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Posts posted by Anisgar

  1. A Reflection on Nordish law and Peoples

    ‘To struggle is divine, to succumb is beastial’ 


             ‘There is only the Father’ these words, pounded into my skull over innumerable hours of study in the clerical arts. Yet to this day I have found none that captures the essence of our history and law so succinctly. We have for almost five hundred years remained whilst our oppressors, our foes. They are long forgotten to the dusty annals of history. Therein lies the question. Why? Why do the Nordish go on when so many fall, breathing their last breath and welcoming the embrace of death with a resigned sigh. In that vein, what does it mean to be Nordish? What has prompted them to reform some sixteen times now.


            In contrast to the southern ethic, originating from Nenzing. The secular cannot exist. To claim a sphere is secular is to reject the divine in regards to that sphere, to belittle the divine by implicitly suggesting its absence in any theatre. There is in the Nordish understanding no sphere where divinity is not present and no sphere wherein divinity can be excluded. Man walks in the realm of the divine, and thus must always conform to the divine law or risk disaster. In no sphere is this more apparent than in the matter of law and governance. The state, when formed in the divine image guarantees none of the trivial ‘rights’ so many enlightened scholars champion. Rights to life, to liberty, to trial, to property ad nauseum. These claims reinforced by the notion that they are divinely guaranteed. Yet to me this has always seemed a foolish claim. One construed on the utopian dreams of sheltered academics rather than a harsh confrontation of genuine divine law. 


            All the aforementioned rights share the same inherent flaw. They can be alienated. Therefore they cannot be divine. For that which is guaranteed by the divine cannot be alienated. Yet each of these precepts in turn can and have been taken. By righteous or tyrannical means their possessors have been denied their ‘rights’. As such it becomes clear that these are not rights, but privileges. Granted from those wielding power, deprived at whim or by institutional sanction. Yet in the end deprived nonetheless. There is only a singular ‘right’ guaranteed by divinity. Struggle. The right to one’s own power in all circumstances. A man bound in chains can labour to free himself, a man bound by wytchery retains his inner sanctum and from their can rail against his abuser. 


            Therein lies the purpose of life. Mortals, being wrought from sinful flesh, are doomed to endless vice and failure. Destined to stray from the divine path by the constitution of their own flesh. The pure soul, that alone descended from the father trapped within a cage of sinful flesh. Constantly under the corrupting influences of a rotting world. It is only through endless unceasing struggle does the mortal ascend from beasthood to become what they are. What they were meant to be. There is nothing more repulsive than a mortal, granted conscience by the divine, having cast aside this most sacred of gift to indulge in hedonism and primal urge. Repulsive. 

            These are the fundamental precepts of Fatherism. This, most basic of philosophies instilled in the mind of every Nordish child from their first breath ‘till the dirges ring over the flames of their pyre. It is in this that one can begin to understand the Nordish ethic. To persevere in the face of impossible odds is the most beautiful act one can perform. To recognize the brevity of life and to live every moment in rejection of the darkness, the sin, the vice, the cowardice. That which grips the flesh, but not, with effort, the soul. Dancing this beautiful dance in the face of a despairing world, a despairing future. There is no form of worship more divine.



    Writ by

    Godric of Mordsgrad



  2. Fly the Red, Hoist the Flame

    *A letter is sent to the Nordish chieftains and their ilk en masse sent forth from the Eyrie of Pinemarch. Upon it the sigil of the Edvardssons would be imprinted




             To all the broad children of the Father. Those who bear the Father’s flame in their hearts. Those whose veins flow with the blood of the Rurikid, the Nordish. I call all of the blood and the flame to the halls of Pinemarch. You may not know of me so I shall speak of myself. I am Godric, a son of Edvard, by way of Thoromir II. A 2 scholar of our history and student of the Father’s teachings. Yet most of all I am Nordish. The Nordish realms have fallen to disrepair, the clans are scattered, the Hearth scattered and lacking leadership. 


             Thus I call this Folkmoot, this gathering of all Nordish peoples, of all Fatherists. We shall meet in Pinemarch and discuss the future path of our peoples. Around the Holy fire shall all chieftains gather. And we shall discuss the following.


    Topics of Discussion

    -Blood Feuds, between the Nordish and with Foreigners

    -Nordish laws

    -The Nordish clans

    -Dealing with traitors and apostates

    -The Future of the Faith

    -Grievances of the Rurikid

    -Grievances of the clans and the freemen

    -The Future of the Realm

    -The Future of Pinemarch


             For too long have I stood idly by and watched the fate of our people meander down the dark roads of the future. For too long have I been engaged in travel and study. Their exist slights to our noble people that cannot go unanswered. Amongst our people remains bad blood, foul feud. The Fire of the Hearth burns low, unkept and lacking a keeper. For the last century we have moved from hovel to hovel. From tiny wooden village to tiny wooden village. Seeking to avoid the ails of the world not with our grand walls and strength of arm. But rather with our simple lives. Trusting that our smallness of scale would keep us safe from those who would destroy us. Once more the Red shall fly from the high hall. Once more the pyres shall be lit. Arrive at dusk on the morrow. Hark, come the Nordish.

