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Posts posted by FashionBeard

  1. ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡

    ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡ ❖ ‡

    Late one  day when the sun began to set and the shadows grew long, I felt a familiar creeping welling up within my stomach begging for something to eat. By this time I had grown tired of the day already, I had neither the energy to cook nor could I find any brother or sister for which to bother for my concerns. Momentarily I had questioned if I should simply have taken it as an opportunity to fast in honor of GOD. 


    I should have listened. I should have followed through and not second guess myself. I decided I wanted something to eat, and like a fool, I went searching.


    Once the sun fell below the horizon I began stalking through the roads searching for anything to tame the increasingly raging beast inside my stomach. I was just about to give up hope when I felt a menacing aura overtake me, and from the shadows I could feel the burning gaze of an other being stalking me like prey. Cautiously I peered into the darkness to see the approaching threat, a metallic scraping echoing down the cobbled road. I could see the glinting of the moon against the silvery metal of a hand-pushed cart full of mysterious tools and objects fast approaching me. 


    The man behind the cart looked friendly enough claiming to be selling burgers of the highest quality, food that will last a lifetime and never go bad. At first I was skeptical, but I didn’t have time to question it when hunger began overtaking my body. He offered me two burgers for a single coin, a strange deal, but it was what I needed at the time. 


    Taking the coin, the man grabbed burgers from his cart. They were warm, but they were the saddest burgers I have ever seen in my entire life. They were flat and of dull colors, a fist imprint pressed into the top bun as though the entire thing had been gripped and made with great force. Unable to control my hunger I shoveled the demon burgers into my mouth and thought nothing of it. I could have sworn the man moaned as I did so, although I couldn’t fathom this being the case. Overall, the burgers weren’t terrible, although they were nothing exceptional in a way I would recommend. 


    Biggest mistake of my entire life. 


    Later that evening those infernal sandwiches began a crusade in my stomach that my anus never stood a chance at surviving. Lying in bed my stomach began blaring like the sounds of a million evil trumpets screaming in unison. The smells I produced were akin to being trapped in an outhouse built atop a thousand rotting corpses that have been baking in the heat for three weeks with all the smells being trapped inside the toilet. 

    Jumping out the bed I ran in search of the nearest toilet, river, or hole in which to relieve myself, not to mention the brief fit of vomitting.. To cut it short, the experince was panicked, awful, and thankfully shrouded in the cloak of night.


    By the time the horrors had passed I began searching for a hole to throw myself into so that I could keel over and die peacefully. I felt violated hoping that this wouldn’t be my end, the fear of my legacy being me found slouched over dead before the most unholy hole of excrement ever seen overwhelming. It has since been nearly three days and I have yet to fully recover.


    Overall I would rate my experience a 6 out of 10.

    - Penned reluctantly: Ex-GrandMaster, Halston Veyont.

  2. MC Name:



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             Julian Bird_Watcher


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  3. Spoiler



    Gracious days upon ye All Faithful Followers of the Canonist Faith, With humble hearts and a profound sense of duty to the Mother Church, I, Grandmaster Halston Veyont, write to you today to announce my retirement from the esteemed position of Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude. It has been my esteemed personal honor and privilege to serve alongside each and every one of you in our sacred mission to spread, maintain, and defend the Word of GOD throughout the realms. As the founding Grandmaster of what i've come to cherish as a beloved Order, I have witnessed firsthand the unwavering commitment and fervent devotion of our valiant knights and dedicated clergy. Together, we have faced countless trials and tribulations, standing as beacons of hope and strength in the face of adversity.

    Over the years I have seen GODs work done through our actions, we have upheld the principles of faith, honor, and righteousness, ever striving to fulfill our divine mandate. However, as the sands of time continue to shift and the winds of change blow ever stronger, I have come to the singular realization that it is time for a new leader to unfold within the annals of our Order's history. Therefore, with full confidence in the capabilities and virtues of my esteemed second in command, Holy Ser Gerard, I hereby pass the mantle of Grandmaster into his capable hands. Holy Ser Gerard has proven himself time and again as a stalwart defender of the faith, a beacon of light amidst the darkness, and a paragon of virtue for all to emulate. Under his guidance and leadership, I am certain that the Holy Order of Saint Jude will continue to flourish and thrive, standing as a bastion of strength and righteousness in these uncertain times.

