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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Rhuyne

  1. MC Name: Rhuyne

    Character's Name: Rinaedith

    Character's Age: 79


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             [Seer of Vaasek][Feat]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  2. Name: Rinaedith Seregon
    ((MC Name)): Okarir_maehr, soon going back to Rhuyne.
    Age: 46
    What magic are you trained in, if any? Arcanism.
    How do you lay claim to the fact that you are pure Mali'aheral? I believe that as Okarir’maehr, the blessed Diarchy, of all ‘thill, will be able to attest to my purity as Mali’thill.
    How long have you resided within Lareh’thilln? Just shy of 40 or so years.
    Will you follow the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in the pursuit of arcane knowledge? Of course.
    What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? With my condition, I’ve nothing planned. I cannot call upon the arcane, but I’d be delighted to be of use in other ways, such as providing disciples with lectures, knowledge in the form of books, and advice.

  3. A Mali’aheral clamped a hand over her mouth, a feeble attempt at concealing her lips falling utterly agape. These brutal crimes.. how much further will these Mali’ame sacrifice for their pride..? “How disgusting. Makes me sick to the stomach.”

  4. 7pxYHSziPuTZU2Jd_N6dwUrREVJ5WCbEuHGByG64cKlNLMNLyMW1V6hm5f2OOJqM67xMRDkijx8re4ENOELHk1S8_8cfws3XnYxRuvw563k63Bv-vJsFvziGl4TRMzmtRVvmTdnE






    elaetah ay’indoran
    8th of Malin’s Welcome, 1731

    We are delighted to announce the regeneration of the blessed state’s Eternal Library; a development project finally brought to its silver eclipse, after years of hard graft overseen by our Okarir’maehr Rinaedith Seregon and elheial’thilln. Now the Mali’thill of Berr’lin are invited to delight in Her sacred site’s restoration, with an unveiling, a tour by the Okarir’maehr and a small get-together with snacks and tea to enjoy within the blessed bastion of knowledge hosted by our interminable diarchy—a declaration of our prosperity, longevity and progress.
    For the Grand Harvest of 1731, our exposition event will unite Her citizenry over a celebration of Haelun’or’s sacred knowledge. Attendees are urged to use this great occasion to establish their footprints for a new age of ‘aheral literature: donate and publicise new writings, discuss and behold the pre-existing works, or merely revere in centuries of our accumulated knowledge.
    With this renovation come some new concepts. Namely, officialised rules, a copy of the library ledger handed to each attendee and information regarding access to floors will be addressed there.

    The Diarchist’s Literary Competition of 1731
    Furthermore, to applaud the tireless efforts of our steadfast council, a competition will be held challenging our citizenry to a tussle of literary elegance! Each contestant is asked to compose a poem that epitomises the state’s values, chosen from one of the three prompts provided:

    • The Diarchy  
    • Purity 
    • Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya

    The poem should use no less than five pages of a tome, and the work will be judged on its creativity, pointedness to topic, dexterity of language and finesses. An Elven week is granted to those wishing to enter and our winner will be awarded with a piece of bespoke portraiture.
    [[Deadline for entry 7th September, winner will receive a piece of Rwk0 artwork! Pay her commissions page [https://rwko.weebly.com/] a visit in the meantime because she deserves it.]]


    Aside from the complete Blessed Citizenry, the Silver State of Haelun’or extend invitations for the Grand Reopening of the Eternal Library to:
    The Librarians and Educated Mali of Irrinor
    The Librarians and Educated Mali of the Princedom of Fenn
    The Librarians and Educated Druii of their Grove

    The Librarians and Educated Dwedmar of Urguan

    The Librarians and Educated Citizenry of Nakamachi

     The Eternal Library, Silver State of Haelun’or.
     The Grand Harvest of 1731.


