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Posts posted by Jagdkatzchen

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. Spoiler


    Anton had never found much joy in reading any more than what was required of his duties, but a certain name caught his attention this day.


    Isabella Nora Bennett…?”


    The young Jäger’s brow furrowed at the mention of the blonde-haired woman’s name, and his eyes began to scan through the document with rising scrutiny. “Vague accusations… pointing to an illicit affair.”


    Anton had never been well acquainted with the customs of Orenian high society, and with the knowledge he bore, the man struggled to see the persuasiveness of Duchess’s claim.


    “I may be ignorant of all the facts, but I do not believe Bella capable of the deviance this piece appears to suggest. She’s a sweet girl, and I do not find myself prone to deception. More than just a pair of pretty peridot eyes, her character is marked by a drive for self-betterment, and to be of good use to society.”


    And with that conclusion, the red-haired man nodded his head, and continued with his day.

  3. Name of the creature:

    Romeo Vowl

    (Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:

    deinonychus | Tumblr | Dinosaur images, Prehistoric animals, Dinosaur art

    (Art taken from Pinterest, no link to specific artist)

    Is this creature tamable and if so, how:


    Romeo Vowls are not tameable. They are unsociable by instinct, with adults seeing most mobile organisms as either potential prey or threats. Though more accepting of company during their youth, attempting to raise a Romeo from an egg will still result in it becoming hostile during its juvenile years.  

    Can you use this in combat:




    Habitats - Check all that apply:



    Summary of the creature:


    The Romeo Vowl is a vicious predator that stands at an average height of 2 metres, bearing a coat of feathers patterned in a manner highly akin to that of tigers. They stalk the savannah in search of prey, closing in to ambush their target before rushing forward to dispatch it with a series of critical blows. A Romeo’s body is an arsenal of formidable weaponry, and with their specialized intelligence, they use each tool to their greatest potential. However, they are unmistakably savage is all other ways, and would most definitely not make for the friendliest of pets.


    Characteristics of the creature:



    The average adult Romeo Vowl, when viewed standing from the side, has a height of 2 metres and a length of 4 metres. They sport feathery coats of fiery orange interspersed with arrays of dark brown stripes, with off white colouring their underside and lower legs. The only areas of their body left uncovered are their jaws, their forelimbs below their wrists, and their hindlimbs below the ankles. Most of these feathers are filamentous and furlike, with pennaceous feathers being located along the tail and arms.


    Romeos develop a tougher second coat along their back, arms, and chest during their time as juveniles. When combined with their softer undercoat, this grants them protection akin to a buff coat. The pennaceous feathers along the arms of male Romeos also begin to change during this time, with replacement feathers eventually giving the appearance of scarlet rims running along the outer edge of their arms.

    During their youth, Romeos are slender creatures built for speed, with some juveniles being capable of sprinting speeds up to 70km/h. However, as they transition into adulthood, the bones and musculature of Romeos become increasingly robust relative to their size, and their top speeds eventually drop to around 45km/h.


    Romeo Vowls possess decent binocular vision that, while not as useful in spotting things from a distance, grants them good visual clarity when close to their target. When it comes to sensing things at a range, it is their sense of smell that is of note, allowing them to track down wounded and sick prey items from afar.


    Their jaws of serrated teeth can deliver bite forces comparable to lions, but are not their primary killing tools. Their shoulder joints have great ranges of motion, and each of their arms sport three long claws resembling hooked blades, with sharp edges showing an adaptation towards slashing over piercing. Their powerful legs can deliver kicks comparable to a grizzly bear’s swipe, and when used in conjunction with the large retractable ‘vowlclaw’ on each of their feet, can create devastating puncturing wounds.



    Romeos are highly aggressive diurnal hypercarnivores. They are unsociable creatures, and when faced with another of their kind, they will fan their arms out and attempt to intimidate them with hisses and screeches before resorting to violence. The only time Romeos tolerate each other outside of mating season is when two or more chance upon a large animal too large and dangerous for one to dare to attack alone. Even then, they do not actively cooperate to take it down, with each Romeo simply deeming it safe to make their move whenever their target is distracted with another. Once the prey is killed, the Romeos will attempt to chase off as many competitors as possible while rapidly scarfing down as much meat as they can.


