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Status Replies posted by Lillian

  1. Sorry about that. Just to confirm, your wait was supposed to be 12 hours, not 24. Go ahead and post your third app if you wish,

    1. Lillian


      well im just going to post it im just going to guess thats an ok XD sorry im a little slow -_-

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. this isnt really about my application at all this is about your reply XD

     that made me laugh super hard and i was having a bit of a bad day thank you so much for making me

    laugh and making my day better

  3. this isnt really about my application at all this is about your reply XD

     that made me laugh super hard and i was having a bit of a bad day thank you so much for making me

    laugh and making my day better

    1. Lillian


      thanks im making a new skin and fixing my app youll get a new one in 24 hours that is the time thing right?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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