    (8pm est tonight)



    Writ en Namen de




  3. Username: foxquean

    Forum Name: Anisgar

    Discord Name and Tag: Anisgar#9993


    How do you wish to work for the wiki?

    Updating history and just generally writing


    Have you worked on the Lord of the Craft Wiki, or any wiki before?

    Yes I have.


    Which lore are you most familiar with?



    Please provide an example of a wiki page you are not satisfied with and list aspects that could be improved

    Only real ones that arent satisfying are ones that are incomplete, or just arent generally updated often. 
    Such as:





    Please provide an example of a wiki page you see as a model example and list your reasoning

    Gonna go with an oldie but a goodie



    Very indepth, alot of useable information. Allowing for new players to learn alot about Orenian history.


    Please showcase your abilities with either A short writing on a subject of your choosing, or An example of an 'other' (Already completed wiki pages are a plus!)















    Just a few of the things i’ve written for the LOTC wiki.

  4. The False Steeds


    Issued and Confirmed by His Lordship William II Silversteed and Arthur Silversteed



            With the recent return of the beloved Grandson of William “The Humble” Silversteed, William II, tales have been told across Norland of the rebellious Silversteed kinsmen, further tainting the Silversteed line of Aragon. William II and Arthur Silversteed cannot let the family's name be tainted any further. Thusly in the eyes of the Allfather, William II as the head of House Silversteed, descendant of Ethan Silversteed the eldest son of Avalon, declare the line of Aragon bastardized no longer allowed to hold titles nor the Silversteed name, thusly all titles once held by these traitors shall be granted unto William II himself, and shall be formally destroyed and restart the house from anew.


    Furthermore all those not willing to follow the traitorous Silversteeds, shall be warmly welcomed for a return to Norland to further support the King of Norland in his conquests against the false pretender, as a Silver Guard and shall be granted living space within the new Clan hall.


    Lastly, all those not of the descent of Ethan “The Courageous” Silversteed that proclaim themselves TRUE Silversteeds, shall be hunted and hung by the Silver dogs, as decreed by His Lordship William. The Silversteed line shall not be tainted any longer. We are Retribution.



    Writ En Namen De

    William II Silversteed, Chieftain of Clan Silversteed


    Arthur Silversteed, Son of Brunn


  5. A Broken Branch, of an Elder Tree

    The circulated writings of Aeyn Edvardsson Rurik,

            Today I take my pen to this page with a heavy heart. For my blood hangs from the Ash Tree. Ancient symbol of our people. My King condemned my kin to a criminal’s death, for he had betrayed our land, our people, our Father. This man was dear to me. Known to others by Chieftain of the Caunters to me he was simply Caylus. He was a good man, with a straight back and kind eyes, who took in urchins and orphans in their time of need. Fed and clothed them. Taught them to read and write. Perhaps his veins ran thickly with the blood of his mother, a heartlander through and though as I am told. For his stomach always turned at our ways, at our justice.


            As the storm clouds of war weighed heavy upon the horizon, and the boots of foreign men increasingly invaded our lands I sensed great turmoil in his heart. Within our humble burgh a faction had formed. Perhaps of cravens, perhaps of the sentimental, perhaps of the wise. Only history will tell. Endlessly they begged us to defect to the cause of the rebels. That we should abandon our oaths, to the Hellenic Throne. That we should kneel to some foreign lord, of a foreign people, of a foreign land. A man who would write poetry as his men fought, bled, and died. As did.., far to many of our own. I have buried enough young men in this war to be far beyond the delusion that we shall reach victory quickly. But in the end our King could not be swayed by the words of these appellants.


           The young King Alvar cast these folk from our lands. Some departed on good terms. Merely wishing to be unaffiliated with either side. Whilst the Caunters, were banished. I will never know the workings of the minds of my fellow Rurikid. For we are a strange breed of men. Eternally obstinate, nigh suicidally devoted to our loyalties, to our convictions. Neither man would bend. And as rumours grew that Caylus intended to challenge Alvar in the ancient way, by mootright. The former was exiled from the Nordish realms. To live amongst his new battle brothers in the depths of Orenia.