    Diligence has been my favorite word, and to my fellow brothers and sisters-in-arms, I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering loyalty, steadfast courage, and unwavering dedication to our cause. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve alongside each and every one of you, and I have full faith that you will continue to uphold the sacred tenets of our Order with the same fervor and zeal that has defined us thus far. In closing, let us remember that our mission is far from over. Though my time as Grandmaster may come to an end, the legacy of the Holy Order of Saint Jude will endure for generations to come. Let us march forward with unwavering resolve, ever guided by the light of faith and the grace of GOD. May the blessings of the Seven Skies be upon you all. With deepest gratitude and abiding faith,
    Grandmaster Halston Veyont. 


    Invitation: Celebrate Grandmaster Halston's retirement. All are cordially invited to join us at the Holy See to bid farewell to Grandmaster Halston Veyont as he steps down from his esteemed position within the Holy Order of Saint Jude. This solemn occasion will be an opportunity for us to express our gratitude for his years of service and dedication to the Canonist faith.
    "There will be a tournament between ordermen, there will be food, there will be alcohol, there will be gifts. See you soon" - Ser Halston.
    Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024 2:00 PM (US Eastern)
    Location: Holy see



    Initiation Party for Holy Ser Gerard Following the farewell ceremony for Grandmaster Halston Veyont, we invite you to join us in celebrating the initiation of Holy Ser Gerard as the new Grandmaster of the Holy Order of Saint Jude. Let us come together in joyous revelry as we welcome Holy Ser Gerard into his new role and pledge our unwavering support to him in the days to come. His elevation as Grandmaster shall take place on the same day as Halstons retirement, The Order shall not go without a Grandmaster for even a mere moment.
     Your presence and support are greatly appreciated as we embark on this new chapter in the history of our Order.

    By GOD's light I bless you.


  4. Halston Veyont reads the entire thing, shaking his head and rips down the signs on the cathedral and in lemonhill. He'd toss the one in Aaun into a cozy fireplace within the holy see. The second sign in Lemonhill he would toss into some bushes.
    He'd say nothing on the topic, but did perform the task with some satisfaction.

  5.  Holy chants to redeem the canonist heart.




    The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Saint Jude



    Saint Jude of Petrus

    Patron Saint of Scholastics, Authors, and Monasteries

    Circa 1400s


    HIS HOLINESS SIXTUS V, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD
    HIS HOLINESS SIXTUS VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree…






















    And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My power is the only power, and My eternity is the only eternity, and all the aeons of Virtue shall sustain the righteous.

    - Virtue 7:9


    For centuries, the Holy Mother Church has adhered to the most venerable tradition of hosting wide varieties of different militant orders in the service of the faithful, hoping to uphold the Lord GOD’s Virtues and protect His flock through strength, faith, and discipline.  


    In these trying times, the Pontiff and his Curia have deemed it imperative to call upon all men of great piety, indomitable fervor, and unwavering dedication to enlist as Brothers in Arms in defense of the flock, a new Holy Order styled as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Saint Jude. 







    Under the astute guidance of His Holiness, Jude I’s pontificate, the Mother Church saw a golden age of monasticism and theology among the ranks of the clergy, the Holy Sisterhood of Blessed Catherine and the Holy Order of Saint Lucien saw most of the opposite. Slowly creeping out of the public eye, the Order dissolved after the death of Rakim Yar, the final Grand Master. 


    In the years that followed, humanity was left absent of any of its once proud and far reaching Orders, a great vacancy that allowed for ambitious parties to seek a revival of a militant body in service of the Mother Church. Through the infamous ‘Red Men’ and the dormant Order of Saint Nicolas, canondom has found itself under a looming darkness of uncertainty and fear, with no men to defend it. 


