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Posts posted by Adasinio




    The sun-kissed capital of San'Thraka seemed to not be so bright,

    in spite of the blaring rays of the sun far above.


    Suddenly the sounds of a violin being played by untrained hands echo throughout.

    If one got closer they would see the source of the noise,

    the goblin by the name of Onk.


    Before Onk stood the rest of the goblins,

    around a terribly dug grave.


    Pyzi began to speak.


    "Bruddahz, diz iz ay nubhozh dai. Wi hab luzt da see munkeez dat mi traydid zhiniez fur."


    "Zpyritz wutch obah dem."


    As Pyzi finishes her short speech an olog by the name of Guhrub,

    releases the mud in his arms and covers the grave.




    "Wulmurt nub gib mi ryfund, mi fynd znaga inzted."




    We are looking for someone who'd like to become a slave of a bunch of goblins!

    Want to learn orcish culture, blah and other fun stuff without being an orc?

    No problem, be the skull brothers slave, today!





    A sharp, cold breeze rolls through the desolate ruins of a city that’s name and history had long been forgotten by time itself,

    completely barren of any signs that the city was even lived in by the previous inhabitants of the land,

    and has since been taken over by the creatures that lurk in the darkness of night.


    The only signs of light the city has felt for a long time had been the moon far above in the sky,

    until one particularly quiet night the flickering of fire caused misshapen shadows to dance upon the walls in wicked and distorted fashions;

    and for the first time in years the sounds of conversation began to echo throughout the area.


    The distinct sounds of harsh guttural voices seemed to keep the new inhabitants of the ruins from prying,

    giving the intruders of the land no inclination of being watched and because of such the voices only grew louder,

    the excitement was clear as the shadows flickered more around the campsite and showed jittering movement of the goblins which stood there.


    “Tudai iz da dai wi am hozh. Nub, tudai iz da dai wi am bubhozh. Wi du diz nub juz wizelf bud …

    Fur da Rex agh da Uzg agh da Zpyritz!  

    Hunur fur da Rex! Votar fur da Uzg! Trybut fur da Zpyritz!”


    The once desolate ruins suddenly burst alive,

    the loud echoes of the band of goblins chanting flood the city and within a moment,

    the flickering of their shadows begin to brighten as the campfire spreads throughout the ruins,

    and the already once destroyed landmass becomes set alit in a fury of flames.

  3. MC Name:



    RP Name:

    Leryn Frostbeard


    Which Cohort you prefer:

    No preference



    Will give privately


    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.):

    GMT +1


    Do you have Teamspeak?:

    Do not own it


    What are your reasons for joining the legion?:

    Honour and loyalty to the Kingdom


  4. MC name:



    Character's name and age:

    Rai'wyn terin, 130


    Character’s Race:



    What magic will you be learning?:

    Ascended, Gold Sect


    Who will be teaching you?:

    Grungron Irongut


    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it:

    Not applicable


    MC Name:



    Forum Name:



    Skype Name:

    I can supply this privately.



    GMT +1, though online throughout the day.


    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards set forth to be a member of this team?

    I frequently read the Wikipedia and prior to joining I read up on the available races to people applying for whitelist onto the server and easily able to read up on lore that I do not have a grasp on. Yes, I have an understanding of the standards set. 


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?

    I want to be a member of the team because I wish to help as much as I am able to and feel that while I am new the application team is something I could get into to show that I wish to help. I do have the ability to work and collaborate with absolutely anyone.


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC Wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?

    I will happily do any extra responsibilities given to me, it's something that even if not assigned would ask for regardless to simply help the team as a whole or the entirety of the staff.


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?

    Despite only joining the server under a month ago, I have been thoroughly enjoying it and throwing myself into the experience completely, thus far having '256' hours on my persona and being the number four farmer as of the time writing & posting this thread. Showing my commitment to the server this way, as well as wishing to equally show my love for the server through this application.


    Thank you for reading, I would love to answer any questions that may be asked bellow!

  6. I have a genuine question that I would appreciate if someone could give an answer to, I will be asking from personal experience though I'm not still angry over it and am just using it as an example.


    Having your entirety of your storage stolen where the chests have no locks but the door does (which happens in real life, who of us actually locks our hay / food items inside the house), what roleplay does this give to the victim to return home to a storage that was once full to a storage that is now completely empty?

  7. I am not entirely sure if this is on topic but it sort of relates to lockpicking, in a thieving sort of manner.


    Could we potentially put a limit on how much you are allowed to steal from chests without locks? I understand that if it is unlocked in roleplay you should logically be allowed to return for more, but sometimes there are limits and exceptions, even ridiculous events. For example, I had roughly ten double chests full of haybales stolen due to me not being a donator and having the chests locked, I understand the argument against this would be to get someone to lock the chests but wouldn't it be easier to allow the people who either don't have spare money to spend on VIP or don't have a friend with VIP would be to simply put a limit to the amount allowed to steal?

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