    Romeos are ambush predators. They stalk their prey, closing the distance before bursting forth to catch them in a sprint. Young Romeos rely on their speed to catch smaller prey before they can escape, but as they transition into adulthood, their strategy changes. With their increased power but reduced speed, adult Romeos shift their target towards larger prey either closer to their size, or larger than them. With their array of natural weapons, they will seek to land a critical blow in the first strike, often targeting arteries and tendons. They will continue to assault their victim until they are incapable of fighting back, which sometimes ends in Romeos eating their prey alive.


    While not particularly intelligent in most fields, Romeo Vowls are gifted with heightened spatial awareness, bodily coordination, and advanced combat sense. Although their general hunting strategy nearly always revolves around sneaking up on prey as close as possible before rushing them down, Romeos often display remarkable accuracy and immediate tactical skill when dealing with creatures that attempt to fight back. They appear to understand concepts such as spacing, timing, armour and leverage, and know where and how to attack certain parts of the body to inflict grave injuries.



    Romeo Vowls roam the savannah in search of their next meal.






    Romeos can live to 30 years of age.



    During mating season, Romeo Vowls gain a tolerance for those of its species that happen to be of the opposite sex. Males attempt to impress females by displaying their scarlet feathers in a courtship dance, and if receptive, they will mate and build a nest on the ground. After fertilization, the female will lay a clutch of 3-10 eggs, each the size of 2 fists. The eggs will take 1.5 months to hatch, and until then, their parents will take turns to incubate them.


    Hatchlings emerge from their shells fully developed, and will begin to follow their parents around and eat their scraps. However, the adult Romeos will gradually start to lose tolerance for their own kind, and might even kill their own young if they lose their scent. After around 6 months, the parents would have already chased each other off, and will now become fully hostile to their own offspring.


    Now juveniles, the young Romeos will fend for themselves as the continue to grow, and will reach sexual maturity at 3 years of age.


    (Optional) Origins of the creature:


    The Romeo Vowl is based upon dromaeosaurids, with the utahraptor being the most prominent specific raptor that inspiration was drawn from. Its abilities draw from the current contention regarding the extent of dromaeosaurid intelligence, with me opting to give this creature reduced intelligence in most fields, but heightened competence when in comes to direct violence.





    • Adults are considerably strong
    • They possess natural armour that protects the back, arms, and chest
    • Intelligent enough to perform immediate tactics
    • Fast and accurate reflexes
    • Their claws are nearly as strong as iron (attributed to fantasy for now, but I plan on writing a material lore submission to elaborate)


    • Their natural armour is largely inefficient against punctures and percussive force
    • Not particularly intelligent outside of direct combat
    • Claws still chip away with repeated abuse
    • Incapable of cooperation


    Red Lines


    Romeo Vowls cannot be reasoned with.

    Their tactical acumen at close range resembles that of trained knights.

    Their claws can only take a maximum of 3 direct hits before breaking.

    Their claws cannot puncture steel plate.

    ET Only.

    They are still animals, and will flee from fights that they lack confidence in.




    Uncommon - A person can only find one of these IRP from someone else who has approval to have one.

  4. Name of the creature:

    Trudi Vowl

    (Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:

    Surprise attack

    (Art by Paperiapina)

    Is this creature tamable and if so, how:

    The Trudi Vowl is tameable, and quite capable of being integrated into human societies. Trudies exhibit a wide range of personalities, so bonding with one will usually require getting to know the specific Trudi in question as one would a new friend. Fortunately, a sense of security and a supply of food can help keep a wild Trudi around, which gives an aspiring Trudi tamer more time to form lasting connections with it.

    Can you use this in combat:



    Habitats - Check all that apply:



    Summary of the creature:

    Trudi Vowls are feathered maniraptorans with coats that come in a variety of feathers and patterns, with males usually possessing flashier displays when compared to females. Adults stand at around half the height of a grown human, and while they cannot boast of their strength, they can achieve impressive sprinting speeds. They are omnivorous, typically eating small prey animals and vegetation low in cellulose. Trudies come in a vast array of personalities, which they often display through their advanced social and communicative skills. Their cognitive ability is also notable, and when used in tandem with their opposable thumbs, allows them to use tools to accomplish menial tasks.



    Characteristics of the creature:


    When viewed from the side, a standing adult Trudi Vowl measures about 1 metre in height and 2 metres in length. These creatures are nearly totally covered in feathers, with the only exceptions being the frontal portion of their jaws, and the undersides of their hands and feet. Most of these feathers are filamentous and resemble down feathers or fur, with pennaceous feathers being found along their arms and tails. While the colouration and patterning of these feathers can vary from Trudi to Trudi, males tend to possess brighter and more conspicuous coats, while females tend to appear less vibrant.


