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Posts posted by UnusualBrit



    Mandated by the Obsidian Throne




    As of the 9th of Dungrimm’s Call, it is ordered that the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall undergo a state of military emergency, to ensure the safety of the Khazadmar in response to the Darkstalker threat. 


    • All abled-bodied Dwarves over the age of 18 are summoned to enlist within the Legion as Grunts; report to your nearest officer for information. New recruits will be granted rations, equipment and legion bunks.  


    • Yrromar are also encouraged to enlist within the Legion as auxiliaries to help defend the lands of Urguan against threats that imperil them. 


    • A curfew is ordered: Dwarves in the workforce or otherwise undergoing private enterprise are advised not to leave the capital without sufficient military escort. It is also advised that every dwarf arms themselves with aurum or blunt force weaponry to defend themselves. 


    • The forest Dwarves of Hefrumm are likewise advised to remain in their village until the roads are safe.


    • Legion Patrols will occur regularly to clear the roads of Darkstalkers threatening the safety of the Khazadmar. The gates will likewise be under double guard. 






    Thurgrim Silverbraid

    Grand King of Urguan, Clan Lord of the Silverbraids


    Grand Marshal of the Legion

    Gallio Grandaxe, 

    Tribune of the Legion

  2. FXPj6sJTYtUDhGiUstfxbe-cH7VBsNNtEojoctem84qiC8j7q439vSKTVOTMKUyEZsNXNurrba3ELZP03hGYCBCxqvZA7WnUdiduTgt14KhH4ylSlQpd4lW_7wsBwQjrNegkOMQgsPq_NPX58L66gRU




    As a disciplined and experienced military force, the Legion represents the might of the Dwarves. Members of the Legion are utterly committed to the service of their nation, prepared to defend their people from any internal and external threats that may aggress on their mountain home. 





    Enlistment in the Legion is a great honour, offering the opportunity to serve with comrades in arms and advancing your status in Dwarven society through genuine meritocratic progression in a system that recognises talent and dedication above all. Additionally, you serve Dungrimm in combat through the honour and glory inherent in your valorous deeds. Once you reach the required rank, there are also several financial incentives, such as pay, tax benefits, etc. Your Kingdom calls you - Join the Legion today. 












    As the commander of the Legion, the Grand Marshal is specially appointed by the Grand King and directly manages his subordinates' duties, promotions and rewards. The Grand Marshal leads the Legion into combat and is the finest soldier it has produced. 




    Executive officer of the Legion, the Tribune is given delegated duties from the Grand Marshal to manage all administrative aspects of the Legion. He is also responsible for the issuance of rations, standard-issue weaponry and uniforms. In the Grand Marshal's absence, the Tribune takes command of the Legion. 


    LEGATE (I)








    Pridebearers are the elite rank attained upon exemplary service; they receive the highest pay in the rank and file and financial exemptions. However, they are expected to take the lead in combat situations and have authority over inferior ranks. 




    Ironguards are the Legion's regulars; this rank is attained once the oath of loyalty to the Legion is taken. These soldiers are expected to perform most of the day-to-day duties and attend Legion training and combat missions. 


    GRUNT (I)


    Grunts are the raw recruits in the Legion; once a dwarf completes their enlistment papers, they are immediately granted the rank of Grunt. These soldiers are not accorded the privileges granted to superior ranks (i.e. payment) and have yet to take the oath of loyalty, guaranteeing their place within the Legion.





    A dwarf must:


    Be a beardling of age, i.e. eighteen years.

    Be of sound body and mind.

    And possess a good grasp of Urguanic law.

     Not be an Ironborn.


    All Yrromar must seek a special exemption to enlist, though admittance is generally limited.




    To enlist in the Legion, one must fill out the following form and seek out a Legionary officer. 


    [Enlistment Form]







    The oath is the bond that ties a dwarf to the Legion and his comrades in arms. It is sworn in part to the Gods and the realm, so breaking it is considered sacrilege. The contents of the oath are not public knowledge. The oath is binding until death or once released from it by a Legion officer. 


    “I swear to Yemekar and the Brathmordakin the following unbreakable oath,


    That I shall promise to be faithful to the Grand King “Name Here” and shall be so long as he reigns, I pledge my loyalty to Urguan and the Legion. I swear to act without treachery or evil intentions that would dishonour my kin, to uphold the realm's laws and protect the Khazadmar to the death. May Dungrimm hold me to my word.” 