           The war raged, the rains fell, and the crows feasted. The once golden fields atween Leuven and Dunharrow were rent and torn by endless skirmish and battle. They are now nought but bottomless mud and mire. Split only by the ever shrinking paved surface of the Imperial road. Again and again Caylus came to me, each time with growing desperation. Surely I would be able to change the opinion of my liege. Surely I would be able to sway the chieftains, the freemen, the clanless. No doubt the All-Father would wish us to survive, for the faith to persist. He said to me over and over again. For what hope could be had against the vast legions of Haense, of Adria, of Curon, of the countless brigands and mercenaries their vast coffers could employ.


           Again and again we grasped victory from the merest jaws of defeat. Our lords trumpeting our great victories as I was compelled to bury the corpses of more and more young Nordish men. Men who had died fighting a Heartlander war. Over Heartland crowns. But our oaths are not so easily broken. The Renatians had given us safety when we fled from Doran, his brigands and his Adrian rebels. They had given us land, titles, and most importantly of all. Our Faith. Only one Horen before had granted us such a boon. To turn our back on such a lineage. Unfathomable.


           As our intentions, nay our convictions became increasingly clear. The visits from Caylus began to decrease. Further apart and with greater desperation. Until one day, returning from a deep raid into the plush lands of Adria we came upon him. He was being held by the men of Istaff. A brutal band of warriors whose strength and support had been instrumental in repelling the Orenic rebels and holding the defensive line at Dunharrow. They ceded him to us, for he was a wanted man in the Redmark. And so, with a heavy heart I escorted my own blood to Dunharrow. That he may answer for his crimes against our King.


           Having brought him to the depths of the Dunwatch, my courage broke and I departed. For even with the Father’s strength I could not bear what was to come. I forbade the presiding Keeper from torturing the man, for he was my kin, my blood, and most importantly. Of the Ruricblood. Keeper Amice heard the final words of Caylus, gave him his final prayers and blessings. Before Caylus was escorted by the Dunwatch to our juvenile Ash Tree. Just now large enough to serve its most famous purpose. From over the rooftops I could hear the voice of Alvar, his words unusually cold, taunt almost. He sentenced his fellow Rurikid to die. Not the first, certainly not the last. But perhaps the first of his tribe to hang his blood. The world was silent then. Broken by naught but the sullen footsteps of Caylus as he mounted the platform. Then silence. Then nothing but the cawing of crows. For my friend was dead, and the world was just a little colder.


           Soon after his death I was met with the two, freshly orphaned sons of the Caunter Clan. Traveling to Dunharrow having heard the tidings of their father’s death. I cannot recall their names. But their faces remain clear in my mind. A young boy on his knees, eyes puffy and face still wet with tears. Whilst the elder fought to hold back tears. His lower lip quivering. I said what words of comfort I could. But, seeing my words ring hollow I departed. I would not do them the dishonour of watching these two lads, on the cusp of manhood, shed tears. Upon my return I was stricken with wroth. The orphans had cut their father down from the tree and carried him away. Dooming him to eternal torment.


           I had intended to free his soul, giving him a proper Nordish burial and laying him to rest next to the ashes of his forebears in the crypts below the Monastery. Lacking that I did what I could, his effects were gathered and lain upon his shield. These were born into the atrium of the Monastery. Where, having blessed the items and prayed for the soul of Caylus we gave them to the Father’s fire.


    To the Nordish Folk where’er they dwell

           As chieftain of the Edvardssons and High Keeper of Grand Hearth I extend my personal protection over the sons of Caylus until their twenty first winter respectively. Any Nordishman who does them unprovoked harm shall incur feud with the Edvardssons. And shall incur damnation from the Father. So it is writ, so it is.


    To the Sons of Caunter where’er they dwell

           Your Father is dead. I cannot bring back breath to his lungs nor can I restore the spark to his flesh. But you have damned him. His soul is trapped within his corpse. And I assume you have not given him the Father’s mercy. If so you have condemned your father to a rotting prison. In which he shall remain trapped until his bonds crumble to dust. I assure you that you will come to no harm if you return his remains to the monastery, that we may lay him to rest. Let the maidens sing his death song, let him lie upon his shield grasping his sword. Let him go and receive his judgement from the Father on high. I promise this on my honour as a Chieftain of the Nordish folk and the High Keeper of the Holy Hearth. So it is writ, so it is.


    Writ by






  6. D65TqBN_-qSR4N1Ij7TnywulPGMLymU_Cuy4DKRNvSULDz9UZBtstBsV8zroWqfps3rjmi2VYJ2Y-4zvOc14xfToIwsC3v1CQRzgdYG2qZDRhCMsHkY9Y8SQTPxHZk_RKTfD4CMv

    Issued and confirmed by Alvar I, Earl of Nordengrad

    Circa 1715



    With the recent events unfolding within the Empire of Renatus, it has come to the attention of the great Earl of Nordengrad, that the line of Caunter intends to usurp the throne of Nordengrad with the intention of vassalization to the Holy Orenian Empire more specifically the Kingdom of Haense, having threatened such to the Earl merely an Ash day ago. This of course can not stand, and thus Earl Alvar of Nordengrad,  declares that the entirety of the Caunter line be declared illegitimate, no longer holding the ability to be hold moots nor being considered of true Rurikid descent. With this no man or woman holding that of Caunter blood shall hold Chieftain status or any claim on the throne of Nordengrad.