    Dress formally and speak intelligibly, maehr’sae hiylun’ehya!
    liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe

    Library Index [Ledger]
    Library Floor Plan
    Gaining Access to Other Floors



    Rinaedith Seregon, Okarir'maehr

    Nelgauth Maehr'tehral, Medi'ir

    Dimaethor Visaj, Sohaer

    Iaria Elervathar, Maheral




    The Eternal Library

    As published on the 8th of Malin's Welcome, 1731


    Gaining Access to Other Floors

    To receive knowledge, one must give. For this reason, alongside a variety of security reasons, we require our blessed visitors to-be to donate writings to the blessed bastion of knowledge to gain access. These books must be donated after the date of this missive's posting.


    Fiction & Academical [Non-fiction] Wing

    Oem [One] book of:

    • Any non-fiction subject, barring documents and journals.
    • A minimum of 9 pages.
    • An original copy, not a copy of the original.
    • Written by the applicant in question.


    Thaumaturgy Wing

    Oem [One] book of:

    • Any subject regarding magic or other dimensions. This includes reports of this nature, magical creatures, other dimensions and educational anti-magic works. 
    • A minimum of 5 pages.
    • An original copy, not a copy of the original.
    • Written by the applicant in question.

    Alternatively, one can:

    • Practice any non-dark magic and be a trusted magi of the State. Ask permission from the Okarir'maehr or the Diarchy, and optionally have another member of the State vouch for your fidelity.
    • Be a student under a trusted magician, and be over 20 years of age.
    • Send a letter to the Okarir'maehr [Rhuyne#1160 or Rhuyne in-game] as to why you are an exemplary member of the State or visitor to our blessed walls and should be deserving of permanent access to the floor.



    • Anything that is considered unfit to be put on the shelves will not count.
    • Philosophy counts as non-fiction in this case.
    • Children below the age of twenty (20) are disallowed from entering the thaumaturgical wing.
    • Children below the age of twenty (20) are reliant on their parents'/guardians' access and thus these guardians are responsible for their oem'iian.


    [[OOC: This is the Eternal Library discord! One can request copies of books or request door access there, plus get some important announcements from time to time! https://discord.gg/KPDKWCN]]



    Rinaedith Seregon, Okarir'maehr




    The Eternal Library Floor Index

    As published on the 7th of Malin's Welcome, 1731


    Fiction - 1st Floor

    Myths, Fables & Folklore

    Druidic Myths

    Legends & Myths




    Fictional Stories

    Misc. Race Literature

    Heroic Stories

    Sad Stories

    Cautionary Tales

    Humorous Tales


    Fiction - Ground Floor

    General poetry

    Humorous poetry

    Love poems

    Freeform poetry


    Educational Literature




    Drinking songs

    ‘Thill songs


    Basement - Anthropology

    Valah History & Culture

    Historical Studies

    Cultural Works

    Religious Studies


    Uruk History & Culture

    Historical Studies

    Cultural Works

    Religious Studies


    Tali’Bortu History & Culture

    Historical Studies

    Cultural Works

    Religious Studies


    Bortu History & Culture

    Historical Studies

    Cultural Works

    Religious Studies


    Other Mali History & Culture

    Historical Studies

    Cultural Works

    Religious Studies


    ‘Thill History & Culture

    History Studies

    Cultural Works

    Purity Studies


    Druidic Works

    Anything of Druid origin


    Basement - Field Knowledge

    Artisan Knowledge






    Instruments & music


    Field Knowledge

    Combat & Metallurgy

    Medicine & First Aid



    Alchemical Guides

    Botanical Alchemy



    Botany & Herbology

    Plant indexes

    Works on botany & herbology


    Basement – Worldly Knowledge

    Documents & Journals


    Journals Reports


    Family Records








    Organizations & Orders





    Geography & Places



    Axios, etc.

    Places of interest



    Philosophical works


    Research & Theories

    Scientific research and reports



    Mundane Creatures




    Sea Life


    Thaumaturgical Wing coming soon!