  3. -TSi8JXdcWFnrFCUiYih9lhgOPX8fWXMYXzoi8wi4Vcv5UYuyN6KwKqj3Ik1Tg3Uqxb13jRHoDTXDyREctrLxp79ZmNyoCLQvuhNnlZ22Skr54qJzoGjnD6fRsb0OmLrErkAQXhP


    3rd of Grimdugans Shroud, 180 S.A







    The Grand King Thurgrim Silverbraid has decreed that the Dwarves of Urguan are summoned for a muster in the Legion Hall next year on Armakaks Labour to voluntarily enlist in the Legion of Dungrimm. Service will guarantee every serving soldier benefits on behalf of the state, but in these times of financial hardship, after the monumental and costly project of renovating the capital, payment will be issued in kind for the next few years until the Kingdom’s coffers are replenished. Any arrivals are expected to bring heavy armour and a pony at their own expense (required material for armour can be purchased at the Workforce shop, located next to the Legion Hall), but uniforms befitting the rank of new volunteers, as well as standard-issue weaponry will be distributed. All those interested in enlistment are required to fill out a recruitment form beforehand, to be delivered to either the Grand Marshal or Quartermaster of the Legion.





    [!]A form is tacked to the missive.

    [Recruitment Form]



    Date: Saturday the 18th of May, 2pm EST


    Thurgrim Silverbraid

    Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids



    Grand Marshal of the 

    Legion of Dungrimm

  4. The Wronged:

    Narvi and the Khazadmar at large


    The Assailant:

    Aganar Kalgan


    The Wrong:

    Comparing the Dwarves to Elves and calling them Animals


    Date of Wrongdoing:

    8th of First Seed, 178 S.A


    Terms of Settlement:

    An apology and 250 minae as weregild to the Dwarven State



    6th of Yemekar’s Balance, 175 S.A





    Year 175: Silver Age



    ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ 



    Attending Clans and Representatives:

    Clan Irgard- King Grelu Irgard

    Clan Irongrinder- Lord Darid Irongrinder

    Clan Irongut- Lord Thromdrick Irongut

    Clan Grandaxe- Lord Thazzaer Grandaxe

    Clan Goldhand- Lord Grimni Goldhand

    Clan Grimgold- Bostone Grimgold

    Clan Mossborn- Chief Tuzic Mossborn

    Clan Starbreaker- Ulfar Starbreaker

    Clan Doomforged- Thraegar Doomforged

    Clan Ireheart- Absent

    Clan Frostbeard- Absent




    The Grand King started the meeting by discussing the Clan's grievances and how they were causing the Kingdom's division. Thromdrick declared the Clans united, though Grimni brought up his dispute with Alaric and explained how he ended it through an honour duel. Thurgrim, the Reckoner of Urguan, pointed out eight unresolved internal grudges and suggested they be resolved at a later date. After that, the King took a roll call. Ulfar arrived with news. 




    He began detailing an attack by the Ironborn,  explaining that he was on an expedition with Lurin. He was ambushed by a Dwed who claimed to be King of Khorvad’s under kingdom, leading a force of mages and warriors. On the topic of Grudges, Darid promised to resolve the Irongrinder-Grimgold grudge by striking out his side of that feud, provided specific terms were met. Grelu declared that his council had been at work reforming institutions, with the workforce and Legion, Thurgrim Silverbraid sworn in as Marshal of the latter, and that the tavern would be restored. Thurgrim promised new reforms for the Legion to promote more activity. Grelu promised action against the Kingdom’s enemies, Azdrazi and Darkspawn alike.




    Minutes recorded by Narvi and 

    Lurdoic Irongut, King’s Scribes

  6. Narvi pens his own letter, trapped in a solitary cell.


    "The Irongrinder Clan has also aggrieved me, Darid Irongrinder assaulted me and falsely imprisoned me, slandering me as a cultist of the Harrower. I am currently held against my will, but petition the Kingdom Authorities to charge my captor with the following crimes-


    3. Impersonation of a Public Official

    3.1 Impersonation of a Public Official is the crime of assuming the identity of a public official of Urguan or another government, assuming a title to which one does not have right, or falsely acting as a representative of a public official of Urguan or another government.

    3.2 Impersonation of a Public Official is a second-degree crime.


    7.. Slander

    7.1 Slander is the crime of spreading known mistruths about a citizen of Urguan.
    7.2 Slander is a fourth-degree crime.


    8. Assault

    8.1 Assault is the crime of physically and unlawfully attacking a citizen of Urguan.

    8.2 Assault is a second-degree crime.


    9. Kidnapping
    9.1 Kidnapping is the crime of unlawfully holding a citizen of Urguan against their will.
    9.2 Kidnapping is a second-degree crime.


    I probably won't be able to attend court.


    -Narvi the falsely imprisoned."

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