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Posts posted by TwinkleStar

  1. I actually had a lot of fun here with this, got attacked by leaf apes and ate bubble flowers. These things def bring out some of the underutilized lore that's scattered around, making one want to visit just to find them or even create more if they can! (lord knows I want to just write heaps of creature lore now to add onto these places)


    Keep it up! Bring the world to life :D

  2. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Forgottenray

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: OceanofStars


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: yas

    Do you understand you cannot have both of these accounts interacting with one another? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: yeppers

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: si

    How long have you been on LotC?: Since around april of 2016, though i didn't really become active for a good while until august

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: just oceanofstars to my recollection

  3. MC Name: OceanofStars

    Character's Name: Annette “Faethe” Favreau


    Character's Age: 48

    Character's Race: Human (Adunian)

    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Thallassos

    Teacher's MC Name: Archangel_Avacyn

    Teacher's RP Name: The Drowned Sentinel

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope not dropping any.

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Always.

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

    Annette ‘Faethe’ Favreau


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

    Human (Adunian)


    Link to your accepted MA: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/149037-fire-evocation-st-oceanofstars/


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Fire Evocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Fire evocation at its core is the summoning of a raw element, in this case, fire, from the depths of the void via the mages connection to it. These elements are temporarily conjured by the mage's efforts, and as such, they disappear after the mage has severed their connection to the void. The effects created during the connection, however, remain. Fire magic, in particular, would be considered an aggressive sort of magic,  the most common forms of its summoning being combative maneuvers such as fireballs, walls of flame, or minor explosions. However, it can also be used in a more passive sense to light candles, create light, light a stove, or heat up tea that’s gone cold. Mages are not immune to the effects of their element and are also unable to control naturally ‘born’ versions of their element either. An example for fire evocation would be the inability to stop an already raging fire from spreading further or extinguishing the flames.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Each lesson would be tailored to the specific needs and abilities of the student, however, the general pattern would be as such;


    The student first must understand the nature and dangers of fire itself, before even broaching the subject of magic itself. She would ask them if they knew these things, and regardless of the answer given, set to teach them such. The student must bring something they consider precious to themselves to her, and then set it alight and ask them to extinguish it. Regardless or not if they can put it out in time, the item will, of course, be damaged, forever changed by fire. Anne then would go on to explain that what they do with fire cannot ever be taken back. The damage it leaves behind will stay on whatever they touch, and as well as themselves.

    If they’re crazy enough to still want her to teach, she will ask them to then gather, on their own time and resources, any information they can manage to collect on the void and fire evocation and bring it to her. Literally homework. Multiple paper tests and quizzes would be given over an extended period of time until it is apparent not only to Anne, but to other people, that they had a textual understanding of magic. At which point, she would help them learn what method of meditation would be best for the student themselves and guide them step by step to their first connection. Once the connection had been made, practice doing so for an extended period before attempting to light a candle on their own, then so on and so forth from there.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:  



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. Various posters are posted throughout all the major cities, carefully printed on thick parchment across every noticeboard it could possibly be tacked upon.


    "Greetings and salutations! I am currently seeking workers for a small farm I operate, mainly chefs! I produce far too much meat and milk to process myself, so a cook experienced in the churning of butter and culturing of cheese would be greatly appreciated. I am also seeking someone capable of processing apples into cider, as well as those strong enough to climb the apple trees to collect fruit for said processing!


    If interested, please contact Faethe Favreau ((OceanofStars)) at any time."

  6. 2 hours ago, Sky said:

    Now, for a new player who wants to be a player in Haense, that's a whole twenty-one minutes that they have to spend simply walking in a direction (Assuming they don't get lost) to finally arrive there. Even if you soulstoned to Oren, it would be a whole fourteen minutes spent on the road to arrive at their town, and that's ridiculous. 


    Also simply saying "Use your ss, it's a fast travel!", you need to remember the following!


    1) Only nations get green soulstone pillars.


    2) Soulstone pillars made by donaters, WHEN THEY WORK, only hold a certain amount of player slots and even then, now with the new shitty update it takes time to get to their max slots. (It has been well into a month, and my pillar barely holds 20 people, that sucks if you have a large playerbase like Haense).


    3) Can only have a few pillars in a certain radius of each of them, thus making it near impossible and quite frankly, the ugliest thing to see is a mass amount of redstone soulpillars.


