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Posts posted by sandey0000


    House Sarwyck

    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor house sarwyck coat of arms

    Family is hope, Protect it always


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor house sarwyck

    *Alestar’s return*


    After his father’s passing, Alestar returned from Braavos. Where he was a red priest, in service to R’hollr.

    Once back in Riverspring his family greeted him warmly, as he was to take up the mantle of Lord of Riverspring.


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor alestar returns to riverspring game of thrones


    And so he would begin integrating into Vandal culture once more, yet not denouncing his faith.

    The following day he resumed the duties as Lord, and he set out to make Riverspring a grand city once more.


    Alestar would go on to sit down and begin writing a letter, in this letter it states:

    “Greetings, Lords and Ladies of the Westerlands.

    I am recently ascended the position as Lord of Riverspring and i am in need of a wife.

    Those who seem to have a suitable female, i would like to meet.

    • Signed Lord Alestar of house Sarwyck”

    The letter is send to every noble of the Westerlands, The North, The Riverlands and The Reach.


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor riverspring game of thrones


    As soon as Tywin Lannister raised his banners, Alestar was among the first one to rally to his call, he would be following the army ever since as a part of it.


    Gerelateerde afbeelding

    *Alestar Sarwyck in Combat Gear*


    [ Actions ]


    Alestar and the Army of Riverspring are in Tywin’s army


    The town of Riverspring is to be expended, the farms outside are to be expanded to fit more people


    The Ravens are send out


    Gawen Sarwyck is placed as overseer of the new additions to Riverspring

  2. 8 minutes ago, Old Man Boiendl said:

    They are of my blood, they are my children, created out of wedlock between myself and Alexandria Horen- my sister.


    Sergei widens his eyes as he reads the news, knowing it states in the Imperial Law Codex that this is not allowed and that it is a felony, punishment would be death by hanging or beheading. But since it is his Overlord he holds his tongue.

  3. Afbeeldingsresultaat voor eastern roman empire flag




    The Eastern Roman Empire


    When the news reached the Varangians and Alexios IV about the massive successes in the holy land their morale would boost up. 


    Back at home Alexios III would send out word to all men of the empire that are part of the Theme system to rise up ((pm which ones))

    After their mobilisation heavy training sessions began, they were rallied in their Theme capital, 4.6k men.


    Alexios III rode out to meet with one of them, giving an inspirational speech.






    Mobilising of troops (PM)

    The drilling of said mobilised troops

    The encouregement of traders

    The Varangians just following the Battle Plan 

    Supply lines will be set up (pm)

    Defensive constructions are worked upon (pm)

    Covert ops (pm)

    I read i can do cool new research so i want to do that (mod tell me turn how much)


  4. On 2/22/2019 at 7:38 PM, j0k3rf99 said:




    House Name: House Sarwyck

    Holdings: Riverspring

    Lord: Alester

    Who do they bend the knee to?: House Lannister

    Religion: Faith of the Seven, though Alester follows the religion of R'hollr

    Brief History (1-2 Paragraphs): House Sarwyck of Riverspring is a noble house from the Westerlands. They are sworn to House Lannister, and are considered among their most loyal bannermen. Their sigil is a broken silver sword on a red field. Their words are "Family is Hope, Protect it Always"

    Members of House Sarwyck tend to have fair skin, dark (i.e. black, dark-brown) hair, and green eyes in a variety of shades

    Although Riverspring has a godswood, House Sarwyck follows the Faith of the Seven.

    Discord: sandey0000#6274


  5. I, Sergei Hendrik Stafyr, do announce:


    That Valarie Stafyr-Grimm is declared dead,


    She has not been seen since Atlas and even then, it was eight years since we last saw her then, she was not on the Haeseni ships.



    Lord Sergei Stafyr

    Viscount of Grauspin and Baron of Thurant

    Lord Marshal of Haense and protector of his majesty’s honour

  6. 5 minutes ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    Mcname: sandey0000


    IC Name: Lord Marshal Sergei Hendrik Stafyr


    Residancy/ Street name, number: Stafyr manor 


    Class/ Title: Noble, Lord marshal of Haense, Viscount of Grauspin and Baron of Thurant



    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor eastern roman empire flag



    The Eastern Roman Empire



    Throughout the Empire the Purple banner is hung again, to reaffirm the Phoenix being on the rise.

    Along the walls of Constantinople the soldiers watched ever vigilant to the rebel crusaders..

    The Farmlands seemed to filled with men and their families, working on their lands waiting for the call to arms. The Empire was ever expanding its Theme works, trying to fill up the lands with young men and their families. An actual map is made to show the Theme System and the additional men are requested to fill its place.

    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor farm lands byzantine


    A few weeks went by as heavy negotiations took place between the Romans and the Crusaders, but in the end an agreement was made and the fears of a siege was gone. The city started to distribute food again and a caravan of supplies was sent to the crusaders to aid them.


    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Crusader camp painting

    Per agreement Alexios IV was hailed back into the city, and Alexios III hosted a grand feast in honour of his heir, and with that trying to restore relations between the two. At the feast Alexios announced to the world Alexios IV was to be his heir.

    A Fair is held inside the city to celebrate the victory of no war!




    Continuing the Theme Works

    An agreement is reached with the Crusaders and Venice, lifting the threat of a siege so City life could go back to Normal

    A feast is held in honour of Alexios IV

    The Drilling of the Varangian Guard

    A fair is held in Constantinople

    Trade offers are sent to, Hungary, Sicily, Kiev, Novgorod, France, England, Cilicia, Jerusalem and Venice.

    To Genoa, Pisa,  Austria, and the Pope.