    It is with great accountability that Holy Ser Halston Veyont has seen fit to call for His flock to reignite the fervorous embers of the Faith Militant, in unquestioning and unwavering deviation to the Lord GOD. Through this iron resolve, men from across Canondom are called to Order against the forces of the sinful, the heathen, and the schismatic.


    It is with great privilege that able bodied men of the faith are called to once again bear arms for the Lord GOD. Graced and christened by His Holiness, Sixtus V in the blessed year of 1942, The Holy Order of Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Saint Jude has been assigned to spread, maintain, and defend the Word of GOD throughout the Canondom, and all other realms.

    Since the initial creation of The Holy Order the holy men of GOD have achieved much, providing food and blankets to Lemonhill and Whitespire in their time of need, dispatching ice witch influence within both regions. Slaying the vile soldiers of the dead man company, delivering justice to a creature that bombed petra, and slaying a daemon in the forest by Sakuragakure. 





    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude pledges eternal fealty to GOD, Church, and Pontiff ☨


    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude must be cleansed by the Waters of Gamesh ☨


    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude Must Be of the Age of Majority ☨

    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude must uphold honor and love for their fellow man ☨

    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude is to respect the law of the land ☨

    ☨ A Brother of Saint Jude must destroy any creature of abomination which practices evil against the society of canonists.☨

    A Brother of Saint Jude is required to follow a strict moral and ethical code, one of eternal faith and loyalty to the Mother Church and the Lord GOD. Their mission is of Holy significance, serving as the sword and shield of the Word and the Flock. A pure and brave heart, one cleansed in baptism and adherent to the faith, is imperative for any member of the Order.


    The Virtues are the bread and wine of the Order, forgoing of worldly desires in exchange for the eternal wealth of the Seven Skies. As commanded by Exalted Horen, a Brother of Saint Jude must be humble where there is vanity; must be chaste where there is lust; must be calm where there is wrath. A brother must never have fear of their enemies, for the love of GOD will always be greater. 







    ☨ Senior Command ☨



    Grand Master -
    The Grand Master is the supreme authority of the Order of Saint Jude, answerable only to the High Pontiff and GOD. Elected by the Knights of Saint Jude upon the death or retirement of the previous, he is the highest ranking military commander and executor of Canon Law within the Order. Through his will, and the will of the Lord, the Order persists.
    Grand Chaplain -
    The Grand Chaplain is the supreme chaplain of the Order of Saint Jude, acting as a spiritual guide to all Order members and the primary means of communication between the Holy See and Senior Command.
    Standard-Bearer of Saint Jude -
    Standard-Bearers of the Order of Saint Jude are the greatest and most staunch warriors of the Order, senior Knights who bear this honorific stand as testament to their resolve, perseverance, and devotion. As 2nd in command to the Grand Master, and carriers of the banner, these knights bear a great responsibility to the Order.

    Currently Vacant

    Grand Augur -

    Chief alchemist and medical doctor for The Order, tasked with training Augurs and Medicaes of the future, as well as healing the men and women of Saint Jude. In situations where the curing of a curse can be achieved the Grand Augur shall whip up the cure if the recipe is known. Furthermore potions that bring combat benefit shall be brewed to further the might of GOD’s soldiers.


    ☨ Junior Command & Knighthood ☨


    Knight-Captain -

    Veteran knights who must be oathed in Judication, they are 3rd in command on the battlefield and are tasked to oversee Knights and Sergeants of Saint Jude. They also regulate oaths and knightly trials.

    Knighthood -

    A prestigious position only afforded to those who’ve achieved great diligence in their service of the Faith. They are mediators, the bridge between Sergeants and Senior Command, and are paragons of virtue and honor. Men-at-Arms are under their command.


    Knights Take One of These Oaths :

    Knight-Constable of Canon Law 

    No heresy is too grand nor sin too small, for all will inevitably answer to the divine judgment of GOD. The Knights of Judication must be experts of canon law, and operate its statutes to the highest degree of responsibility they entail. They must be kind, and forgiving, but also seek the truth with a firm and stalwart hand. It is imperative for Knight-Constables to seek the salvation of these sinner's souls, and guide them back to His Church and His Truth.