    Writ En Namen De

    His LORDSHIP Alvar I of House Ruric, High Chieftain of the Rurikid, Earl of Nordengrad, Burgrave of Dunharrow, Chieftain of the Freyssons, Bulwark of the Hearth on Earth


    Witnessed by

    THE HONOURABLE, Erik of the House Ruric, First Chieftain of the Eirikssons. Chieftain of the Roriks. Justicar of Nordengrad.


    HOLINESS Aeyn, High Keeper of the Holy Hearth, Chieftain of the Edvardssons


    THE HONOURABLE, Benedict of House Arden, Chieftain of Clan Arden


    THE HONOURABLE, Vladimyr of House Ruric, Chieftain of Clan Rosik

    THE HONOURABLE, Edvard of House Ruric, Chancellor of Nordengrad

  7. HjtRwWCrgHq3_lUELCm6_e0Pox0yvL-NMvQpqOYq3M154K-SgkYoXJtlmKtunNY_t7pPsC_e18qzcbnmbK7ZfGi-R9sKS4uJTzCi9_G989AF-fwJChZiwl9dtqh4w45UB-nYTEh5

    Dunharrow Affairs of 1714

    Issued by his LORDSHIP Alvar I

    Confirmed by his HOLINESS Aeyn



    The BURGH of Dunharrow, nestled in the depths of the EARLDOM of NORDENGRAD has come into its own. Its construction nearly done and its confines beginning to teem with returning Nordish folk and a host of new highland citizens seeking a home apart from the Heartland folk. This article shall be issued on an annual basis following the closure of a Chiefsmoot with the intent of informing the citizenry of the affairs of their BURGH and the greater EARLDOM.



    The Chiefsmoot

    The Chieftains of Dunharrow and the greater Nordemark gathered in the Hall of the Earl to discuss affairs of the Burgh and the Mark. Advising the Earl and his Council on the needs of the Mark and the Burgh. Thus the first Chiefsmoot of Alvar’s reign was convened.


    The Following were in attendance

    High Chieftain Alvar of Freysson

    Chieftain Aeyn of Edvardsson

    Chieftain Caylus of Caunter

    First Chieftain Erik of Eiriksson and Rorik

    Chieftain Kensway of Fiscere

    Chieftain Tyr of Faretto

    Clanswoman Layla representing Arden

    Clansman Vangel of Freysson, attending at the invitation of the Earl


    The Following were in absentia

    Chieftain Vladimyr of Rosik

    Edvard II of Edvardsson


    First Point of Discussion, Recognition of The Faretto Clan

    The long lost Farettos returned, their patriarch Tyr stumbling into the hall lost in his  own memories. After a query from the High Keeper the Earl acknowledged their status as a Nordish clan and granted Tyr a chieftajn's seat at the chiefsmoot.


    Second Point of Discussion, The Clanless Captain

    Chieftain Caylus raised concern over the fact that a clanless man was currently serving as captain of the Dunharrow watch. Stating that perhaps a clanned man should be selected to replace him. Citing Nordish tradition he believed that if this practice should continue then the clanless would begin to act above their station. Thinking themselves equal to those of ancient and loyal Nordish clans. This was countered by Clansman Vengel recalling the Nordish way of strength and competence, saying the man should be allowed to remain if he proved competent. Ultimately the situation was resolved when the Captain cast himself into the Flames of Dunharrow stating his desire to be one with the All Father.


    Third Point of Discussion, First Flame Festival

    Chieftain Aeyn raised his concerns over the security and preparations of the First Flame Festival. Stating that the most holy of festivals was likely to be attacked and disturbed. His LORDSHIP Alvar determined that additional clanless and freemen were to be pressed into the watch for the duration of the festival.




    Establishing the Dunharrow Watch


    His LORDSHIP Alvar herein formally establishes the Dunharrow watch. To protect the walls of the Burgh and patrol the confines of the Earldom. This force shall be populated with the clanless and freemen of the Burgh. Foreigners and non residents may not serve, as it cannot be tolerated for others to hold the keys to our home.


    The Watch shall be comprised of the Watch Captain, the Gate Sergeant and the Drill Sergeant. The watch shall, at all times man the Watch Tower, the Dunharrow Gate and the Burgh walls. The officers of the watch shall be responsible for the recruiting, outfitting, training and directing or junior and senior watchmen. Funds for these tasks may be drawn from the Keeper of Keys.



