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Makev Alkam

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  1. Makev Alkam


    Boethius Maximus Audaxus Boethius grew up with an odd life. While most children were made to do their day-to-day tasks, he was being wagoned away from his home to stay at yet another. More times than he’d like to count, Boethius was transferred from orphanage, to schools, to homes. This was almost entirely due to his condition. Due to a past he’ll surely never discover, Boethius is missing his right hand. From only a few inches past his right elbow the rest of his arm and the hand attached hadn’t existed for as long as Boethius had been aware. Many of his peers averted their eyes, others couldn’t take theirs off of him. The children either screamed as though he were a monster, avoiding him at all costs like some kind of daemon, or laughing at him. Surrounding and picking on him as a group, the children were ruthless. Boethius only ever had one friend, and he was removed from that home due to defending them. Fights, more often than not, were usually what got Boethius kicked out. Though he never struck with malicious intent, the consequences of his actions always caught up with him. Although good hearted, Boethius’ shaken relationship with authority leaves him hesitant to trust even them. Most others Boethius attempts to avoid, the attention he’s used to getting has left him desiring more quiet environments. Grown up, he’s no longer young enough to warrant being taken care of. No longer is he the problem of any “sirs” or “ma’ams”. This freedom is one thing he’s always yearned for, the botched escapes of his childhood left him wanting more. But now out and free to do as he wishes, Boethius hasn’t a tangible clue what to do or where to go. His purpose was always to simply survive the animalistic world of those orphanages. Fear lurks just beyond his perception, taunting his every choice. In the end, he just hopes he can make it like everyone else.
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