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Everything posted by Mada

  1. Mada


    Due to the fact that you haven't made an account on the forums yet, which makes you unable to make any potential edits to your application as there were some missing points about it. Please do make the following changes before you can make another application, you may re-apply as soon as possible: _____________________ ✦ Your character cannot possess any magical abilities, same thing goes for alchemy and curses as all of that happens in roleplay. It takes a different amount of time to learn magic and alchemy. ✦ You cannot roleplay as anything else other than the descendant races that currently available for you. You'll have to make an addition creature application once you have gotten a good grasp of Lord of the Craft roleplay, rules, and its mechanics. Changing your character description and "interesting facts" would be highly recomened since you cannot be accepted with this character you've created so far. _____________________ I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091. You can always make a ticket in game as well simply by doing /atreq if you have any questions.
  2. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review
  3. Mada


    Changed Status to Denied
  4. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review Due to the fact that you haven't made an account on the forums yet, which makes you unable to make any potential edits to your application as there were some missing points about it. Please do make the following changes before you can make another application, you may re-apply as soon as possible: _____________________ ✦ Your biography needs lack the required one lore reference, the wiki is a good place for that and you can refer to anything about the world. It could be about when your character was born, the city that they may have lived et cetera. Note that mentioning dwarfs and elves simply isn't enough. ✦ Please do check the definition and see if you can change your powergaming definition. Possibly give us an example that will complement the definition you have right now as your examples aren't what we're currently looking out for right now. _____________________ I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091. You can always make a ticket in game as well simply by doing /atreq if you have any questions
  5. Mada


    Changed Status to Denied
  6. Mada


    Due to the fact that you haven't made an account on the forums yet, which makes you unable to make any potential edits to your application as there were some missing points about it. Please do make the following changes before you can make another application, you may re-apply as soon as possible: _____________________ ✦ Please do check the definition and see if you can change it. Possibly give us an example that will complement the definition you have right now as your examples aren't what we're currently looking out for right now. ✦ Your biography needs lack the required one lore reference, the wiki is a good place for that and you can refer to anything about the world. It could be about when your character was born, the city that they may have lived et cetera. _____________________ I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091. You can always make a ticket in game as well simply by doing /atreq if you have any questions
  7. Mada


    Changed Status to Accepted
  8. Mada


    Well done applicant! I can only hope that you're able to have an amazing time on LoTC, being able to fully develop your own character with other people as time goes on. The being said... On the behalf of the Application team, I warmly welcome you to the Lord of The Craft community. I hope you the best of luck as you explore and roleplay on Atlas! You’ll be whitelisted and implemented very shortly, you may also want to check out “ The New Player Discord ” for questions or dwell deeper into the wiki if times allow it. While in game you can also use /atreq [message] for any assistance you might need from an Application Member or directly message me in game - /msg MadYeAd. Not to mention that /help is a very helpful command that should be utilized.
  9. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review
  10. Mada


    Changed Status to Pending
  11. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review Thank you for applying for Lord of The Craft but unfortunately, your application has been put under... ✦ Your character can't come from a noble family of any sort, even if his/her family happened to be killed. ✦ Consider changing the part about your character being able to eat people as it wouldn't make sense for any descendant to simply start eating other descendants. Your application was good but not good enough to be truly perfect. Though fret not as you have 24 hours to make the changes. I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091.
  12. Mada


    Changed Status to Pending
  13. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review Thank you for applying for Lord of The Craft but unfortunately, your application has been put under... ✦ Please do check the definition and see if you can change it. Possibly give us an example that will complement the definition you have right now as your examples aren't what we're currently looking out for right now. Consider contacting on me on discord if you need further explanation. ✦ Note that your character cannot be attuned through druidism since it takes both in character and in real life time. You'll also have to wait at least two weeks before you can possess any "magic" such as Druidism, it would also mean that your character won't be able to talk with animals just yet. ✦ Elves culturally don't turn into adults before they hit 50 years old. So it would be very unlikely that she'd already venture out to the high elven city at such a young age. Your application was good but not good enough to be truly perfect. Though fret not as you have 24 hours to make the changes. I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091.
  14. Mada