    Establishing the Dunharrow Monastery


    The Burgh of Dunharrow, shall as a consequence of its Fatherist nature house a temple. Thus by the grace of the Hearth Council and the assent of the High Keeper the Dunharrow Monastery is established. Its Hearth to be ignited at the First Flame Festival. This Monastery and its Hearth shall be kept by and serve as the seat of the incumbent High Keeper.



    The First Flame Festival


    The Festival of the First Flame will be occurring on the second last flame day of the year (saturday beginning at 5pm est). All citizens of the imperial realm are invited with the exception of those descended from Staunton and any Kadarsi. Both are banned from the Burgh and all the holdfasts of the Earldom. Nobles of the realm will be admitted to the exclusive highborn pavillion. To be treated to Nordish delicacies while engaging in some dance to traditional song. It is worth noting the young Earl is seeking a wife.


    The lowborn shall be entertained in the lower district of the Burgh. Engaging in games and base feasting. Once folk have eaten and drunk their full the tournaments shall begin. A series of melees, duels and jousts. The latter two being restricted to the gentry and above while anyone may participate in the melee. The top performers shall receive elaborate weapons and arms, masterfully forged (unique rp items) and a sum of iron or beasts.



    Alderman Election


    The Burgh of Dunharrow has finally reached a size where its stewardship requires management and coordination that consumes too much of the Ashen council's attentions. Thus it has come time for the clanless and freemen of the Burgh to elect an Alderman to see to the Burgh's daily administration and affairs.


    This individual must be a resident of the Burgh who is free of obligations of debt or of fealty beyond the confines of the Burgh. The Earl reserves the right to veto any unacceptable selection. Only citizens of the Burgh may vote. The clanless are, by the mercy of the Earl granted a vote for this election. The Alderman shall serve for two terms before the next election. The Alderman shall have an honorary seat on the chiefsmoot to report on the Burghs affairs. Submit your vote in the following format.





    Desired Alderman:



    Recognizing Clan Faretto


    The Earl, his brow lacking the Thorned Crown of his forebears. Does return the ancient clanrite to Tyr of Faretto. Once more are the Farettos acknowledged as a Nordish clan in allegiance to the High Chieftain. As such they shall retake their mantle upon the Chiefsmoot and subsequently regain their right to carry a vote in a Ruricsmoot should one be called. W



    Appointments to the Ashen Council of the Earl


    To the Rod

    The Earl does appoint Edvard Ruric to the position of Chancellor. Edvard  shall serve as his second in matters of honour and war. His regent in illness and pilgrimage. And his proxy in diplomacy and foreign matters of insufficient import.


    To the Keys

    The Earl does appoint Artemis to Keep the Keys of the Mark. Artemis shall see to the management of the Earldom’s armoury and treasury, ensuring stocks remain healthy and well supplied. They shall employ the funds of the realm to the end of procuring materials necessary for the material upkeep and martial defence of the realm.

    To the Chapel

    The Earl does appoint Aeyn Edvardsson Ruric to the Lord’s Chapel. Aeyn shall see to the souls of those who reside within the Great Hall. Ensuring that the Earl and his Family remain committed to the All Father and advising them on matters of faith and law in relation to the All Father.


    To the Sword

    The Earl does appoint Caylus Caunter to the position of Marshal. Caylus shall serve as the director of the Earl’s forces and executor of his will upon the battlefield. The Marshal shall coordinate markwide training sessions, ensure the troops are properly equipped and stand by the Red Banner in times of war. The Marshal is privileged to press military aged men (14 years of age or above) to service in times of war if the ranks of the realm are in need of filling.


    To the Hammer

    The Earl does appoint Erik Rorik to the position of Justicar. Erik shall serve as the executor of our laws and will. Working with the watch to ensure the lawful conduct of our citizenry and to keep undesirable elements from the confines of our realm. The Justicar shall be privileged to hold trial in the Earl’s name over the clanless and the alien. Though the clanned and chieftains must be brought before the Earl.



    Writ en Namen De

    His LORDSHIP Alvar I of House Ruric, High Chieftain of the Rurikid, Earl of Nordengrad, Burgrave of Dunharrow, Chieftain of the Freyssons, Bulwark of the Hearth on Earth


    Wit by

    HOLINESS Aeyn, High Keeper of the Holy Hearth, Chieftain of the Edvardssons


  8. Nordengradic Law


    Issue by HIS LORDSHIP, Alvar I

    Confirmed by HOLINESS, Aeyn




    The laws interred herein are, to us granted by the will of the King of Norland. To whom we are vassalized, As granted in the enfeoffment of 1711. In that light it is paramount to recognize the secular nature of that relationship. Our overlord is not of the Rurikid and as such is not capable of fulfilling certain duties obliged to that most sacred of tribes. Furthermore our overlord is not of the Faith, and therefore cannot attend to the duties generally appended to that most ancient of titles. Thus the bearer of the High Chieftainship of the Rurikid shall assume these duties. Serving as the shield of the Faith, Fatherland, and the Nordish peoples.