    If there was an application format that you can fill out for a green soulstone pillar, then maybe that would be a thing, but that would remove one benefit of being a nation. 


    Without fast-travel = Everyone is forced to walk to their location, some begrudgingly, others happily.


    With fast-travel = Those who wish to walk, may, and those who don't, don't have to.


    It's literally as simple as that, and saying "But I hate dock role-play", have you not noticed that no one wants to role-play at the Isle of Malin, and they want to role-play at their nation/settlement? That's why people want fast-travel, and if it fucks up, it's literally not hard to remove them afterwards. Simple as.

    Point one. A new player probably wouldn't even know about Haense unless told, so that point is a touch moot because they would have to find out about it first. Hell, I didnt even know that town existed until this post, and I dont ahve a clue where it is. More than likely it would be through another player, who then takes them there.


    Point two. Anyone set as a human will be automatically sent to Jberg already since they are humans. And more than likely a new player will end up in Jberg because they'll follow the signs towards the humans. Each new player tends to try and find more of their own race, and only when that fails do they really follow the signs to other towns to try and find roleplay.


    Point three. If you haven't made a bug report about the soulstone pillars, I suggest you do. Only way for things to ever get half-fixed here is to screech like a pterodactyl until someone's ears bleed.


    Point four. People will always take the easy option. Its really just human nature. If a fast travel is available, 9/10 times, you will probably take it, new or not. Humans are lazy creatures, if there is something that can remove effort for us, we do it. Its only on a very rare occasion you'll find someone doing something the hard way solely because its the hard way, and not that they were ignorant to a more efficient medium.


    Point five. A lot of this can be fixed by a charter for active settlements (at least 10 or so people there 50% of the time) to get their own green pillar. This would pull off from nations, but if a town is active enough to support such a thing, they should be given the reward.


    Point six. It has been seen, time and time again, that anything not directly near a fast travel dies very quickly, simply because of the fact its not easily visible. That is why places like the Drunken Mare didn't go anywhere, but the massive tree tavern and Pikel's tavern were exceedingly popular, because they were right on the busy main roads, and everyone constantly fought for those plots.


    Point seven. A lot of small farming areas depend on people walking the roads for their crops to grow. Because of how the server is set up, if nobody is within a chunk of an area, it effectively shuts down. Animal timers will not tick, they will not grow or be ready to breed again, and plants will not grow, effectively killing the point of the plot itself. One could easily say to move it, but usually these spots are handed off by a GM and you're not going to get it moved. You get what you get there.


    Point eight. Again, I still stand firm that if you can't walk to a place, its laziness. If you don't have much time to log on and roleplay, don't settle yourself in an inactive hub, pick a place that is always bustling in your timezone, something everyone is capable of. Granted, getting involved in the hubs as an outsider is exceedingly difficult, so again, not for the lazy. You're going to have to work insufferably hard for very little payoff. But what can you do? You get what you get there.


    Point nine. Vote. You'll usually get enough food and mina to hold you off until you can buy a horse, there's plenty of people selling them and you can get a decent horse for very cheap. It took my only 3 days to get one, and I was lazy about it and picky because i wanted a specifically colored horse and was willing to wait for it. The food you get form voting, other people summoning the taterlord, and /bread will keep you alive rather easily until this, or you're extremely lucky and get handed an active hub because you were in the right place at the right time.


    Point ten. Again, nobody will ever choose the difficult route when an easy one is available. The real thing that needs to be done is make the territory more interesting past floating trees and open grass. If fast travels are an absolute must, why not set up stables to 'rent' a horse, a fast travel 'horse' that hops a small distance at a time for an amount of mina. The further the 'horse' was rented to go, the more it would cost to take it, like they used to in the old days with liveries. You would still have to walk from livery to livery, which has some space between each, and offers a place for taverns and the like to be between them, as an option for those that dont have mina, or wish to save it.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Jaeden said:

     You can't possibly expect a half dozen builders to individually create every single tree, do you? So of course there'll be some errors where those trees were copy-pasta'd. Hopefully you'll hold a bit of remorse for that paragraph; but hey, I'm just optimistic.


    I don't. I dont regret it at all, because with a half a dozen builders, or even one builder, I expect more than literally 4 types of trees spread across 5 (or even more) regions. I dont expect 20 different types of trees. But I expect more than four that are very obviously the same tree, copy pastad, and only sometimes rotated.


