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Posts posted by Anseran

  1. thisone.jpg.1293ec8663797bb44fbef3907dc04f84.png.49c0a88bbeecbedd8c2f559541d7d5c8.png

    To whomever it may concern,


    I am nothing if not a conveyor of the truth. For a long time I wanted to expose myself within The Silver State, however it was my offspring’s due diligence that kept me from it. Wanting to keep their image pure and what-not whilst I wanted to be accepted by my peers. My daughter and son; Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr and Rhaelanthur Lae’rinsyr respectively, have now sought to forge documents to etch me from their lives once and for all. I will not blame nor will I attack them for this. I want only the best for my children and if believing in some fantasy may better their lives within Haelun’or then I am glad that they may live it. For a long time I lived a lie, and ultimately it was my downfall. It is my hope that they one day accept their roots and avoid the same mistakes that I have. For this reason I support their attempts to be rid of me, whilst offering my utmost condolences and love.


    The facts are as followed for any would-be investigator or interested person(s): They are both my children, I have never heard of an Adoraline so I can’t have impregnated her. Rhaelthar spent a great deal of time away from Haelun’or and I cannot say that he’d have met a Seregon of all people to breed with. A family trait is the green eyes, which both of my children have inherited from myself. Her birth mother’s were purple. Rinaedith was born a short league from the gates of Haelun’or, in the forests. This my wish was to be a mother, and her birth mother granted me this happily. This was why I arrived in Haelun’or with my infant daughter Rinaedith. Rhaelanthur was born and raised in Sutica whilst I handled a larger threat that loomed in the previous continent. 


    Please be safe, my children, and prosper in your new endeavours 


    Kind regards,

    Rosilya Laerinsyr


    (As a bottom line, Rhaelthar never had any ambition and if you TRULY believe it in your heart that he is indeed your father, then you must wonder why he’d abandon you so in my care, only to return once we’d built something for him to take – I was never close to him as a child)

  2. MC Name: Anseran

    Character's Name: Rosilya Lae'rinsyr

    Character's Age: Olddddd


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Sensory Illusion


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:

             Yes, and I will cry


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Rosilya smirked as she set down her glass, now devoid of the succulent wine that once graced it. The woman reclined into her seat, back postured finely against the birch. She exhaled slowly, before blinking across the room, and replying to the transcript ahead of her "So you are still alive, old friend. I am glad I brought the descendants here, after all," she mused, alone in her silent house. The 'aheral repositioned herself, to get more comfortable. "I will find you, but maybe you knew that," she'd practically whisper, lulling off to sleep as her eyes fluttered shut.

  4. To the Blessed Citizenry and allies of The Silver Enclave of Fi’halen missives arrive with courier. 








    With the Blessed Citizenry as witness, Caestella Valarieth is to be brought before justice within the marble Citadel, the heart of the Enclave. To protect the citizenry from her further acts, it is advised to document any and all actions she may take between now and the trial with extreme prejudice. For she stands accused of MURDER, ATTEMPTIVE MURDER, SLANDER of the SILLUMIR. She is also accused of consorting with ‘inferis’ (demonic) entities for her own impure gains. 


    Blessed citizenry, I advise you caution. All details of her crimes will be brought to trial in the next Elven Day for the severity and the inpredictability of how she may act should she be given more time. 


    Caestella Valarieth will be summoned to answer for the accused violation of following General Laws;

    Hael | The Slander Regulation

    Vailu | The Common Sense Regulation


    As a result of the crimes unnamed in the GENERAL LAW of HAELUN’OR, should she be found GUILTY, this Tribunal is advised the harshest of punishments;

    Vailu | The Fourth Tier, ullral   For the most heinous of crimes, only death is fitting. Their names will be stricken from bloodline records, their bloodlines and any close to them investigated and rehabilitated. Their atrocities will be recorded and noted forever in public file, and they will be remembered as little more than animals in clothing.