    Sections of Law

    1. Mootlaw

      1. The Ruriksmoot

      2. The Chiefsmoot

      3. The Warsmoot

    2. Fadrlaw

    3. The Highborn and their Privileges

    4. The Lowborn

    5. The Code

    6. Clanlaw

    7. The King and the Earl



    1. Moots, Procedure and Ramifications


    Section I. Ruriksmoot


    In line with ancient tradition we do herein inscribe the procedure of the Ruriksmoot. That which has always governed the tribe of Rurikid. The Ruriksmoot is used to determine who shall bear the mantle of ‘High Chieftain’ of the Rurikid the de facto ruler of the Norlandic peoples. The de jure overlord of all Rurikid tribes. The Ruriksmoot is invoked as follows. Firstly, a pureblooded human must be able to trace their descendance along the MALE lineage to its origin in the Herald. Once genuine status has been established the moot is then called. The invoker must then decide upon the date and time of the Ruriksmoot. The Ruriksmoot MUST occur on Thorsday or Myrsday (Saturday and Sunday) at a reasonable timen (From 12pm est to 10pm est). However, if the MAJORITY of the Rurikid chieftains agree to an alternate date and time then the Ruriksmoot will be held as legitimate. A female Rurik cannot be High Chieftain of the Rurikid. The Ruriksmoot must ALWAYS be presided over by the High Keeper, who will tally the votes, announce the victory and perform the coronation. The High Keeper will take this role as the neutral party representing the best interests of the All Father.

    Under the Reign of Alvar I Freysson, of Nordengrad it has been ruled by his Lordship that only the Chieftains of the realm may cast a vote of weight in the Ruriksmoot. Votes cast by the clanless, the clan-men or by false-chieftains will be held as invalid and discarded by the High Keeper. In such a light it is crucial that a list of recognized clans be produced and publically available. Clans of Olde who are now defunct will also be listed, these must petition his Lordship for recognition to regain their voting rights. The High Chieftain shall issues letters of recognition to nascent clans.





    Recognized Clans retaining Voting Right


    1. Horen-Pertinax, by virtue of retaining the Norlandic Kingship

    2. Ruric-Freysson,

    3. Ruric-Edvardsson,

    4. Ruric-Eiriksson-Rorik. Let it be noted that the Roriks currently hold the First Chieftainship of the Eirikssons

    5. Ruric-Caunter

    6. Fiscere

    7. Arden







    Defunct Clans without Voting Right


    1. Ruric-Eiriksson-Rosik

    2. Ruric-Ashton

    3. Grimlee

    4. Greymane

    5. Silversteed

    6. Mournstone

    7. Volaren

    8. Tosali







    Record of All High Chieftains ever to have been



    Edvard Thorsson Ruric

    Beo Edvardsson Ruric

    Eirik Thorsson Ruric

    Sven Eiriksson Ruric

    Thomas Eiriksson Ruric

    Hakon Eiriksson Ruric

    Arytom Eiriksson Ruric

    Donovan Freysson Ruric

    Arytom Eiriksson Ruric

    Javier Eiriksson Ruric

    Jevan Eiriksson Ruric

    Jory Eiriksson Ruric

    Godden Eiriksson Ruric

    Thormir Edvardsson Ruric II

    Jorvik Eiriksson Rorik Ruric

    Torsten Eiriksson Rosik Ruric

    Doran Freysson Ruric

    Alvar Freysson Ruric




    Section II. Chiefsmoot


    Harkening back to elder tymes is the tradition of the Chiefsmoot. The Chieftains of the realm retain the ancient right to, once a year meet with the High Chieftain. Generally the High Chieftain will hold a ‘Chiefsmoot’ once a year where all of the Chieftains are summoned to discuss affairs of the realm. The High Chieftain is a servant rather than a despot. An instrument of the Father’s will writ flesh. Thus he is obligated to meet with the Chieftains of his people that he may know their ails and work to resolve them. Some more charitable High Chieftains have been known to hold Volkmoots, however this is not mandated by ancient law and is subject to the discretion of the High Chieftain.


    Section III. Warsmoot


    Prior to any declaration of war or martial engagement the High Chieftain is obliged to summon all of his leal Chieftains. To them he will disclose the order of battle. Assigning chieftains and their banners to command the left, the center, the right or his personal guard. While the decision to go to war and how to proceed in times of war lies EXCLUSIVELY  with the High Chieftain. He cannot declare war without first convening the Warsmoot, nor can he march the banners to war without first convening the Warsmoot. But the Chieftains of the Warsmoot may not stop his decision to do so.