    These creatures possess a keen sense of hearing, and their binocular vision is well-adapted to use during the night. When struck with light in a dark environment, the eye of a Trudi Vowl can appear to glow due to the presence of the tapetum lucidum; similar to a cat. The slender frame of the Trudi Vowl gifts it with increased cursoriality, allowing it to reach a sprinting speed of 70km/h.


    Trudies do not have a strong bite force, and though they possess jaws of small, pointed teeth, these teeth are serrated in a manner like the teeth of certain herbivorous species. Another notable aspect of their physiology lies in their hands, as each of them bear an opposable digit that could be called a thumb. They also possess a retractable claw on each foot that is slightly larger than the rest of their hind claws, which is held above the ground when moving.



    Trudi Vowls alternate between being crepuscular and nocturnal, depending on the most convenient lifestyle for their present situation. When it comes time to rest, they can climb up trees to roost, though any place where a Trudi can feel comfortable will suffice.


    Trudies are social animals, and often stick near other Trudies that they like. However, perhaps owing to their diet, they rarely hunt in packs. Instead, they often search for food alone, and once satiated, they return to their clique to mingle and relax. The personality of an individual Trudi is hard to predict, as they can possess a wide range of personalities. Some Trudies abhor conflict, and will shy away from anything that appears remotely threatening. Others will band together to climb up a tree a predator is sleeping under just to take a collective poop on its head.


    They are fiercely intelligent, displaying heightened pattern recognition skills, problem solving skills, and the ability to formulate long-term plans. Trudies have been known to catch insects to use as bait for fishing, and can cooperate with others to flush out burrowing animals from the ground. With their opposable thumbs, they are also capable of manipulating tools, though in a less dexterous manner when compared to a human.


    Trudies are capable for emitting warbles and chirps, and use their vocalizations in tandem with body language to display their emotions. However, it would appear that they are also capable of understanding and utilizing languages, with different groups of Trudies utilizing different arm gestures and vocal patterns to communicate more complex ideas. In fact, they often utilize this ability to share information with other Trudies about their environment, such as if there is an annoyance around, or if a new supply of food has been discovered.



    Trudi Vowls reside in the savannah, and though they may roam across the landscape, they tend to prefer sticking close to areas with plenty of cover and trees.



    Trudies are omnivorous, but when they do consume vegetation, they will opt for choices with lower levels of cellulose. Trudies will usually prefer hunting for meat over eating plant matter, with their choice of prey being small animals such as invertebrates, rodents and fish. 



    Trudi Vowls can live for 50 years.



    Trudi Vowls reach sexual maturity at 5 years of age. During courtship, males will present their plumage to females and allow the latter to inspect them. Should a female be receptive to a male, she will initiate a courtship dance, to which the male will respond by transitioning into a flashier dance. If the female’s interest is held, they will mate.


    The pair will construct a nest in a location they deem safe, and the female will lay 1-5 eggs 3 days after mating. The eggs resemble elongated teardrops about the size of two fists, and will have to be incubated for 1.5 months before hatching. Hatchlings will follow their parents around and learn from them, and will become gradually more independent as they approach sexual maturity.


    (Optional) Origins of the creature:

    The Trudi Vowl is heavily inspired by the stenonychosaurus, or the troodontid portrayed in NHK’s Amazing Dinoworld. However, I increased the intelligence and sociability of the creature so that Trudies might be able to fulfill roles like those of Palicoes in Monster Hunter.




    • Good senses of sight and hearing
    • Fast enough to run 70km/h
    • Possesses opposable thumbs and can use tools
    • Advanced social and communicative skills
    • Big brain


    • Relatively small
    • Not particularly strong
    • Struggles to take down anything more than half its size alone


    Red Lines

    Trudi Vowls lack the dexterity to use anything more complex than sticks and stones in combat.

    The claws of a Trudi’s feet do about as much damage as a lynx’s swipe.

    They will feel insulted if treated as a mere pet.

    A Trudi Vowl can be taught to perform menial tasks.

    Don’t expect them to comprehend algebra.

    Trudies cannot live beyond the age of 50.



    Common - Anyone can RP finding this creature.

  5. Name of the creature:


    (Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:


    (Picture taken from the RuneScape Wiki)

    Is this creature tamable and if so, how:


    Though skittish and slow to trust, the Pophop is tameable. In a similar fashion to how one might tame wild rabbits, repeatedly associating oneself with positive attributes such as gentleness, safety, and food can eventually win a caught Pophop over, though the process may take several months to bear fruit.