    Changed Status to Denied
  15. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review Due to the fact that you haven't made an account on the forums yet, which makes you unable to make any potential edits to your application as there were some missing points about it. Please do make the following changes before you can make another application, you may re-apply as soon as possible: _____________________ ✦ Please do check the definition and see if you can change it. Possibly give us an example that will complement the definition you have right now as your examples aren't what we're currently looking out for right now. Consider contacting on me on discord if you need further explanation. ✦ Your biography needs lack the required one lore reference, the wiki is a good place for that and you can refer to anything about the world. It could be about when your character was born, the city that they may have lived et cetera. Note that mentioning Atlas and Dwarfs isn't enough. ✦ Your character descriptions seem rather lackluster, try to add something about the characters features like color of their hair, eyes or how tall they might be. ✦ At least one weakness should be mentioned under your interesting facts, though I'd recommend that you expand your interesting facts to full sentences. _____________________ I recommend that you check out the "New Player Discord" and wiki when times allow it! Feel free to contact me on the forums, in game (/m MadYeAd) or over at discord with a simple tag - MadYeAd#6091. You can always make a ticket in game as well simply by doing /atreq if you have any questions
  16. Mada


    Changed Status to Accepted
  17. Mada


    Well done applicant! I've had an absolutely amazing time reading your application and only few application manage to catch my interest by so much. I can only hope that you're able to have an amazing time on LoTC, being able to fully develop your own character with other people as time goes on. The being said... On the behalf of the Application team, I warmly welcome you to the Lord of The Craft community. I hope you the best of luck as you explore and roleplay on Atlas! You’ll be whitelisted and implemented very shortly, you may also want to check out “ The New Player Discord ” for questions or dwell deeper into the wiki if times allow it. While in game you can also use /atreq [message] for any assistance you might need from an Application Member or directly message me in game - /msg MadYeAd. Not to mention that /help is a very helpful command that should be utilized.
  18. Mada


    Changed Status to Accepted
  19. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review Well done applicant! I've had an absolutely amazing time reading your application and only few application manage to catch my interest by so much. I can only hope that you're able to have an amazing time on LoTC, being able to fully develop your own character with other people as time goes on. The being said... On the behalf of the Application team, I warmly welcome you to the Lord of The Craft community. I hope you the best of luck as you explore and roleplay on Atlas! You’ll be whitelisted and implemented very shortly, you may also want to check out “ The New Player Discord ” for questions or dwell deeper into the wiki if times allow it. While in game you can also use /atreq [message] for any assistance you might need from an Application Member or directly message me in game - /msg MadYeAd. Not to mention that /help is a very helpful command that should be utilized.
  20. Mada


    Changed Status to Accepted
  21. Mada


    Well done applicant! I've had an absolutely amazing time reading your application and only few application manage to catch my interest by so much. I can only hope that you're able to have an amazing time on LoTC, being able to fully develop your own character with other people as time goes on. The being said... On the behalf of the Application team, I warmly welcome you to the Lord of The Craft community. I hope you the best of luck as you explore and roleplay on Atlas! You’ll be whitelisted and implemented very shortly, you may also want to check out “ The New Player Discord ” for questions or dwell deeper into the wiki if times allow it. While in game you can also use /atreq [message] for any assistance you might need from an Application Member or directly message me in game - /msg MadYeAd. Not to mention that /help is a very helpful command that should be utilized.
  22. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review
  23. Mada


    Changed Status to Accepted
  24. Mada


    Well done applicant! I've had an absolutely amazing time reading your application and only few application manage to catch my interest by so much. I can only hope that you're able to have an amazing time on LoTC, being able to fully develop your own character with other people as time goes on. The being said... On the behalf of the Application team, I warmly welcome you to the Lord of The Craft community. I hope you the best of luck as you explore and roleplay on Atlas! You’ll be whitelisted and implemented very shortly, you may also want to check out “ The New Player Discord ” for questions or dwell deeper into the wiki if times allow it. While in game you can also use /atreq [message] for any assistance you might need from an Application Member or directly message me in game - /msg MadYeAd. Not to mention that /help is a very helpful command that should be utilized.
  25. Mada


    Changed Status to Under Review
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