    Knight-Sentinel of Saint Jude

    Through meticulous study of the principles of warfare and defense, as well as a great understanding of the Scripture, the Knight-Sentinels of Saint Jude are committed to the utmost protection of the Word of GOD. They are tasked to defend all ranks of the clergy, religious sites and the Lord’s flock from the forces of Iblees.


    Knight-Medic of Saint Jude

    A Knightly alternative to the Medicae, Knight-Medics are tasked to give and share to the weak and the feeble of His flock. Those under the Oath of Charity must not only be well versed in combat but also hold a deep understanding of medicine and surgery. They tend to their fallen Brothers, but also hold an open hand to aid those sick and wounded of His flock.

    Currently Vacant


    Knight-Chaplain of Saint Jude

    With deep theological understanding of His Word in Scripture, Knights under the Oath of Temperance serve as unordained combative chaplains of the Order. They are the moral executors, under the purview of the Grand Prior, and deliver His Truth unto their Brothers to rid them of sin and impurity. 


    Knight-Repentant of Saint Jude
    No man, noble or feeble, is without sin. By our inherent imperfections we are guilty by nature and must repent for our actions and sin no matter how small. Through great effort and dedication the Knight-Repentant must humble themselves before the Grace of GOD and cast away their sinful nature at all times. So long as they walk the path of GOD, they shall find virtue and forgiveness.
    ☨ Brothers-in-Arms ☨


    Sergeant - 

    Hardened and battle-tested Brothers of Saint Jude may be promoted to the senior rank of Sergeant, who are tasked with overseeing day to day operations of the levies and the training and promotion of neophytes. They are optimal choices for squirehood.

    Brother of Saint Jude -
    The Brother, or Armsman, is the rank and file of the Order of Saint Jude’s unknighted fellowship, and are bestowed the privilege of bearing the Order's insignia. Martial skill and faithful devotion are hallmarks of their position.

    Neophyte -
    A devotee undergoing rigorous training to enter the ranks of the Order of Saint Jude, under the purview and education of a Sergeant. Taught in the ways of warfare, they will be expected to meet by Order standards in order to be promoted to Armsman.

    ☨ Specialist Ranks ☨


    Specialist Ranks are only assigned to individuals capable of undertaking responsibilities without adding to their rank. Thus, these ranks do not fall neatly into any particular level within the chain of command.  

    Augur -
    Experts in alchemy that took oath for the order of saint jude, brewing all manner of combat potions, and cures to save a mortal fellows soul from curses. Typically an augur is a deacon but this is not a requirement.

    Medicae -
    Medical practitioners who serve the Order of Saint Jude. They are expected to be well versed in not only medicine, but in combat, chosen only from the best of both fields. 

    Page -

    Children of ages 14 to 17, training in menial and typically non-combative tasks until they reach the minimum age of adulthood to enlist. Pages, unless more training is deemed necessary by their Sergeant, will enter the ranks directly as an Armsman.






    TO THOSE FAITHFUL who will obey by the principles of His Vicar, His Church and His Word, 


    ☨ TO THOSE BRAVE who will stand against the evil of Iblees, and take hold of the candle of Virtue through the dark night of sin,


    ☨ TO THOSE HUMBLE who will give their lives for the flock of Canondom, and defend His people now and until the end of times,


    ENLIST, by following the post below or contacting Grand Master Halston Veyont directly,



    ENLIST, by filling the form below or contacting Grand Master Halston Veyont directly,


    Your Name and Surname:
    [Your Username]:
    [Your Discord]:

    Your Expertise:

    For Those Interested:





  6. GSepqX6CCabJLB77IFNCIi0R0Yctx_GdSUsuhdO97g9rTd07BemFBYEhGXP3l3aQH8DHO4zgu01YUQFHcZBboukfYL2jUDQJlaHOvJQlwOR5_c2pz06weEmF26pD23m7DxpbQ5rMe_W2Cp2yPXWfC6U

    A merry days wishes by the holy Judites!
    To all homes far and wide, to the castles, keeps and humble homes of men, dwarves and ork I wish you a very merry Krugsmas, Tuvmas, or Tobiasmas.
    For this special day it should be a moment of serenity.