    Can you use this in combat:



    Habitats - Check all that apply:



    Summary of the creature:


    The Pophop is a hare-sized therapsid that occupies an ecological niche similar to rabbits. They are brown-haired creatures that have barely noticeable tails, powerful hind limbs, short forelimbs and stout heads. These easily frightened herbivores will consume nearly any vegetation that they can get their jaws on, though they will not stray far from their burrows. Pophops usually form warrens near those of other families, and will sound an alarm to alert all in earshot of potential predators. When faced with danger, they will hop to safety as quickly as they can, and will only turn and fight when driven to a corner, or when protecting their young.


    Characteristics of the creature:




    Pophops can reach sizes comparable to that of adult hares, and they all possess pelts in varying shades of brown. The nature of their short fur changes depending on the selection pressures exerted upon them by their environment. For example, desert-dwelling Pophops have paler, more uniformly patterned fur so as to more easily blend in with the sandy expanse of the desert. Savannah-dwelling Pophops, on the other hand, typically possess coats of darker shades, and have more distinct patterns that help break up their form among rocks and shrubbery.


    Pophops possess robust skulls with rounded beaks that are well-suited to gnawing on fibrous material, and scutes that help protect the front of their heads. Their short arms are usually kept close to their chest, only being brought forward to utilize their long claws when working the earth. They locomote by hopping around on their powerful hind limbs, and are known to be able to achieve speeds upwards of 60km/h. Though they do have a stumpy tail, it is largely vestigial.


    Pophops are not sexually dimorphic.




    Pophops are crepuscular burrowing animals, and they will try to form new warrens close to those of other family groups. They are easily frightened, and will give out frantic squeak-snorts when they sense danger; almost always with their near 360-degree vision. As Pophops rarely wander over 150m from the safety of a burrow, hearing this alarm will usually cause them to dash straight towards safety.




    Pophops will live wherever they can create burrows, and where there is a sufficient supply of food. Though their bodies appear adapted to warmer climates, it is reasonable to assume that given time, new generations of Pophops could adapt to new environments. Thus, their absence in the northern continent of Alamris could be largely attributed to the sea preventing their continued spread.




    Pophops are herbivorous creatures, and will consume any vegetation that they can get their jaws on. Grass, shrubbery, and seeds can all be found in their diet, but they do prefer tubers and fallen fruit. Pophops are known to be able to quench their thirst through the water content of their food sources alone, with desert-dwelling Pophops having been sighted using their beaks to consume the water-rich flesh of cacti.




    Pophops can live to the age of 12, though stress and predation often drastically reduces this number.




    Pophops reach sexual maturity at 6 months of age, and will mate with the same partner until one of them dies. After fertilization, female Pophops will gestate for a week before laying clutches of 1-14 fist-sized eggs in their burrows. It then takes another 3 weeks before the hatchlings emerge from their shells fully developed. Should they lose both parents prior to reaching adulthood, the young Pophops will instinctively seek out other adults. If they must travel away from their original burrow to do so, they will create new ones close to those of the adult Pophops.


    (Optional) Origins of the creature:


    This creature is heavily inspired by the myosaurus, or the dicynodont portrayed in BBC's Walking with Monsters. After realizing that the interpretation shared several similarities to rabbits, I decided to merge them together, and then used the kebbits in RuneScape to visually represent the outcome.






    • Near 360-degree vision, with a blind spot just behind its head
    • Capable of camouflaging well
    • Cautious and easily spooked
    • Usually near a burrow they can flee to
    • Capable of hopping at speeds exceeding 60km/h
    • Its facial scutes are comparable to a crocodile’s back scutes
    • When cornered, can deliver a nasty bite with their beak that can sever an unprotected finger




    • Will only fight as a last resort
    • Most of its body is protected by a thin layer of fur and skin
    • A powerful scare can send a Pophop into shock
    • Will avoid large bodies of water


    Red Lines


    Pophops will only fight when driven to a corner, or when protecting their young.

    Pophops will die if they do not eat for 3 days.

    Pophops will not attempt to cross any body of water larger than a brook.

    Pophops cannot live beyond 12 years of age.



    Common - Anyone can RP finding this creature.

