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Posts posted by MrMineLoveDude

  1. 1 minute ago, | ZipZapMan | said:

    Alex is an amazing kid. Incredibly kind and helpful to those who ask for it, and well beyond his years with his conduct and manners. The perfect first face for a new player to see.



    Thank you for the support! I truly appreciate it!

  2. MC Name:



    Skype Name:




    Eastern Standard Time





    Do you have Discord? (you need to):



    Do you feel that you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the application standards?:

    I feel I do have a solid grasp on the lore implemented on the server, as well as an understanding of the application standard, mainly because I try to involve myself on the forums by providing feedback. I'm always trying to strengthen my understanding with lore on the server so I can improve my roleplay as well, and understand what's being spoken of when interacting with other members. I feel I have the most grasp on wood elven lore and magic lore because I do play wood elves, but I do not limit myself to those races, either I read about other race through the forums or I learn about them through experience and roleplay. Now, onto my understanding on the application standard, I sometimes read through application while I'm on the servers, and seeing the feedback other Application Team members give to the applications labeled, Pending. From there, I look back at the application, trying to check for the mistake the AT pointed out, and try to see how they may fix it, whether it's their definition, or their lore and character development. Personally, when I first applied for the server, it took me a couple times to get my application perfect, having to go through many messages with an AT and many edits, I finally was able to realized my mistake and how to correctly fix it. And going through that, I'm able to understand how it's crucial to make sure applicants are prepared to head onto the server, knowing their terms and having a story to go off of.


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work and collaborate with others?:

    I want to be an AT member mainly to help out the community and contribute to the server as a whole and help process new members into the server and be by their side while their applying and getting used to the server and community. I tend to help new players on the server already, whether it's helping them with emoting or giving them tips while their roleplaying, and enjoy being their to help and make someone's roleplay experience better. When I first joined the server, I wasn't given as much help when joining the server, and I was helped by one of the members of the server, but I want to be a staff member that goes out of their way to make sure that new members are set and are at least confident with going out into the LOTC world and creating their own adventure and story. I'll be able to detect patterns when it comes to applications, like picking up on trends that applicants may have, whether it's the definition of the terms used on the server or writing lore on the server. And from there, we'll be able to improve on the way they receive that information so we can help get the point across and help make their experience enjoyable and easy to go through. I feel I have the ability to work and collaborate with others, I'm in many groups in the community, such as the Adherents of Tahariae, Linandria Steward, Aureon and Terin Seed so I feel I've made myself known, and I haven't experience any problems with any of the members OOCly.


    Beyond reviewing whitelist applications, what ways do you think you would enjoy helping new applicants?:

    Beyond reviewing whitelist application, what I think I would enjoy when helping new applicants is just seeing them grow and understanding the mechanics of the server, with /rp and /q, or with emoting and dialogue or just traveling around from city to city. Being able to witness their improvements and being able to be there to help them understand and get prepared so they don't have to struggle when roleplaying with others. And not only that, but just being there to help them get on the server and experience the LOTC experience like all of us that play on the server day to day. I remember when I was extremely excited to get on the server and start roleplaying, and receiving help that helped further my roleplay quality once I was on the server, and being able to really enjoy my experience. I wanted to be able to give that same joy to others as well, seeing their excitement and helping them get on the server and also being there every step of the way. I'll also be able to just converse with the applicants, getting to know their personalities, their weakness and just them as a person, and being able to help a wide range of people and seeing their diverse personalities and diverse stories and backgrounds.


    How do you think the server’s application process could be improved?:

    How I feel the server's application process could be improved is by adding a section to the application where they'll be able to interact with different roleplay scenarios and have them react to them and see how well they are at roleplay. And using that process, we'll be able to aid them quickly and help identify the problem more efficiently without having to actually watch the roleplay before helping them. This also can help show how every character on LOTC takes different approaches at the same scenario and how a million things can happen from one specific situation and how it all depends on the person reacting. This gives a fun touch to the application as a whole, so it's enjoyable for both the AT member who reading and the applicant who's applying, and this also helps with their understand of the definition, for example, having a scenario where there are bandits and asking the applicant to react toward it, you'll be able to see whether they're the type to powergame or take the combat fairly. This addition also helps with character development about their character to see how they'll react to the scenario based on their personality, strengths and weaknesses.


    Is there anything else you would like to add or that we should know about you?:

    I applied for an AT position but was sadly denied for a number of reasonable reason that I've been told, and I've been trying to work on them since then, trying to get myself involved and familiar with the server. I applied roughly about a month after I joined the server, which is extremely early to do so, but that was only because of my drive to help others, but now, being on the server for about seven months, I feel I grown immensely, roleplay wise and personally. LOTC has offered amazing experiences and fun times, and has always been there to help make my day better, and it's something I think about and look forward to daily. I was told in December 2016 that it'll be a good idea to apply again at that time, but I feel like I still needed to get familiar and try to get myself known in the community, hence why I waited til now to reply again, two months later. I've donated to the server, trying to help support the server in any way I can, and help keep the server running and give my feedback to help enhance the experience for other members as well. I've truly tried hard to understand the server and its contents and currently, I still am new to the LOTC community and server compared to others, and that may be an important aspect, but I feel like I can still offer a lot of things and be a responsible and dedicated AT that wants to help new members and see them grow. I'm always willing to donate my time to help and contribute to server, and in the past, I've always tried to apply for staff positions and help bring light to the server and work with other staff members well. Other than that, I'm a chill guy, always willing to have a chat with anyone, ICly or OOCly, and I'm always trying to familiarize myself with others. And with that, that's the end of my application, thank you for taking your time to read the application and hope that now I have the qualities to join the AT and work to help new members join and enjoy the LOTC server and community.


    Tell me a joke:

    My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.


  3. Personally, being a cleric, I feel wards add another aspect to roleplay between clerics and dark beings. Dark beings are very powerful depending on which one it is, so it adds another way for clerics to protect descendants. This also creates more roleplay for dark beings, seeing that they'll have to find a way to bypass the wards.

    Despite that, not many clerics know how to make effective wards, only a limited few know. So it's not like the whole clerical order knows how to set up powerful wards.

  4. Volunteer format
    MC Name: MrMineLoveDude
    Nation(s) you belong to IC: Linandria
    Time Zone: EST

    Skype (if applicable): mistersuper4

    Discord (if applicable): MrMineLoveDude

    Forum Account Link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/profile/87126-mrminelovedude/

    Preferred Method of Contact: Skype

    How will you go about assisting new players?:

    When assisting new players, First off, I'd welcome them, and congratulate them on getting accepted on the server. I'd make my way to the cloud temple and meet up with them in game. From there, I'd explain the fast travels, and give a brief explanation on the different places on the server. Next, I would take them to their designated city and once there, I'll explain the different chat channels, such as /q and /rp. I'll explain how to emote and roleplay with others and have him try to roleplay with me. Afterwards, I'd give a brief explanation about going to the forums for further guidance, forum rp, or any guides or applications you may want to read. I'd ask if they have any further questions, and allow them to continue on with their roleplay experience.

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