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Posts posted by Wulfric

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Obok Metaldrinks


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Breasal Nimblefoot


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  2. add a archer/ranged class FA that has tiers to make you better at using a ranged weapon, it will give the peasants a incentive to train their aim rather than be master archers from birth.

    heck you could even add a few melee FA's as well to specialise in certain weapons and fighting styles (although there should probably be a limit for how many of these feats can be taken)

  3. By Yemekar's creation
    through the paragons

    the pacts are made
    the pacts are done

    Ancestors of old

    negotiate with the elements on our behalf

    the Earth we walk
    the Water for our cauldrons
    the Fire for our furnaces
    the Metal we forge

    the Storms we endure
    the Air we breathe

    Receive our praise
    champions in life
    legends in death

    A balance disturbed
    a wrong to be made right
    unravel the mystery of the elements
    so that we may be spared of the eternal night



    A pact with the paragons of the Brathmordakin, lessers of Skathach, Akathro, Bregthar, Fiarza, Kulthark and Neizdark.

    [AI generated image]

  4. Obok Metaldrinks got busy searching for evidence of co conspirators and to comply with the order to seize the relic and crystal key in the Irongut clan hall as well as Lurdoics home, leaving no pebble unturned.

    Blasted 'ells Lurdoic, yer demise only complicate t'ings...

  5. Obok Metaldrinks watched the smiths repair his tattered and dented armour from the siege, still pondering about the lesser presences he had felt within the pillars of the fort and how they were connected to the Harrower.

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Obok Metaldrinks


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. A golden opportunity

    The sand dunes take and the sand dunes gives


    Stone and rock hides many mysteries to be unravelled from the highest peak to the lowest depths

    The earth is the foundation

    Armakak i heed thee
    A pact for me

    My worship you shall receive
    The riches you promise i will believe

    The bounty of the earth unravelled
    On the road we all travel



    A pact with Armakak, lesser of Bregthar. 



  8. 6 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

    I really do like the concepts your going for, and I'd like to see this post be accepted.

    However, I think it's rather safe to say that a lot of these runes are just VERY strong excluding maybe the rune of pushing (with just a slight tweak for it to only work if it's carved onto ammunition, NOT cannons)

    So, here's my take on each one to nerf/tweak each rune and I think better the odds of this getting added.


    - Rune of Pushing

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    Should only works on ammunition instead of larger implements too (Arcane Foci, Armaments, Trebuchets, Cannons, etc).

    Reasoning is that arcane foci are already powerful enough. could you imagine this being paired with a focused brisk step lmfao? Good luck trying to get into melee. It'd also better the usage of ranged weapons, as since you can only make oh so many runes per day, it'd limit how many 'sniper rounds' you'd have- making for more interesting encounters instead of just "Guh, me shoots farther".

    -imagine using it on a pike... double the reach!
    - Rune of Power

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    Honestly? not too many complaints on this one. Just give it a limit to being at max uruk/olog strength, because lord knows some lads are going to arm a brutus golem with a high density boomsteel hammer then etch this on the side.
    Overall doubling strength when unsure is pretty iffy though, and could be problematic- wonder if this redline is even required thanks to the 'upped by 1 level' line. An earth spike hit you in the stomach, empowered by this rune? shove it in a little deeper than usual, is all that's needed.

    -its only on ranged weapons

    - Rune of Growth & Continuity

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    No quadrupling please god, have mercy.
    Beyond that quite okay-ish, so long as the spells/potions at play have a direct counter or aren't too severe- it'll be quite problematic/unfun to go against if they do not.

    -isnt the hard cap shout range anyways?

    - Rune of Clarity

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    Perhaps just specify that using more than 1 rune of this during a crp session is impossible. Could definitely see folk having one inscribed on each and every single enchant they bring. Other than that, sort of balanced? Though it would effectively guarantee casters using at least 1 spell when in a 1v1 before the other guy can do anything about it. Pretty unsure of this one.


    - Rune of Strength

      Reveal hidden contents

    Honestly just better bolstered strength.
    Again, apply strength limitations like Rune of Power- perhaps make plate armor on that limb 'clog' the runes at play & disable them just to make sure folk don't go full robocop.

    -arent prosthetics usually normal descendant strength? like an ork with a prosthetic is actually weaker since it doesnt carry the double strength?
    - Runecasts in general

      Reveal hidden contents

    How can these tell friend and foe apart, is my main question.
    If they couldn't, it'd make holding positions that apply buffs far more important and more interesting story-wise rather than just 'trap setting'.
    I think it'd be significantly better if it shifted with a cap on how far/low affected attributes can go, similar to 'Rune of Power'- Rigidity and Fragility increasing/decreasing the strength of materials/people inside by 1 tier.
    Other than that, quite nice.
    Though one could argue that the simple counter to these things is just... stepping off them, or forcing others off of the rune circle.

    Overall I do think I am relatively new when it comes to lore writing, do take this with a grain of salt- just my take on it all.
    Heres to hoping that this gets accepted!


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