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Sherlocks_ homes

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Posts posted by Sherlocks_ homes

  1. Spoiler



    As Marrow lay down in the operating room-turned sickbay, he reflected upon recent events. Despite the dutiful treatments of his brothers and sisters, his illness had only grown worse as time went on. He was much paler than usual and it seemed as though every breath brought pain to his lungs. He had pored through the medical texts left by his bedside in an attempt to sate his boredom, and now had an understanding of medicine which might have helped him avoid this whole mess. Or perhaps not. It hardly mattered now. What was done was done and Marrow knew that better than most. Pausing from his musings, Marrow caught sight of a sheet of paper resting conveniently on his bedside table. Picking a charcoal stylus from his pocket, he sluggishly began his composition between strained coughs:


    “To all whom it may concern, consider these my final words. I’ve had a good run, but it seems that fate has finally caught up with me. Please do not mourn me with tears and silence, but remember me knowing that I shall soon be among other brothers and sisters. If you will please excuse my favoritism, I have a few remarks for those who I knew best.


    Naffog, I am sorry to provoke your ire by being overtaken by this disease, but I am simply not strong enough. Please don’t take it personally. You’ve been an exemplary friend and brother, guiding me when I’ve needed guidance and tolerating my antics with grace.


    Sahar, As the first person to welcome me into the Edict, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank-you. You have been a trusted confidant and sister. For these reasons I am trusting you to ensure my cremation. I’d like my remains to be made free upon the winds, not imprisoned below the ground. 


    Ayche, You have my utmost respect as one of the few people who would join me on the train of nonsense which I often jumped upon. Carry on.


    Tsisha, Sitting here now, it feels rather ironic that just a little while ago I was poking fun at your advanced age. Regardless, I thank you for many a good drink in Holm and wish you well in your work with the kha. You’ve been a good friend.


    Zuni, Thanks for leading me back home. Congratulations on your upward climb through the ranks, you have certainly earned it.


    Ilkri, It was fun teaching you sarcasm and talking about ghosts. Thank you for humoring me when I needed it, even if it was just me spouting complete and utter nonsense. If you’d ever like to see the finished product of ‘The Mystery of the Bloodied Rose’, feel absolutely free to break into my home and retrieve it. I wont be annoyed, I assure you.


    Thank you all for making my life an interesting one,

    Marrow E. Scaevolus II”


    Upon the completion of his signature, Marrow flimsily folded the paper in half and set it on top of the medical manuals strewn beside his bed. Taking one last sip of honeyed tea to calm his cough, he shakily placed the cup on his beside table and reclined his head into a pillow. After shifting himself around to get as comfortable as possible, Marrow finally relaxed, a seldom-seen look of calm coming across his face. Sometime in the night, he breathed his last.


    ((It’s been fun, fellas, but all good things must come to an end. Also, I have NOT played Red Dead 2, as a matter of fact. Suck on that, Peasant.)

  2. [!] In the market square of Holm, at exactly noon, a one-armed ‘ker quietly steps onto the Dwainsrock, the town crier utilizing his trained vocal chords to call out for silence among the crowd.



    “Friends, Holmites, Countrymen, lend me your ears. All must hear of this matter. As of late, I, High Judge Marrow Scaevolus, along with several other members of the tribunal council have been involved in an investigation of the our elected Consuls. What has been discovered can only be described as concerning. The adviser of Consul Curseus has been found guilty of conspiracy against Consul Irongut after Brigadier General Evan Katke provided eyewitness testimony to a possible plot against Dimlin’s life.’

    “Consequently, a warrant was provided to the General for further investigation into Consul Curseus and while no solid evidence has been found, the Caesar’s lack of cooperation with the investigation suggests that he does not want something to be found. Aside from my charge as High Judge, however, I ask you all, the people, to come tomorrow and vote for the truth to be uncovered through a more extensive investigation, not only on Caesar, but Dimlin as well. Without this, I fear that our entire way of life may be at risk. Maybe not immediately, but slowly, over time. You all have my thanks for for your attention, and for your vigilance.”


    OOC: As a reminder, Senate meeting is at 3pm EST Saturday (tomorrow). Have fun!

  3. Marrow grins wildly as he gives the skyshark what he thinks is a middle finger with his missing left arm, “Take that, you cloud-eating, walnut-brained, fish stick!” he cackles to himself before frowning and realizing that it is midnight and everyone left the field of battle hours ago. “Oh.”

  4. [!] "O'ye," shouts everyone's favorite town crier, seeming abnormally well-fed, "Scaevolus Investments is officially open for business!" he begins passing around fliers to all who pass by, occationally throwing the odd paper airplane into the wind.







    Scaevolus Investments

    Honesty, Tradition, and Redemption





    "I cannot be sure that the name is not as self-explanatory as I have intended, so I shall elaborate on the nature of this company. I, Marrow Scaevolus intend to bring private investment and official moneylending to the Holmite economy in the hopes of sparking something new to add to the already burning fire of Holmite industry and innovation.  However, it must be made clear that I have no intention to act as a miser of funds or some coin-counting crook. In fact, my intention is quite the opposite. If done correctly, moneylending can greatly help a community, and I intend to get it right."

    With highest regards,

    Marrow Scaevolus



    Despite the somewhat unprecedented nature of Scaevolus Investments, we are dedicated not only to our the economic success of Holm, but also that of the residents and citizens of Holm. As a member of the Iron Brigade and senator of Holm, Marrow Scaevolus can guarantee that this venture surpasses mere profit or nobility, but a mission to continue Holm on its way to becoming one of the great nations of the world.


    Nature and Application

    In order for Holm and its citizens to fund greater and more illustrious works, funds must be found without too much negative affect on the general population. This is where private investment firms come into play. Both the Holmite government and her citizens will have access to Scaevolus Investments for negotiation of loans for all number of projects and purposes. In regards to said loans, Scaevolus Investments fully intends to make every loan taken personalized for maximum convenience and affordability.* If an individual wishes to take out a loan, he or she needs only to send a bird to Marrow Scaevolus and either a meeting will be arranged or conditions will be negotiated through mail.



    Given the current infancy of Scaevolus Investments, we will not be accepting job applications at this time. However, as we grow, it would be a pleasure to support the skilled workers of Holm in any way possible by providing occupation.


    With this new company I hope to support Holm not only as a patriot, but as a hopeful businessman.


    *Terms and conditions  will vary depending both on the reliability of the client and amount of funds present within Scaevolus Investments.


    ((Feel free to contact me either in-game, forums, or Discord [@Sherlock's Homes#5636] with questions, loan requests, or just to say hi.))

  5. Marrow lets out a small sigh as he catches the news. "No matter how much I may have mocked you, you were still a noble heart, unique among your kind. Van'ayla..."  He pauses for a few moments, thinking to himself before finishing, "...llir."

  6. OOC NAME: Sherlocks_homes

    RP NAME: Marrow Scaevolus

    Location of home: Cloud District

    Proof of purchase (take a picture of the item being bought/in your inventory with your name in sight): None, my screenshot is being screwy but ask Beamon and he can confirm that I am a citizen. EDIT: I guess you can come up to me irp and go "Papers please" but I have no idea how that'd blow over.

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