    In the midst of war, a truce is declared,
    A moment's peace, a time to hear.
    The cannons fall silent, the fighting cease,
    And in the quiet, hope and love release.

    The soldiers lay down their arms,
    And meet in no man's land,
    No coalitions, no leagues, no wars, no greed.
    Every man, woman, and child should then feast.
    To share a meal and tell their tales,
    And dream of peace, a brighter land.
    A new year of hope, a new start to win.

    Please if you would, sing along,
    for all of us have one lord GOD we belong.
    I am no man of power to declare a peace or cease fire, I can do none but wish for your safety good people. GOD bless you all, and have a very merry Krugsmas, Tuvmas, or Tobiasmas.
    For this special day it should be a moment of serenity.

    【☨ꜱᴇᴀʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴏ' ꜱᴛ.ᴊᴜᴅᴇ☨】


  7. Accepts the note shortly after appointing a new Grand Chaplain, and mopping up the blood within the Cathedral of Prophets.
    He looks over the note with a brooding countenance..

    "Let them come, if they would call me villain let me earn their hatred. They shall fight or be forgotten."
    With that Halston Veyont plans the funeral of Aleksei, vowing to have these fiends destroyed.

  8. 3 hours ago, CanadaMatt said:

    n of Saint jude slowly observed the chaos that ensued, did he


    1 hour ago, SteppeNomad said:

    The machine priest receives the confessor in his chapel with the body of the noble warrior. With full honor as a crusader against the Archenemy was he entombed in fire, his soul free to rise on smoke to the sky. He used the lantern of his incense censor to guide him on. The scent of perfumed wood, and the acrid smog of the Holy Red Oil. With each toll of the bell did every lingering evil spirit fall dispelled.


    "O' OWYNSSIAH, LORD OF FIRE. You who led the first crusade. Bare witness to the virtue of he who is remade in the fire of your flaming sword...."


    After the honored confessor, blessed, girded against impurity left to bring fire to the enemies of our LORD GOD, did Adeptus confide with his abbot the true horrors learned this day

    Grand Master Halston sends invitation and requisition order for the soldiers ashes.
    "Good priest of gear, I stretch my hand to you in greeting wishing you the best. You have my thanks for performing the funeral rights of this soldier, now please return him home. So that he may be along side his brothers."




    It was during the first hours of the war that the brothers of the Holy Order of Saint Jude, located in the old Blackvale keep near the Breakwater keep, began to hear thundering noises of destructive trebuchets. While they had all spent years fending off the forces of Iblees; they wept. No man is strong enough when war actually comes, no matter what they went through. 

    The explosions were all heard in the far distance at first. The bombing was not upon us; and we rejoiced. Yet not even hours later, it struck. BOOM! Echoed from the courtyard, where the tower collapsed. Smoke filled the air all through the castle priory, the basement filled with toxic fumes.

    Now all that is left is rubble, thanks to the actions of Holy Ser Gerard, Holy Dame Helena, Sister Bronwyn, Sister Alrisha, Brother Madoc, Brother Lothar and the our peerless lord GOD nobody was harmed. The Order will move into the holy see, directly under His Holiness Pontiff Sixtus the Sixth.

    【☨ꜱᴇᴀʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴏ' ꜱᴛ.ᴊᴜᴅᴇ☨】

  10. Halston is delivered the missive, handed directly by Brother Gerard soon after the raid on Veletz by Haense. Halston would sigh after reading and look up with a saddened frown, a face that portrayed his grief and understanding.

    "I believe.. sometimes that the Gaspard that walked through the doors of The Monastery that sits upon the peak of Lemonhill is no more. He is a man changed, bound only by his view of honor.. I once asked a wise and holy man;

    'Be you so poised against horror and cruelty that you cannot see a real piece of honeyed candy before your eyes?'
    and so he responded in kind
    'Take a bite before looking and you'll find out rather quickly if its pastry or poison.'