    1. The Faith and its Powers


    The exclusive institutional faith of the realm is Fatherism. It is from the All Father that the divine right of the Ruriks is derived, without him the entire reign of the Rurikid is sans legitimacy. Thus the legitimacy of any Rurikid lord or Fatherist in general must be reviewed and confirmed by the Hearth Council. Materials of law and morality, whilst issued by the secular lord must be confirmed by their attendant Keeper.


    Beyond this the faith retains the right to levy faith militants, to collect alms and tithes from it’s community, to issue Holy Writs on the Faith independent of the secular authority of their diocese and to govern the sacred affairs of their diocese independently of their secular authority. Furthermore the faith may, when necessary declare holy crusade. All this independent of local secular overlords. Those overlords adhering to the Red Faith will have their decrees confirmed by the authority of their personal Keeper, this of course to ensure the moral purity and theological adherence of the laws of the land. That the lord is governing in the name and spirit of the All Father, a servant rather than a served.


    Finally, the Holy Hearth, that formalized institution of Fatherism is recognized to organize itself as follows. With the highest authority and responsibility for the faith resting upon the shoulders of the High Keeper. Below him the Hearth Keepers, and below them the Keepers. It is these respective offices that are recognized as bearing the teaching authority of scripture whilst simultaneously bearing the mystical presence of the All Father as to perform rituals and blessings. Hearth Temples shall be the exclusive purview of their Hearth Keeper and his disciplines, unblemished by secular conflicts and meddlings.



    1. The Highborn and their Privileges


    The realm defines the Highborn as Landholders, Chieftains and Hearth Keepers. Following the traditions of olde the Highborn maintain privileges rendered unto them, that they may carry out their divine duties and services. The Highborn of the realm are granted the privilege of access to the greatmoots, their status entitling them to lend their presence to such august occasions even if they do not retain a seat. Furthermore the Highborn may bear arms in the presence of the Earl at formal occasions, courts, moots, weddings, worship and funerals. This privilege resting exclusively with the Highborn and the guardians of the High Chieftain. The Highborn are furthermore granted the right to induct new members into their own clans. To arrange marriages, to seek private audience with the High Chieftain or the High Keeper


    The landed highborn may raise men who are neither chieftain nor landed as a reward for extraordinary service to the realm and the All Father. These individuals are referred to as thanes and count amongst the highborn. Ascension to Thannic status must be confirmed by a Keeper, who will submit the candidate to a number of trials. The Highborn are entitled to




    1. The Lowborn


    The realm defines the Lowborn as all those who are not Highborn. From clansman, to clanless, The Lowborn generally operate within the patronage of a Highborn. Operating with the jurisdiction of a landed or unlanded chieftain or at the behest of a Hearthkeeper. The only ‘right’ of a Lowborn is their right to the Father’s light. The Lowborn are entitled to unimpeded access to the temple once a year at minimum no matter their circumstances. Beyond that they are entitled to nothing. Merely being obliged to the service of the All Father and his earthly scions. Heeding scripture and fulfilling their purpose on the mortal realm before going to the Father.



    1. Crimes and Deviance


    The people of the realm are expected, as is ancient writ to adhere to the moral proclamations of the Father’s scripture and to the interpretations of the Holy Hearth. As such the moral laws of the land are the sacred laws of the land. Fatherists are expected to treat other Fatherists with the courtesy one of the faithful deserved. The blind are not conferred this same respect unless they are a member of the Imperium. Theft, Wanton Violence, Wanton Murder, Blasphemy are all prohibited within the confines of the Earldom. On moral conflicts between Fatherists, between Clans, between Highborn, between the wedded. These shall be resolved by a tribunal headed by a Hearth Keeper.



    1. Clanlaw


    Those recognized clans of the realm are entitled to practice their own mootform, selecting their chieftain however they wish. HOWEVER all recognized Nordish clans must have a single chieftain or recognized head of the clan. Recognized clans are entitled to a seat on all moots, be they Ruriksmoots, Warmoots or Chiefmoots. The seat of course being occupied by the clan’s Chieftain or an authorized proxy. Recognized clans are also entitled to a clan hall or holdfast in which to house their clansmen. Clans, or rather Chieftains hold exclusive jurisdiction and responsibility for their clansmen. When a clansmen commits a crime it is the chieftain that will stand trial or handle the punishment of the clansmen and the reimbursement of the offended party. Within their holdfast they may make whatever governing decisions they like, for a man’s hall is his castle and within he must rule, as the father rules the world.