    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya



    Rinaedith Seregon, Okarir'maehr

  7. thisone.jpg.1293ec8663797bb44fbef3907dc04f84.png.89aedea0bc4b6376fbd3441d887fd754.png


    The Eternal Library

    As published on the 7th of Malin's Welcome, 1731


    The Eternal Library abides by a set of basic rules that any blessed, authorized visitor is expected to follow to a T.


    On Permissions

    • To receive knowledge, one must give. No one -- Silver Councillor, Blessed Citizen or favoured visitor -- is exempt from this. To gain access to other floors, read the book detailing access of such.
    • The reception desk is off limits to those unauthorized. Do not hop the counter.
    • Trespassing any floor one is not supposed to be in will be punished. If there is a fault in the documents and a librarian cannot find your name on it for this reason, you may contact the Okarir’maehr.


    On Damage

    • Damage of property, books or building, is completely contradictory to the ancient creeds and must be compensated for. If foul play is suspected, a trial will follow.


    On Theft

    • Theft or attempted theft of our blessed books will similarly be punished severely.
    • The reproduction of the Eternal Library’s collections will strip the offender of their rights to return to the establishment and will count as theft, unless the case is otherwise reviewed by the diarchy.


    On Conduct

    • Be respectful towards your fellow knowledge-seekers and librarians alike.
    • We do not tolerate smudgy fingers on the pages of our books. We give our blessed visitors access to food and drink to enjoy, but care for the books as if they were your children.
    • Do not swear. Keep your mouth clean in the presence of knowledge.
    • Do not run within the Eternal Library.
    • Quieten down. Allow the fellow ‘thill to indulge in knowledge in silence.
    • The use of magic of any kind is disallowed.


    Standard Guidelines

    • If any of these are not abided by, a librarian is reserved the right to remove you from the building and/or contact authorities.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya



    Rinaedith Seregon, Okarir'maehr

    Dimaethor Visaj, Sohaer


  8. The Okarir’maehr awoke from the slumber she found herself in the midst of the renovations. She hastily scribbled down her preference and slid it into the ballot box, a curious brow flaring high when she found it overflowing with “Berr’lin”.


    Lareh’thilln (Silver Mountain) [x]

    Lareh’leyu (Beautiful Mountain) [ ]

    Lareh’siol (Lonely Mountain) [ ]

    Fi’astoré (New Astoré) [x] 

  9. thisone.jpg.1293ec8663797bb44fbef3907dc04f84.png.49c0a88bbeecbedd8c2f559541d7d5c8.png

    Blessed citizenry of Berr’lin,


    My name is Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr, and in the wake of events long passed, namely the confessions of the ‘ata Rosilya Lae’rinsyr, my mal’onn and I, have been given new information formerly unbeknownst to us. Rosilya exposing himself as being male is no news by now, but it has proven the bloodline archive to be tampered with. It is no lie that we are half Lae’rinsyr, however, it is our maln that had been scratched from records. This has been revealed to be Raelthar Lae’rinsyr, and our haelun to be from the Seregon line: Adoraline Seregon. Relative to Ikur Sullas and Dele Seregon, this branch of the family was previously largely shrouded in mystery as my grandfather had left Haelun’or many years prior and lost contact with the main branch. Rosilya Lae’rinsyr was close to my maln in their younger years, hence why he agreed his brother to take care of his children whilst he pursued a more carefree lifestyle. Whether this was the right call, we are not here to argue. With the two of us still actively looking for Adoraline, we still would like to bring this information to you all.

    It is proven that this line of the family is, in fact, legitimate, with documents to confirm it. There are no impurities, only regrettable decisions that I seek to rectify today. Henceforth, my mal’onn, Anthur, and I will abandon the name of Lae’rinsyr and instead take on the much more honorable Talonnii name of Seregon. See us no different, with but a different name that reminds one of the mighty deeds of Ikur and Dele Seregon, amongst others. We hope to, from this day forward, contribute to the State as much as they have.