    I've seen what builders can do. I've seen it every single map, and this is a shadow of what they can do. And I've watched one person build an entire, stupidly detailed nation, by themselves.


    But this thread is about the fast travels, not about my personal opinion of a map build.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Sky said:

    Again, done in a low hour time, because you need to put into the following in account; Shitty bandit role-play not worth getting into a report over, shitty computer making you lag like hell, server lag due to various reasons, and lack of time to role-play, thus trying to make the best out of it. What works for you, doesn't always work for others. Why does it feel like you are personally offended by the idea of fast travels? I mean, you enjoy the walking, good for you, seriously it's great that you enjoy it but others don't, and honestly fast travels DO NOT affect you one way or another, so simply have them and do what you want. The world, COMPARATIVELY, is massive and there is no argument to be made there, it's a fact.

    >A low hour time.

    Your point is? That wasnt the purpose of timing the travel. I wasnt looking for roleplay in this trip. I was timing it to show how little effort there is wandering around aimlessly. I literally farted about just messing along as I meandered from one hub, to the other, and it was still under a significant time.


    That was the point of the journey.


    Oh, and my computer is crap too. It holds out a good 4xxms on a constant basis, even when on tiny distance.


    As for why I feel 'personally offended' I'm not. I'm allowed to share my viewpoint on something just as much as you are.


    Moving to shitty bandit roleplay. Make the reports. Its not going to go away if you just ignore it. You want bad rp to go away? Say something. Speak up. Make the complaint, make the report.


    And personally? Believe it or not.. I dont enjoy the walking. This map had so little heart put into its painting I honestly laugh about it. Trot around Jberg, you see the same 3 trees scattered around, some of which have bits sticking out over slopes in the most awkward ways. In the woodie area, its even WORSE, Huge chunks of root, just sticking out over open air, its so hilariously awkward that the first time I saw it, I actually laughed aloud.


    But the point of my posts, the point of my fighting it, is purely on the basis of hope that somewhere along the line, someone will be able to make something interesting on the road. Back in the day, new players found their first friends and got their start off people they met on the roadside. That's how you got into roleplay groups, learned about things, got to know other characters, by happening across it on the roadside.


    I've seen numerous players complain about the struggle to find a home, land, get anywhere, find anything to do. And this is on peak hours too, not just the dead of night when im on the laptop at work, the afternoons on the weekends, I still see the complaints in OOC, constantly, all the time.


    When fast travels started to come around, it started to die off and it became difficult for people, and the tiny handful of friendly vets isnt going to cut it anymore.

  9. So, I did a small test. I went on foot from my dairy farm, to Jberg, to the wood elven place. On foot, following the roads, on foot.


    It took 11m18.43s


    In that 11 minutes I went to Jberg, stopped to see who all was there, glanced at thatpyrodudes new skin. Checked the iron shop, went to the boats. I then went to spawn, checked the auction house, got sad my auction didnt sell. Accidentally went instead to the dreadlands, realized i went to the wrong boat, went back, and headed to the wood elven place. I decided to catch a fish to see what they had in their river. Sadly, all I got was boots. They're fabulous though, pretty alright. Then, I decided to climb partway up a mountain and look around. I looked at the badly copy pasted in trees that were only /rotated and have heir roots sticking over open ground. Then I continued. I had to afk a moment to pet the doggo. When doggos demand pats, you pat them. No exceptions. I then swam alongside the bridge because well. I felt like it. Why not? Then just trotted down the road, noticed the new building outside the gates, took a quick screenie. I liked the arch, its cute. Compliments to the builder! The.. I walked into the woodie city to see a grand total of five people.


    I literally meandered the entire time, and it took no time at all. Just walking, no sprint jumping!


    All in all, the world isnt that big, if I can wander around like an aimless hen in a feedyard and still get there in ten minutes, it's not that big. Either /ss, or hold W.

  10. Just now, Sky said:

    Yes, of course that makes sense! Because the community wanted a medium sized map with no fast travels, and were given a large map without fast travels, means it's exactly what they asked for. This isn't what was asked for, please don't try to contort it in a 'lie in the bed you make' this is more like laying in the bed that the maid made for you, but was made like a deaf person when you told them you wanted star-wars duvet on JERALD. As well it's nothing about being lazy, that's silly, it's more so about not wanting to waste time running a marathon just to role-play, those who want to do it can avoid the fast-travel. You like it? Then walk, but forcing us to, is ridiculous, and just because you feel it's right, doesn't make it right. 