    1. The King and the Earl

    The relationship between the King of Norland and the Earl of Nordengrad is a strange one. The mantle of Norlandic King generally resting upon the shoulders of one whose name is Ruric. However in modern times that mantle is born by the Horens of the Pertinax lineage leading to a great deal of confusion, irritation and resentment from some of the more conservative clans of the Earldom. However while initially there would seem to be conflict there is much less than meets the eye. The title of Bulwark of the Faith remains in the custody of the High Chieftain of the Rurikid. As such the sacred duties that generally fell to the King, the governing and protecting of the Children in the Father’s name are largely undisturbed. Whilst the title of High Chieftain of the Rurikid whilst inheritable cannot pass from the Rurikid as it is not tied to land but to blood and the collective loyalty of the clans.


    In the modern age the Earldom of Nordengrad pays its fealty to the King of Norland whose name is Horen. Remaining a vassal of that ancient Kingdom as Nordengrad had in prior times before the Rosik uprising and the Third Coalition war of Atlas. As such the King of Norland may make proclamations and govern the Norlandic peoples though he has yet to do so in any specific capacity. Thus the ruling of the Norlandic clans and tribes has fallen almost exclusively to the High Chieftain, with very few to no notable clans of the Nordish being beyond the jurisdiction of the Earldom with the exception of the villainous Silversteeds.



    Writ en Name De

    HIS LORDSHIP, Alvar of the House Ruric. High Chieftain of the Rurikid, Earl of Nordengrad, Baron of Dunharrow, Bulwark of the Faith, Chieftain of the Freyssons.


    Wit By

    HOLINESS, Aeyn of the House Ruric. High Keeper of the Holy Hearth, Chieftain of the Edvardssons.


    HONOURABLE, Caylus of the House Ruric, Chieftain of Clan Caunter, Marshal of Nordengrad.









    A Broken Branch

    Issued by HIS LORDSHIP Alvar I

    Confirmed by HIS HOLINESS Aeyn


    To my brethren, Children of the All Father, let us speak bluntly. Ours is a checkered history. Again and again, our people have marched stoically into suffering and death. Loyal to the last to we the Rurikid. Their faith in the Father’s plan, unshakeable despite the failings of we, we mortal men. Again and again we, in our immense pride, have failed. It is time to stop this madness, this insanity that seems to incessantly wrack our household. If our house is to hold a Cardinal Sin, one that offends the Father so dearly, it must be pride. To smash like the waves of the sea against the shore. Waves of Norlandic blood spent at our behest. Disgusting.


    We maintain our divine right to govern the Norlandic peoples as given unto us by the All Father in the elder days. It is our charge and our duty to serve and protect his children wherever they may be. It is no longer acceptable to fail, casting our hands into the air and bewailing fate. It is no longer acceptable to grumble, to moan, to whine ‘till deafness that were were ‘outnumbered’, ‘betrayed’. The Father commands and we obey.


    Doran Freysson Ruric. You are a shame upon our family. A blight upon our house. A curse upon our people. Most of all, a disgrace upon me, as my own blooded brother. Not only have you, in your arrogance, in your absurd insurmountable blindness doom your followers to death by engaging in the business of others. You proved yourself to be a bumbling oaf upon the battlefield. Foolishly dividing your forces and leading them to slaughter many times. Yet you claim the High Chieftainship of our tribe? Supremacy over the Rurikid? Ruler of all Norlandic peoples, those of Sea and Stone? You are mad.


    I cannot allow you to doom our people once more. They have suffered enough. I declare thee incompetent. You are unfit for the Thorned Crown, unworthy of the dignity of a moot. In light of your gross idiocy, supreme failure on all counts, and utter hubris and greed. I cannot allow you to drive our people to extinction. I declare myself first amongst the Rurikid. I declare myself High Chieftain.


    For those good folk who have not succumbed to madness, who see the folly of this madman’s parade, I beg of you: save yourselves, for your lives are precious, given unto you by the mercy of the All Father. You will find reprieve at my hearth, and safety behind my shield. I shall see you at Nordengrad. May you all walk in the Father’s light.


    Writ en Namen De

    HIS LORDSHIP, Alvar of the House Ruric. High Chieftain of the Rurikid. Earl of Nordengrad, Bulwark of the Faith, Chieftain of the Freyssons.


    Wit by

    HOLINESS, Aeyn of the House Ruric. High Keeper of the Holy Hearth. Hearth Keeper of Nordengrad. Chieftain of the Edvardssons.


    THE HONOURABLE, Erik of the House Ruric, First Chieftain of the Eirikssons. Chieftain of the Roriks. Justicar of Nordengrad.


    THE HONOURABLE, Adelmar of the House Ruric, of the Clan Rosik.



  10. 5 minutes ago, Vorgraven said:

    “They did rebel against the Empire, the cloth that is Ruric has been wrenched so many times, it is unfathomable that our people still fall for their honeyed words of glory, which have only ended in crushing defeats.” A norlander would counter.

    Alvar shakes his head at the supposed Norlander not recalling ever seeing the special individual within Norlands walls!

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