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Posts posted by Yashrin

  1. Nabqua Vaj


    The Joka would hear the news of this giant worm creature with some intrigue and anger, He would order the 90 trained warriors to go find this Worm and Exterminate it and come back with Minimal casualties if they can not bring it down they are ordered to retreat. Otherwise the Populace would be reminded that until this worm has been dealt with to stay away from the areas where it has been seen.




    Total 6000

    Civilian 5807

    Military 193



    Recruiting continues (2AP)

    Military Training of the Recruits (1AP)

    Warriors are sent to deal with the Worm (1AP)


    ATTACK TEAMS ORDERS the 90 trained warriors to go find this Worm and Exterminate it and come back with Minimal casualties if they can not bring it down they are ordered to retreat


    Happy Population

    Weapon Reserves

    Farmland LVL 2


    (Sorry for the Short Post Wrote it up just before work)

  2. Nabqua Vaj


    The Joka would look out at his new recruits a little disappointed "You all answered the call of your Joka, Now we will mold you into warriors, My sons and I  are going to train you with Axes Spears and Javelins. These Weapons are extensions of yourself and you will learn to use them as well as your own arms."


    As Others are Recruiting more, Drills take place to teach the Recruits to throw Javelins accurately, Swing their axes with force and Thrust their spears hard enough to piece their enemies.


    Meanwhile the construction of the Food Storage continues




    Total 6000

    Civilian 5807

    Military 193



    Recruiting continues (2AP)

    Military Training of the Recruits (1AP)

    Food storage continues to be built (1AP)



    Happy Population

    Weapon Reserves

    Farmland LVL 2


  3. Nabqua Vaj


    The Joka would swim through the city's marsh covered outskirts with his Two Sons and his advisor heading to the Great Tree Just South east of the Village. Upon arrival they would be met with the sound of chanting as the Towns Juanth would be performing his rituals and speaking mostly gibberish. The Joka would make himself known "Juanth I am Joka Tareev I am answering your summons."


    The Juanth would turn to the small group and nod "I have called you here today to discuss a great threat that is coming. Our times of Peace will be shattered soon, You must be ready Joka or face the fires that will burn us to nothing and watch our people die."


    The Joka would give him a grave look "How can you be so sure The Marshlands have been peaceful for generation..."

    "The Threat Lies OUTSIDE the marshlands, Now GO Ready the Village as you see fit, I will Speak with the Gods and Summon you if any more should be told." he would go back to his chanting and the Joka and company take their leave swimming back to the City


    "Begin Raising a band of Warriors Just incase the Juanth is Right, Otherwise Begin Getting ready for the colder months.



    Recruiting begins (1AP)

    Burrows under the water begin to be dug for Breeding dens and for Younger members of the village (2AP)

    Food storage begins to be built (1AP)


  4. Flag(Optional):

    Name of Civilization: The Nabqua Vaj

    Type of Government w/ Ruler: Tribal led by the Joka

    Race(Limited amount of racial bonuses(nothing serious): Lizard men capable of breathing under the water called the Darastrix

    Religion: Polytheistic

    Location w/ Picture:

    Skype (For Updates): already have it

    Short Backstory: The Nabqua Vaj have lived in the marshes for as long as they can remember, The God choosing the Joka always leading things to better times. In times of war, Peace and in the Very Beginning The Joka is Viewed as the Chosen of the Divine God Khej, The God of Creation and Destruction, and Rules with his authority all Darastrix


    Happy Population 2Pt

    Weapon Reserves 2Pt

    Farmland LVL 2 3Pt


  5. Crimson Hawk Tribe


    Warcheif Lukiir would move through the village with a small patrol and upon returning to the longhouse would receive word that the Threat of losing Children has passed and would order the patrols to shrink in size have the occasional group of 5 men do a sweep of the village


    Lukiir would announce that the threat has passed and things will return to normal, And a Sacrifice of Food will be made to the gods for our peoples protection and a bountiful food products



    Attempts are made to further improve Fishing Capabilities (2AP)

    Winter food storage is built (2AP)

  6. The Crimson Hawk Tribe


    As Warlord Lukiir Receives the News of People trying to Abduct children from his people he Thanks the Gods that None where successful.

    Following the News he would Order the Warband to take shifts Patrolling Inside the Towns and Around the Immediate area



    The Warband Mobilizes sending groups of 20 men on patrol around the towns perimeter and Groups of 10 throughout the town (2AP)

    Hunters are still sent out to keep predators away (2AP)


    (Sorry for the Bad Post Time crunching)

  7. The Crimson Hawk Tribe


    Warchief Lukiir would pace the Longhouse

    "Light the Fires Keep the People Warm, and Send Hunters out Closely around the Villages to keep predators and other threats out of the village."

    All civilians that are not in the warband are told to stay inside the village at all times for their own protection and hunters will stay within a mile



    Hunters are sent to keep Predators away (2AP)

    Fish traps are set periodically to keep a semi-constant supply of food incoming (2AP)


    (Sorry for short post didn't have a lot of time)


  8. The Crimson Hawk Tribe

    Warchief Lukiir stands with his lead hunters congradulating them on all on a fine hunt and the women for bringing up fish to support them for the winter and announces that the food will be stored away for use throughout the winter preserved as best they can

    "It is time we congratulate Our Hunters and Those that Fished these last few months Make me Almost regret what I am about to do, But THe Gods Deserve to Celebrate with us." At these words the Hunters would Pull a Full Bear Fur and all and Around 4 pounds of fish and add them to the Large Bonfire in the center of their village "Praise Anextlomarus, May he Protect us during these Cold Times."




    Most of the extra food is preserved for use during the winter months (2AP)

    Some of the Warband are sent out through out the winter to set the Fishweirs again, Just in case (2AP)

  9. The Crimson Hawk Tribe

    Warchief Lukiir stands outside his village looking out over the seemingly endless water a moment before turning to his counsel of clan leaders

    "Today we stand Independent of the Romans willing and able to defend ourselves and our gods. Tomorrow I hope to learn from the Romans to further our own ends, Lets hope we only meet them several times if at all." One of the Clan heads would speak up

    "Why not take the fight to them They are weaker now than ever?"

    "Because fool we don't need the armies that passed through to the north to decide we are the larger threat and turn around and come for us."

    at that the clan leaders quieted until one spoke up "So what now Warchief?"

    "We survive."



    The Warband would be sent out to Hunt and Patrol the lands around the villages (1AP)

    Workers are set to the task of setting up Fishweirs(Fish traps) along the coasts to the east as well as trying find a better method of Line Fishing as holding the line in ones hands can lead to losing the fish (3AP)

  10. Name of Civilization: The Crimson Hawk Tribe

    Type of Government w/ Ruler: Tribal Clans, Warchief Lukiir

    Religion/Culture: (Celtic/Roman/Britonian)  Britannian

    Location w/ Picture:

    Skype (For Updates): josh.toney4

    Short Backstory: With the Romans pulling back several clans Banded together to secure a section of land to preserve the old ways, Raise the New generations alongside the Romans as best as the clans can and most of all Survive and prosper though all that Britain can throw at them. Warchief Lukiir has and his clan brought together several smaller clans and started up Tribe as a haven For britannian culture.



    Happy Population 2

    Weapon Reserves 2

    Militial Warband 1

    Common Trade Route 1

    Farming land Lvl 1 1



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