    Ahern ito nae’leh. Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya!

    Signed, Rinaedith Seregon.




    Addressed to elheial’thilln, the Sohaer Visaj and Maheral Elervathar.


    I, Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr, would like to announce my candidacy to assume the position of Okarir’mali. What I believe escapes most is what responsibilities the Okarir’mali holds aside acting as the Silver State’s steward, for its direct translation is ‘Guardian of the People’ or ‘Guardian of the Silver Elves’. This, by extension, encompasses the happiness and well-being of the blessed citizenry. Former Okarir’mali Maehr’tehral went above and beyond for his people despite his finite time, yet I am positive I can contribute to the same extent as his successor. I intend to work closely with the newly appointed Okarir’akaln for resources to fund the people’s interior decorating endeavors and the Okarir’maehr to oversee the arrangements regarding the Eternal College. Giving the oem’iian of the Silver State mandatory lectures to follow would benefit them greatly- much knowledge is lost to time, and for the sake of mental prosperity, we would be working towards a brighter generation of Mali. Furthermore, more health-related activities would do the people well. The outdoor exercises initiated by mister Haler’thilln and the Okarir’tayna did wonders. Mutual effort and communication between the remaining Okariran is key to ensuring a prosperous future. I am sure many more proposals will come to me in time. Nevertheless, this is what I offer. I have been a diligent Mali’aheral  and paragon to younger generations - I oversaw the donation of over 200 books to the Eternal Library, more than doubling our collection. We have lead the Lae’rinsyr to Talonnii status, rising from an unknown name within a short period of time and have contributed significantly to the Northern Expansion. I have recently taken up the position of medi’ir to the Okariri maehr and I strive to be a pillar on which the Silver City may rest as an Okarir. Haelun’or will be in good hands. Ahern ito nae’leh.


    Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr

    Matriarch of the Lae’rinsyr Talonnii

    Medi’ir to the Okarir’maehr

  11. MC Name: Rhuyne

    Character's Name: Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr

    Character's Age: 16


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Delos Telperion


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  12. DOe719IcGy-E7-4tTkYm12bEnDxcmYejjGkMQVoXeLnm-NkZTjoLK4GB4yyzOGtWCjFs2_MJJnzM14xJObAPCIrfI9usEwIW-Vi7Xi4yWBfTtGvadol1IZQJadZZOjXuKMqyglG3


    Lye perithae

    “We remember”

    | Appearance |


    The Lae’rinsyr appearance among the Mali’thill is widely average. However their simple traits are persistent throughout the bloodline, causing a ‘twin effect’. This is due to their platinum blonde or silver locks, and eyes always stained with hues of green. Thus, this lack of variety causes their lineage to become known to all who witness them in a cluster. Both male and females present a lithe frame, with a difficulty growing beyond 5’10, and a median height of 5’8. This makes them unconventionally short for the average citizen. Their skin is void of imperfections and customarily pale, leaving them prone to sunburns.

    | Personality/Beliefs |


    Following the development of a slightly more lenient government, the Lae’rinsyr family has also steered towards the more open-minded side of the political spectrum. Their Matriarch, present during the abolishment of the lesser and ‘thill districts, has taught its members the value of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - progress, in favour of a stunted society. This is in stark contrast to their history of being radically conservative. The family is no different from other Mali’thill in their pride of pure lineage, thus strictly upholding the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya to its every interpretation. The Lae’rinsyr family indulge in two colours above all others; red for its might to protect others; namely the Mali’aheral and their kin, and silver: A colour, a way of life, and a symbol for their roots in Haelun’or society. Their tertiary color is a honey gold, though is humbly used as it can be negatively interpreted. The family crest bears a white hybrid of an avian and lion. These present the perception of a winged creature, the bravery of a lion, and a faith in the magical. Most members’ interests tend to vary, though a prodigy is sometimes found in the young, in regards to magic or science, for the family is an ambitious lot. Furthermore, disregarding surname norms in favor of equality, it is not unheard of for sons and daughters to take on their mother’s surname.