    I now know what Father Alexios meant, for I took a bite, savored the sugary exterior until its poison filling dripped down my gullet.
    I do hope I am wrong, I do hope I confused the bitter taste of poison for the sour taste of lemon, I do hope that man I had considered my friend seeks penance, I do hope for Sir Gaspard."

    Halston passes Gerard back the paper, leaning back in his office seat within the blessed Castle Priory of Saint Jude, where once Castle Blackvale stood, a disappointed face about him.

    "I believe the words of the Saint High Pontiff the first of Judeberg; Mercy, Mercy is at the heart of the gospel."

    He'd pause for a moment, reading over the names once more.

    "What in the world did Sir Etho do? My Brother in Horen, He is the most devout flock I know. Do we blame those for keeping their oaths, is that in canon law? I should read over it again.."

  11. Halston Veyont looks over the notes of the Chapin of Saint Jude, nodding along with furrowed brows genuinely attempting to understand any of it. After the lecture and notes regarding holy mathematics he would then seek Brother Damian's assistance over the matter. "Brother, I do not understand this and I am embarrassed to ask Brother Kraltan. I don't do well thinking on paper." 

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             'DPM' RASP-UTN


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             T5 Automaton


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Father Ferrus


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    T5 Automatons are built by qualified individuals by using clockwork and alchemy to create machine wonders. These alchemical machines are filled with a substance often referred to as their 'lifeblood', in addition to a series of gears made of whatever material the Animii Crafter has chosen.
    These culminations of clockwork and inorganic material are brought into the world as blank slates, with no immediate personality though does seem to carry knowledge of mundane tasks; Speaking, walking, holding, ect. 

    The 'organs' of T5 Automatons are several modules that work similarly to the descendants that build them. The most essential of mechanical 'organs' is the gear heart, typically placed within the most central location of a droid in order to pump the alchemical 'lifeblood' through the tubes of the automaton that give it animation.
    T5 Automatons can be tied to an individual through an optional process using an 'obedience vessel' so that these creations obey their creators and masters through the application of their blood. Alliances, enemies, and other relationships are possible without the need of an 'obedience vessel'.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The Orc sized steel T5 Automaton 'DPM' RASP-UTN is clad in a red-dyed 2mm hard steel armor, protecting its steel-endo skeleton and the tubes that grant it animation.
    A war-forged material called anorum crystals was; polished, refined, and otherwise made transparent enough to see is used for its face plate, a retractable piece that is occasionally used for maintenance.
    This one is able to produce a red glow granted by the infusing the alchemical life fluid with a luminosity potion, through bleeding or through a select spot within the face-plate allowing it to dimly light a small area in front of its 'face'. Sometimes this glow happens to help release heat, or is used to issue warning and is not intended to serve as an actual light source.

    Audible from its large steel form is a subtle shifting and grinding of gears, big and small. This one hums with life similarly to an engine, it speaks in a in-human monotone voice, deep and clear.
    From the joins of its body one could smell olive oil, often used in the blessing of items by the Holy Mother Church of Canon, to which this one's creator belongs. Blessed oil application will be scheduled bi-yearly.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  13. Halston looked over the missive, reaching a gloved hand to scratch the chin hiding under his oily beard. The Holy Knight then utters
    "Ah, I was hoping to get away from that Veletz situation any how. Hopefully when I leave The Cathedral of Saint Emma wont be lit on fire.. again, again."

  14. The Holy Knight caught wind of the conclave and finally heard the ultimate decision.
    "GOD be praised, at long last The Order will be guided by The High Pontiff once more, Amen."
    The man pauses for a moment running a gloved hand over his shaven head
    "I look forward to working with him. . . I wonder if he will keep his red hat as he ascends to office."
    Halston Veyont would then return to reading something he had been given earlier, furrowing his fuzzy caterpillars at the report.

  15. The Holy Knight furrowed his brows upon receiving the news, crinkling his nose "I did not know him personally, nor did I know him long. . . I'm sure we would have shared many visions of a future- humanity united. GOD bless his soul and see it safely to the skies, amen." 

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