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Status Updates posted by TinyBiceps

  1. i forgot how creepy this music vid is


  2. whoever decided freshman don't have to do exams i love you

  3. i liked hamilton but i love this


  4. So I've started a collection;

    Warning, NSFL










  5. i hope everyone has a good day. whether you stay home or go out, have fun :)

  6. i don't know who you are, but you made me laugh. finally someone recognizes my true self, me, john goodman.


  7. go to school kids it's important



  8. wishing people a good day is currently my favourite thing to do on this server. be careful you could be next!! :)

  9. i just found this graphic on my computer i made in grade 7 or 8 and for the life of my i can't remember why i put "John Cena", on it. i've never liked wrestling or anything like that..


    yes it's horrible. it makes me want to cry.

  10. quick i need more rep than @Vetren54 before he posts another meme

  11. ironically i wanted this bag for christmas. for some reason my mum was reluctant to buy it...


  12. i never thought i could love an object that doesn't exist so much but


    i love my pointy bab

  13. playing ukelele feels so easy until you stop and realize you've basically graded off layers of skin from your fingers. it hurts to type

  14. when you log on and bae sends you a message ?139f9b9ecdd946838a1b65a11e3c88a7.png

  15. where are all the bees going

  16. watching the best livestream of my life right now


  17. my human has turned into a grumpy old man


  18. my fingers no longer feel like hell is trying to escape my fingertips when i play ukelele so i'm either not playing enough or somehow calluses developed very fast

  19. when your forum post you thought no one would post on does well


  20. pardon me for not shitposting the rebellion but i thought i would show you some pages from my favourite book






  21. me; man i need to get off the forums for a while this is intense

    also me; 24fd026f896c463d9e6e0170487cef7a.png

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