    | Etymology |


    Lae’rinsyr holds no special meaning nor does it directly translate into any word in Ancient Elven. It is however theorized that the original comes from a less bastardized version of Lae’rinsyr, with possible ties to an ancient magic. Ironically, most of the living family is not familiar with the arcane.

    | History |


    The family is, unsurprisingly, fairly new for High Elven standards. It began as a branch off of a minor family within Haelun’or, known as Dlarlynnae. The early generations were quite proficient in magics, notably fire evocation. They cleverly combined this magic type with their craft, producing jewelry and other trinkets requiring the Mali’aheral’s eye for detail. Other than this, the family history remains vague as most is left to speculation and whispers. It has been said that a previous member united all civilisations of Atlas, and led them all to the new world of Arcas. Another took up arms with the Ascended against the impure dark mages in Asulon who sought to threaten Haelun’or’s security. Other stories tell of a member walking through the various planes like a skipping stone across a pond. It has only been within the last century members made their name known, and public - namely the rise of Rosilya Lae’rinsyr as newly-appointed Okarir’akaln of Haelun’or, sporting wisdom of trade and economics. Looking to her ancestors, the latest generation took to opening The Lae’rinsyr Forge with the aim of producing High Elven weaponry to boost Haelun’orian economy and reputation, alongside their own family name. The previous acts of the Lae’rinsyr have gone unmentioned, unthanked, and often unasked for. However, it seems the prerogative of the current Matriarch is to strive forward once and embrace the way of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya.


    | Family tree |




    Current matriarch: Rinaedith Lae’rinsyr

    [Pr. Lay-rin-seer]

  13. MC Names of people involved: Rhuyne


    I bought 50 dollars worth of crowns at around 10 pm CEST time during a chess championship in the Haelun’or tavern. I bought them with the intention to buy diamond VIP later for extra renames. After a few minutes I -know- I got a message saying I received the crowns, but I didn’t look in my wallet yet. I logged out and when I logged back in, the 400 crowns I still had left from a previous purchase unrelated to this one were still in my wallet, but I didn’t seem to have the 5900 crowns. I have multiple receipts but I’d rather show whoever deals with it in a private convo on the forums or discord. For reference, my discord name is Rhuyne#1160.

    **Date of occurance**
    I bought the crowns at 25th of May at 10:11 pm CEST time.


    **In game specifications**
    I’m Rhuyne in game, and was playing as a character called Rinaedith in the Haelun’orian tavern at the time.

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    1. Well, basically just buy some crowns.. there’s not much to it, haha.

    **Expected Behavior**
    Receive the crowns after getting a message saying I should’ve received them in my wallet.

    **Actual Behavior**
    Crowns gone, don’t know who or what to contact since not many mods or admins seem familiar with the issue unfortunately.

    **Additional Information**
    If there’s enough evidence, I wouldn’t mind being directly given diamond VIP with 800 [I believe?] to spare, since I’m gold VIP right now. But it all depends on how mods/admins want to handle it. It’d be awesome if the issue can be resolved quickly!

    **Error Message**



    Name: Aedhlynn Rhuiviel (Rhuyne)

    Surname/House: Rhuíviel

    Date of Birth: 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 1515

    Gender: Female.

    Race: Wood Elf/Dark Elf halfbreed, though appears as a normal Wood Elf.

    Citizenship Class: B


    Physical Description

    Height: 5’3

    Weight: 110 lbs 

    Eye Color: Pale blue

    Hair Color: Dark auburn

    Skin Color/Shade: Tanned, with a gray tint

    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: 2 vertical scars across right eye, 1 horizontal scar across bridge of the nose, scar in right ear as an earring was ripped off.