    Roleplay where? There's like two hubs. And honestly? This map isnt all that big at all.


    Really the only annoying, confusing thing about this map, is the multiworld. That is the only thing I've found bothersome.


    And if you dont want to waste time? /ss. Boom. Done. You're there at the gate. Congrats! In about one day you can sit long enough to get an SS to the 2 points that you'll ever find roleplay at, dependant entirely on your timezone.


    Jberg and wood elves, or Jberg and Sutica. I've literally trotted to each nation, and found butkis for roleplay. Hell, most people right now are just on forums, in Jberg, or afk in their grindholes.


    Fast travel honestly isnt going to fix the real problem, lack of player retention and fulfillment.

  11. Just now, Sky said:

    >4.5 comes
    >Medium size
    >Tonnes of fast-travels
    >Community complains
    >5.0 is announced
    >5.0 feedback is asked for
    >Medium map with no fast-travels asked for
    >Admins say okay

    >5.0 comes
    >Large map
    >No fast-travels
    >Complaints come
    >Admins say it's what community wanted



    And in my personal opinion, another reason not to change this one thing. Made your bed, lie in it.


    To be brutally honest, anyone who cries they need a fast travel is just lazy and cant hold W or type /ss

  12. Just now, Starry •ε• said:

    This means it isn't applicable. There are no roadside businesses to destroy the traffic of, and land being difficult to get for them is irrelevant and another issue entirely. Though I'd say getting in contact with a nation is the theoretical roadside business owners' best bet.


    As for the rest, I mostly meant the chunks next to fast travels (read: boats) which will never be populated unless next to a city. I'm lucky enough to be busy most of the time I'm online and see groups that are always open to new guys, I guess.

    So, what? The moment a roadside tavern manages to open, all the fast travels get removed? And no, the issues are connected. Fast travels destroy roleplay, so does the difficulty of claims.


    Though to be honest, there's only really 2 rp hubs, since the server is so underpopulated and that number seems to lessen each day. The player retention is crud, because it is extremely difficult for players to get to do what they really want to do.


    Most nation leaders of course will say no to outside taverns for the reasons of they have one inside already, why give a roadside tavern? It would also pull away from their hub, so again, why give it?


    But the point comes down to, is it really so hard to press W for a minute or so. I can get to the wood elf capital in about 3 minutes or so, trotting in a straight line, without a mount.


    If it aint broke, dont fix it.

  13. Just now, Starry •ε• said:

    Tell me where a roadside tavern exists that isn't in a city. Not being salty, but I've went to all of the capitals (except Druids if they can be called a 'capital' since they got a plot at the start of the map) and they're all inside cities so.. This argument isn't valid anymore.

    For Oren? We just need fast travels to Lorraine and to Haense. For others I'm not sure, maybe a few nations might like boats to Sutica for trading or something like that. In general I can handle a short stroll(we used to have a fast travel in Felsen to a place that was a minute away..), but to get to Haense requires going to the other end of the largest island and Lorraine demands a similarly lengthy walk unless you're bound to the Wood Elven pillar.

    I'm very much in favor of nations paying for these none the less, to have some kind of effort required for them. While horses are certainly a viable option and goodness was owning a horse glorious for the last month I've had one, sometimes stuff happens, or you're allergic to making money like I am. My horse died so I have to save up for a new one.

    Also, sometimes you can't TP your horse cross-shard to the other islands if there's no people in sight. So it isn't always 100% foolproof.

    There arent any currently because the server is only a month in and its absolute hell to get land.


    Maybe if the server wasnt so difficult for new players to get involved with groups and get land to work with, it'd be more popular, resulting in populated chunks for your horse to be TPd with. Personally, I just AFK til i have soul stones to the further places, like the wood elves. Or travel with a friend.


    Hell, good chunk of people just afk grind by the look of it, myself included these days.

  14. Personally I think things are fine as they are. A few days of voting will get you a decent enough horse, and its really not that much of a walk if you go in a straight line and learn to mentally mark where things are, or get a minimap.


    Roadside rp pretty much dies because of fast travel, people who open things like roadside taverns or shops literally DEPEND on people walking the road to get any foot traffic. You basically kill any roadside towns or business that dont actively go out trying to get people every moment of the day and posting every few hours trying to get any people to come to their shops or towns.