    The Union of Falcon and Hammerhead

    Related image

    The Marriage of Lord Sergei Stafyr of Hanseti-Ruska and Anneliese vas Ruthern of Vidaus, 1704.



    All of the vast realm of man is cordially invited to the wedding of Lord Sergei Stafyr, and Lady Anneliese vas Ruthern. It would be expected that—with the grandeur and greatness of the Houses of Stafyr and Ruthern—the union of the two aforementioned houses would be a stately spectacle for the ages. The good men and women of Haense have committed themselves to such a prospect; therefore, the solemnizing of the bond between the Lord and Lady is to be a sight of splendor and superbness which all in the realm of man are encouraged to attend. Markev is to be, in imminent days, a site of joy and mirth as the couple are bound in the sight of God.


    Followed by the wedding will be that of a wondrous feast.

    After the bond of Lord Sergei and Lady Anneliese, a splendid celebration will be held in the Krepost Palace of Markev, Haense. During this time, guests with gifts may present what they have brought to the newlyweds and also offer them blessings for their future together. The feast will include numerous traditional Haensei foods, and will continue until the couple have tired of the revelry for the evening.





    [Spoiler for OOC]



    Date: Saturday, February 23rd

    Time: 4pm EST

    Location: Markev, Haense



    Afbeeldingsresultaat voor eastern roman empire flag



    The Eastern Roman Empire



    When the word reached Basileus Alexios III that a large force of Venetians and Crusader were ever approaching the light of the Empire a rather rathfull Alexios sat on his throne, the Imperial Diadem shining on his head as he pondered. His actions may have been the cause of this but he was for sure not going to let it be his end.

    He stood up and marched out of the Sacred Palace towards the Hagia Sophia in which he stayed a day and a night to pray.


    Thus when he left and resumed his duties as basileus he gathered his advisors.

    A plan was laid out for a coming siege of the City.

    The Empire was to raise it’s troops, throughout the empire the abled bodies were mobilized.

    The City would stock on supplies that was needed for a siege.


    After days of gathering with the council it was decided that reform was necessary for the survival for the Roman Empire and so the reforms were drawn up.

    A reform for the Navy,

    An Active Megas Doux was appointed to oversee the construction of a better fleet.

    The 20 Ships were to be restored and fully manned and construction of new warship are commissioned.

    The Drilling of these vessels would commence after their restoration to be battle ready, after each new vessel it would join the training cyclus.


    The reinstatement of the Theme System,

    Throughout the Empire in every capital of a Theme 9.6k men were raised to be working on their lands and called upon when the need arises.


    European Side:











    Asian Side:







    Heraclea Pontica




    These cities would be assigned as the Capital of their Theme

    Meaning a force of 153.600 men were raised to be a active force that stood at the attention in a minute’s notice. By accepting this proposition, the participants agreed that their descendants would also serve in the military and work in a theme, thus simultaneously reducing the need for unpopular conscription as well as cheaply maintaining the military. It also allowed for the settling of conquered lands, as there was always a substantial addition made to public lands during a conquest.


    The troops already stationed in the capital would undergo trainings.

    The troops raised in the themes would undergo trainings after they got their land to get in form.


    Engineers would start on improving the palisade of the Theodosian walls and began improving on the tower of Galata and it’s palisade.


    A feast was organised in the middle of the preparations to relieve the tension that hung around the city.c8TCfRXgzQKdamNSU03q_j77kBhuAb0sS22Py1CJ87r8olbyc8ayCotLlCia4tO-QAUI3SSJOxJ64iPqhzVDxHzh2pCDf8_K7BsVq_gEsR4GbYSUv7uDgEkmVE-kyxc0-AGeTu58

  10. 11 hours ago, Imperium said:


    Nation name: Eastern Roman Empire

    Population: 9m

    Summary of History: 

    After the conquest of Anatolia by the Sultanete of Rum the Byzantines were in decline. Due to the House of Kommonos it regained a foothold in Anatolia minor again.

    But after the last Kommonos was deposed the threats around the purple Phoenix are coming ever closer. Crusaders making their way over after a deal with Alexios IV

    Discord: got it 



    Haeseni Army Restructuring

    Penned on the 3rd of Sun’s Smile, 1694



    [!] The Haeseni Army in columns [!]




    Long enough have we stood in our lines without organization, and with this reform we will make it so that every rank holds value. The military will be divided into bands, each band has a captain as its head. At the Captain’s side there will be a Sergeant, then beside them a Master-At-Arms, then it will be filled with Men-At-Arms and Footmen


    Think of this reform as a feudal system, but regulated and overseen by a single head. I, Sergei, always believed in the feudal system as the optimal system, so with this reform we will bring it back, but fine tune it more appropriately.


    Every captain will be expected to take care of their men, feed them, house them and most importantly train them. There will be scheduled trainings with the rest of the army. The Lord Marshal can send out the different squadrons for missions, patrols and so forth.




    • 1 Captain
    • 1 Sergeant
    • 2 Master-At-Arms


    Captains will be expected to fill their ranks on their own. If a band gets overcrowded the Marshal has the abilities to start a new band.


    Lines will be organized in ranks as well, A captain will be in front and so forth. If the Marshal and Commandant are present, they will be in front. A Captain will be expected to organize their line to their fullest ability.


    The rank of Major shall be renamed to “Brevet” as it is a rank awarded to those vassals who bring their men to the fold. This rank is of high honor, thusly making you an honorary member of the military and its marshaled forces. Though it holds no authority it allows you to listen in and participate in the military's higher echelons.



    Sergei Hendrik Stafyr, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Lord Marshal of the Army and Protector of His Royal Majesty's Honor


    “‘pon the devils we shall grant no mercy.”

    Robert I Bihar

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