he cleared the leather binding of the tome before him of grey powder. "Server lore..." He mumbled, the words sending a shiver of terror down his spine. "Where do I begin..."

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    2. Pav33


      seriously though, if you need help Im always glad to give some! :D

    3. Silvertread


      Thanks!  I was wondering something, actually: how does magic work on this server, and is it possible to start out a character with some knowledge of how to wield it, or would that character need to learn it IC?

    4. Pav33


      Magic is a bit of something outside my comfort zone. Theres Dark Arts and there is Arcane, kinda like bad and good. You'll have to read up on each magic yourself, because Im kinda rubbish at explaining it XD. Also yes, you need to learn it ICly, your char can't have any knowledge of how to use magic when you apply.

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