    Its a fine system, teach people to vote and /bread and they'll be fine. Only took me about 4 days to buy my first horse, and i travel the entire map all the time. Its not broke, dont try and 'fix' it.

  15. So I'm looking to get a skin made, obviously, but im absolute trash at it and i dont wanna pressure the already full skin shops.


    Thus, ill post this! I'm offering up 1,000 mina for a skin to be done, 1,500 if both variants are done.


    All the colors are flat so that the maker can pull the base tone, and I added the flat tones separately in the center as well.




    Thanks ahead of time, really looking forward to what anyone makes!

  16. MC name: OceanofStars


    Character's name and age: Annette, 17


    Character’s Race: Human


    What magic(s) did you learn?: Fire Evocation


    How did you learn this magic(s)?: Learned about it from an associate (sekretsauce) when he used it to protect her and her bookstore from an assailant. He explained the basics of meditation to her, and now she's seeking to learn it for the purpose of being a living protection against damage to previously mentioned books. Because nerds gotta nerd, yo.


    Offer an explanation of said magic(s) you learned: From what of been told/read on my own, fire evocation takes an average amount of time to learn in comparison to others, the first steps requiring one to understand the very elements of the element itself. In order to cast such an element you have to know it on an almost personal, sensory level; the look of it, the warmth or pain of its touch, the taste of the smoke it causes, the comfort or fear it brings, and what have you. First stages though, you literally cant do anything past maybe getting the pad of a finger to flicker like a wet match for a few seconds before draining yourself so much you drop like a sack of potatoes. Around teir 2, you can pull together a fireball, though throwing it? You'd wreck yourself and it'd pretty much dissipate the mana breaks contact with the caster's skin. When you finally get to teir 3 its actually getting interesting; you can actually separate the conjured flame from yourself buuut.. good luck controlling it. Once you've sent your flame onto a target, alive or not, you can no longer control it. The metaphorical tether has been broken. Sayonara. You pretty much just unleashed the equivalent to a toddler on a potent mixture of heroine and sugar. Good job. Four and five are when you're able to gain more control, the first being things like making shapes (Im gonna make fireflies much more interesting..) or even causing small explosions (insert FMA jokes here). The latter, however, is basically godmode. You can do everything previously with greater ease, and less effort. Granted, that all depends on the size of your perspective 'mana pool', ability to focus, concentrate, and the like defendant on how large the flame itself is. One thing however, is white flame is a nono. That'll kill ya mate. (but go ahead, try and prove me wrong, I'll get a laugh). Not to mention, you're not immune to fire just because you can pull the element from the void. (but hey, prove me wrong again. I got popcorn.).

    So to sum it up;

    - You must provide a reasonable reaction time while casting. Even in WoW most spells require a few seconds of cast time. You need to add more however since other people need time to type.
    -Ignoring caster fatigue, straight up, is power gaming. You exhaust your reserves when casting, deal with it.
    - Certain flames (white) cannot be evoked, just touching them will obliterate you. Hell, just trying to summon them will kill you.
    -You must have Line of Sight in order to hit a target with any summoned flame. You're not casting magic missile here.
    -You cannot control 'live' or real world flame. Hell, you cant even control your own once its separated from your body. That's powergaming.



    Provide evidence you’ve garnered to said subtype: Sekretsauce gave a demonstration a bit of time after the initial use, after a bit of questioning from Annette;


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nah-ah.

  17. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!




    What’s your Minecraft account name?:



    How old are you?:



    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):



    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:



    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:

    General Rules Section: “"Cyber-bullying", through repeated harassment or any other means will not be tolerated. Those partaking in or promoting such will be severely punished.”


    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!):



    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:

    It popped up on a voting site I was browsing, seemed interesting!


    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):








    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person! Plagiarizing will result in the automatic denial  of your application!




    What is roleplaying?:

    Roleplaying to me is taking on a persona or character other than yourself and basically playing a part in an ever evolving, never ending storybook.


    What is metagaming?:

    Metagaming is basically breaking the 4th wall. A character knowing things that they couldn’t possibly know, but their controller does, basically pulling some clairvoyant Dr. Xavier bull malarky out of nowhere. Good example is having someone skulk outside a 3 block thick wall and say they totally knew that Shanky McStabberson was going to steal all the king’s spoons, even though he wasn't in the room or had any information that he could have possibly gotten in character.