  6. =+=







    A gentle snow had just started to fall that evening. Four Jägers gathered before the abandoned shack; the group charged with a simple mission. They were to investigate what laid behind the barricaded door within, and if it was deemed a nest of Danûngol, they were to clear the area of the giant arachnids.






    Auriter Yl’Asath, better known as Hans Dragovitch, led the group into the dilapidated building. Zirath R’enar, the most veteran of the Jägers in the team, then took an axe to the barricaded door. With a few swift hacks, the boards were destroyed, and the door behind them collapsed with a simple push. It revealed a dark cave within… one with walls lined with massive clumps of sticky silk.






    With a lantern in hand, Anduin Rhys Dering entered the cavern, illuminating the way for his allies. The party soon came upon a bulge of silk clinging against a stone wall, wriggling slightly, as if alive. Hans sliced the white sack open, and out came the near-corpse of a fawn… the unfortunate victim of the spiders’ most recent hunt.






    But as the group gazed upon the poor animal, Anduin caught sight of something with the corner of his eye. Dots that shimmered with the light of his lantern, betraying the presence of the large spiders shrouded within the shadows deeper within the cave. The elf issued a word of warning, and the Jägers readied themselves for combat.






    Hans and Zirath stepped forth to meet their adversary, with the latter making quick work of the creature with a blade through its head. But just as the spider was dispatched, a second descended upon Zirath, smashing the Jäger’s back down upon the stony ground.






    Anduin conjured a shield of light and charged forth, aiming to bash the creature off his companion. It was then that Ira, the enigmatic Unterjäger, stepped forth to crush the monster’s head under her heel. She moved in perfect sync with Anduin’s actions, and her foot connected with the beast just as Anduin’s shield did, ripping the Danûngol’s head from its body.


    Then, the third and final spider appeared. The final foe of the night clashed briefly with the Jägers at the front, but with another well-placed strike, Ira ended the arachnid with the tip of her blade skewering it through its soft underbelly. And then, there was silence. The group waited for another enemy to face, but none came. The nest of spiders appeared to have been cleared out.


    Their mission was complete.






    However, a certain curiosity regarding the cavern was noted in the aftermath of the fight. The back of the nest appeared to have been formed by a cave-in, with noxious fumes emanating from the gaps within the wall. Perhaps there was something more to this place…


    But finding that out would be a task for another day.


  7. SURNAME: Talhoffer

    FIRST NAME: Toni / Anton

    ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Dove's Demitasse Inn Room 1 (Temporary family home in New Esbec. House under construction)

    YEAR OF BIRTH: 1765


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Western District? Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes.


    ((MC NAME)): Jagdkatzchen

  8. SURNAME: Talhoffer

    FIRST NAME: Toni

    ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Dove's Demitasse Inn (Temporary family home in New Esbec. House under construction)

    YEAR OF BIRTH: 1765


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Western District? Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes.


    ((MC NAME)): Jagdkatzchen

  9. NAME: Toni Talhoffer
    AGE: 26
    GENDER: Male
    POSITION/S SOUGHT: Professor of Life Science, Professor of Physical Education
    EXPERIENCE: Over two decades of experience outfield, 
    14 years of experience as a hunter and trapper, 
    a decade of experience as a professional soldier under the Heusstandarte. 
    Acquainted with the style of research papers and academic literature during time spent as a full-time student between occupations. 
    Experienced in the training and physical maintenance of individuals as a sergeant. 
    Adept cook.
    ((DISCORD: Jagdkatzchen#1890))
  10. Toni shuffles across the camp with the aid of his cane, his broken left shin bound and secured.
    “A hard-fought battle, but a victory nonetheless,” he mutters, casting his gaze to the stars. “If only we could have all made it out alive... But i suppose this is simply the nature of war. Shame.”

  11. *Toni lets out a long, disappointed sigh.*
    “Those two lads clearly require more training, if they were truly aiming for his cuirass,” he mutters. “It would seem that either they lack discipline, or something quite troubling is going on with the system itself...”

  12. Toni turns and walks away from the gallows, unsheathing his longsword with a sigh. He’d pursued a coward who tried to flee at the start of the battle, but by the time he’d caught up with him, Joseph had already finished with him. 


    “I‘ll just have to work off this frustration in another way,” he muttered, flourishing his blade in an open clearing as he prepared to do some drills.

  13. Toni casts a brief gaze towards the rabble of enthused men, the corners of his mouth tightening into a smirk. Then, he turns back and makes his way back to his tent, a quill in hand to finish his latest treatise on Waldenian swordplay.

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