    Due to investigation, it is believed that her husband, the Okarir’maehr Nerithil Valarieth, has not been made aware of her wider, more serious crimes. It is for this reason that his full and honest testimony will lead to him being exempt of any punishments delivered unto Caestella Valarieth, and thus pardoned completely.


    By grace of the Okarir’tir, should Elrion provide a full and honest testimony, he will be pardoned.





  5. 16 minutes ago, Moribundity said:

    “Mmph.” The elf grumbled. “First people accuse me of using dark magic, and now they accuse council members.” Rolling her eyes, the elfess casted the missive into the flames roaring in the fireplace of her manor. “The maheral was all too eager to call these figures forward, but not others who have received similar accusations.”



    Rosilya grinned cheekily as her arms draped about the ‘fenns neck lazily from behind to surprise her! “Y’know, no one should be safe from prosecution. Otherwise order won’t prevail!” she jeered, lifting her arms from the woman, and stepping about her to pour one more glass of wine, “Besides, if they ARE guilty, it just means some other, more suitable people may take their place.” She smiled, “I’d rather not have someone stain a silver seat with their DIRTY BOTTOM, after all,” she shrugged, sitting opposite Vexalia to finally take a sip of the Uradir-Visaj vintage. 

  6. House number: 31-C

        Your name: Rosilya Lae’rinsyr

        Do you live alone? No

        Names of additional occupants:


        Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr

        Rhaelanthur Lae’rinsyr

        Ryossa Lae’rinsyr


        Your relationship with the occupants:

        Rinaedith (Daughter)

        Rhaelanthur (Son)

        Ryossa (Niece)



  7. HAELUNOR.png.a0ca0531d9fc56ba7764f2950533df6f.png



    A rather illustrious board found itself erected overnight where the remnants of the Tree of Druid Conspiracy was slain


    Dear, fine citizenry of our most esteemed Silver State,


    This is my first address to you all as Okarir’akaln, and I’m thankful for the opportunity of contributing to our Haelun’or in such an important way.

    However, I find that there are many who’d like to take up an Okarir position, just as I once did. This is a marvellous thing, as it shows us that the Mali’aheral are as ambitious and driven as ever toward Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. With that said, the seats of the council are full and we have begun our methods to better the cihi for everyone who lives here.


    There are, however, more seats available than the ‘Silver’.

    The Medi’ir is a position granted to each Council member to give to someone they feel they need by their side. This means that each Okarir may yet have a position to be filled, who could do with the support in their relatively new position. I have decided that I should not choose my Medi’ir, but that it should be left to one of the defining qualities that my new role has stricken me with: The management of Haelun’orian Resource and Funds. The establishment of Funds to be able to manage are my primary concern at this point; building an economy that allows us an income, though I am not opposed to donations from the ‘thilln who wish to contribute in a monetary way.


    That leaves the management of Resources, which we will all need as time progresses, wars are fought, expansions are devised and plans are made. It is for this reason that I leave the position of my Med’ir, who I shall work with personally and who shall share my voice, to the citizen who contributes the most in the way of resources. I shan’t pick a friend, I shan’t be biased.

    Whoever contributes the most will earn my respect as Okarir’akaln, and shall share in my duty as my Medi’ir.


    It is important to remember that whoever might contribute more than my Medi’ir will thus be named my new Medi’ir. I shall thank my previous for their service, and they will have to step down.

    I feel this offers a competitive side to contributions with an official position as reward.


    ‘Contributions’ will be defined not by donation of mina, but by donation of ore resources and other varieties from the Mines. I will keep track of all contributions personally.

    In the case that my Medi’ir is overtaken, it will be up to them to overtake their competitor within the remainder of that Elven year (1 week).

    The new Medi’ir will then be named as a result. 


    Please inform me in person if you wish to contribute and you’ll be added to the roster, or sign your name on the poll

    Only ores will be counted as score, otherwise someone could just purchase the refined iron and cheat


    Roster and Scoreboard



    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    Okarir’akaln Rosilya Lae’rinsyr



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