    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:

    Powergaming is pretty similar to metagaming, but this time instead of Xavier we got some Deus ex Machina going on. Doing things that a character couldn't possibly manage to do, like a twelve year old orphan killing an entire village of orcs in a fit of rage after their parents were killed with only a spoon and sheer will. Basically, the pink haired character in your favorite anime.



    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.




    Character’s name: (what do you want your character to be called?)

    Belanaris Ronae


    Character’s sex: (male or female?)



    Character’s race: (you can find all the playable races here.)

    High Elf


    Character’s age: (upon application, your character must be 18 or older, and depending on the race, they can be over five hundred years old!)



    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add three references to the server lore.): (where does your character come from?; where have they traveled to?; what year were they born in? et cetera.)


    Born in the middling years of Asulon's existence, Belanaris' young life was filled with constant jostling, moving, fear, and chaos due to the fragile and unstable nature of her people at the time. Uneasy and shy thanks to the turmoil of her young life, she was an extremely late bloomer, preferring to hide behind the flowing robes of her studious mother until well into her forties. It was during this time the gleaming city of Annil'sul was thrown asunder in a violent coup that she began to open up and push away her insecurities. Fleeing the chaos, or perhaps something else, her mother tore away and fled, choosing instead to travel idly as she continued her research, far away from the strife and insanity that shook the lives of those who lived within nation walls. It was on one of these many foggy-purposed expeditions that she would encounter the loud and boisterous song of drunken dwarves within the lower half of the inn and tavern that she and her parents took their temporary residence. Enamored by the odd but charming cacophony, she quickly found herself seated among them with a crude string instrument in her hands, clumsily plinking away as she and they laughed like drunken loons.

    She quickly became obsessed with the mechanics of sound and music, and its effects on those it surrounds. Weather it was the way the dulcet tones of a broken hearted crooner would draw tears, or to the quivering giddiness that a fast paced fiddle bubbled into the heart, she adored it. She would travel with her mother for several more years, taking on a novice study of song and melody until the great Clitellata Crisis in which she lost her mother and her home to the great worms, traveling with other survivors to Vailor, where she continues spreading art, song, and beauty where she can, and observing its effects on things both living and non.


    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)

    Outwardly playful and bombastic, Belanaris, or Bel for short, hides a nearly crippling sense of insecurity and a rather easily injured pride. She tends to hide her fears behind a singsong tone of speaking, bright silks, and colorfully dyed hair, and takes great insult if her designs or performances are criticized or questioned. She has a tendency to lose herself in thought, and easily will go on seemingly disconnected tangents before trotting off to some unknowable task, often staying up for considerable lengths of time on small, inspiration fueled projects. She also has an irrational fear of earthworms, and a deep hate for the color ‘fuchsia’.


    Ambitions: (what does your character aspire to be?)

    Belanaris aims to become historically famous, permanently etched into the history of her world and all that come after, either for her music, or the completion of her magnum opus, the theory of sound and its effects on living beings.


    Strengths/Talents: (what is your character really, really good at?)

    Obsessed with beauty, Bel has used her elven longevity to study art, fashion, dance, and music, with a sidewinding study in botany in relation to the foremost two. While she is decent at the grouping overall, where she in fact excels; is the composition of music itself. She finds it rather easy, and even relaxing, to simply laze about and idly compose sonnets and ballads, though most never see the light of day.


    Weaknesses/Inabilities: (what is a skill that your character needs to work on?)

    Insecure and easily panicked, Belanaris often finds herself worked up nearly to a frothing madness when something doesn’t come out as exactly and perfectly as she had planned it. Constantly needing reassurance and approval, she also struggles with self-image and esteem issues, constantly changing her style of dress and even the color of her hair with pigments of her own making in her constant efforts to seem beautiful and perfect.


    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)

    Standing at 6’1, Belris’ height challenges that of some males in her race, through her thin frame makes her height often seem like a hard wind could send her toppling. She bears an oval shaped face bearing rather sharp features framed in once platinum blonde hair, though usually it's dipped in various colorings to change its hue to suit whatever purpose she has in mind for the day. She has a pale hue to her skin, though more from lack of sun than lack of health, and still sports a light speckling of stubborn freckles across the bridge of her nose that often make her seem younger than she is, much to her dismay.


    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)



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