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Jerome Jonsaeus

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Posts posted by Jerome Jonsaeus

  1. To preface this post, these Orcs were by no means harassing me. It is just a video title. They are actually a pretty cool sub community of LOTC. 




    Please like and subscribe for a free hug <3. 

  2. OOC
    ((MC Name: Mattallamune72))
    ((Discord: Mattallamune72 #8338))
    ((Timezone: CST))


    What is your name?

    Kibo Naracov

    Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? 

    Since I was a child, I’ve had an extreme interest in studying the Arcane disciplines and how the void truly works. Now fully into adulthood, that fascination and admiration has not wavered. I do not wish use my potential abilities for any combative or pugnacious purposes. On the contrary, I wish to use to my knowledge of the void to help preserve the knowledge protected for centuries and assist others need.

    What arts, if any, do you currently practice?

    I currently practice no magic at the moment. However, I do know the fundamental properties of voidal magic due to reading about it in my leisure time. 

    What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?


    When should you be contacted for an interview?





    You read the title! I’m sort of back doing YT videos on the server. For the time being, I’m doing mostly streams. I know there has been a level polarity with the content that I created in the past i.e being memey (hehe sorry). However, I love this server and love making content. So if you would please like, subscribe (or resub) and share. Thank you! 


    Let me know of any interesting events or things going on in the server that you would like me to stream. 


    Discord: Mattallamune72#8338 

    Or PM me on the Forums 






    (Don’t have to fully rewatch streams but go ahead and like it.) 

  4. On 7/25/2018 at 3:29 PM, Licorish said:

    ((This post wasn't made to convince you in the first place....?Appie isn't with us, nor are we at our 'end'.))

    (( You kinda are at your end... ))

  5. [Application]

    ((MC Name: Mattallamune72 ))


    ((RP)) Name: Amias Carter Jonesaeus


    Known Arcane Arts: Electrical Evocationist


    Position Desired (Student or Instructor): Student


    When is the best time to contact you for an interview((Discord)): EST

  6. MC-Name: Mattallamune72


    Character Name: Amias Carter Jonesaeus


    Age: 56


    Race: Farfolk


    Hometown: Al-Damashq, Kadarsi Sultanate


    Possible Goals to achieve: Honestly to have more interesting RP with Amias in his journey to become a great mage. Good Content to Cover on the Server. Contribute to major server events (hopefully).


    Wanted Role/Job: Sailor


    Discord: Mattallamune72 #8338

  7. 4 hours ago, Braigar said:

    Checked out your channel and you had lots of good content. Maybe we get to do something together one day! that could be cool

    Oh for sure, my dude. Hit me up on discord. I'm always up for a good collab. 

  8. 6 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Amias has nothing on this good lad



    ((I still love you @Jerome Jonsaeus ))

    Thanks for the motivation.


    And Welcome to the Server! @Braigar . I'm Amias. It's good to meet you and see that they're is new coverage on this server. Good luck! I hope to see more from you. ?

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