    Personal Information

    Home Address: Beaufort Street 12

    Region of Residence: Johannesburg

    Profession/Occupation: Barmaid/bartender


    Oath(s) of Loyalty

    For all classes of Citizenship:

    "I, Aedhlynn Rhuiviel, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Orenian Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  15. Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft account name?: Rhuyne

    How old are you?: 15

    What timezone are you in?: CEST, or UTC +2

    Are you aware the server is PG-13: Yes, I am.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: No metagaming.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: No, it’s all clear!

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I heard about it from severeal friends, but I cannot pinpoint the exact person, sorry.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications: N/A.

    Have you logged into the server yet?: Yup.




    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is essentially creating a character different (though not always) from yourself IRL, and playing them out through emotes (actions in text)- in this case, LotC is using Minecraft as its platform.

    What is metagaming?: The act of getting information OOC (Out-Of-Character) and then using this IC (In-Character), such as a friend of your character being in grave danger and coming to his rescue when your character IC had no knowledge of being in said danger. It’s disallowed and heavily frowned upon.

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?: Forcing something upon another character without letting them react first. You essentially dictate what is going to happen to another person’s character. It’s disallowed and heavily frowned upon.


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Aédhlynnë Mirwen Rhuíviel (Commonly referred to as just Aedhlynn, or Addie.)

    Character’s sex: Female

    Character’s race: Wood Elf/Dark Elf halfbreed

    Character’s age: 58



    Note: I’m still fairly new and I wanted to start as soon as possible, so I may have missed a few articles regarding my character’s race, et cetera- Do notify me if there happen to be inconsistencies or anything of the like.)

     The result of an almost scandalous love affair between a Wood Elf, Tharthanduil and Dark Elf, Ainthendirwen, both Aedhlynn and her Dark Elf mother were cast out from their home. Halfbreeds were certainly not tolerated by the majority of the Elven race, and yet Ainthendirwen continued to raise the child that differed greatly in appearance from Dark Elves- but only somewhat graying skin and no other traces of her partial Dark Elven heritage- the child seemed almost like a foreigner. As if she were adopted.


    With her mother and she having left their home town, the pair lived on as nomads- earning their daily bread by playing music and pickpocketing. When Aedhlynn was only 9 years of age, the sun had vanished for an entire year after a volcano blocked the sky with its thick ashes, greatly upsetting the young child. Whilst Aedhlynn was taught basic forms of hand-to-hand combat, and later in life preferring to continuously wearing leather gauntlets or brass knuckles, it is by no means very advanced yet and could definitely deserve improvement. One of the more notable cities she and her mother had visited during their time as nomads was Riv’vallel, where the two passed as mere travellers selling their goods. Ainthendirwen taught her daughter how to play the flute during her childhood, how to sketch, and amongst other skills.  After a bandit attack during their travels to the High Elven city of Lin’sulan however, the halfbreed was given a set of scars she still bears today, reminding her of how unforgiving the world can be- and a reminder to stay cautious.


    Personality Traits:

    -Analytical [+]: Not only does monitoring one come naturally to the Elf, it is also somewhat of a skill she perfected over the years. She tends to keep an watchful eye on those she distrusts in fear of being betrayed. 

    -Humorous [+]: She can’t like, Aedhlynn loves joking around. She’s rather playful in nature, and can’t help but crack a pun or joke on a regular basis. Whilst Aedhlynn can be serious when needed, she simply cannot resist loosening up and relieving stress by joking around and setting her worries aside.

    -Authoritarian [=]: Commanding and bordering almost tyrannical, Aedhlynn hardly ever willingly takes orders from those not close to her or otherwise prove to be useful to her. She speaks and acts with pride, and assumes whatever authority there is, is automatically given to her. As such, nothing prevents her from lashing out when they disregard her demands, keeping those that serve under her in line and have them not sway from achieving their mutual goal. Given her authoritarian nature, she makes an excellent leader. Though does know to shut her mouth, it is a trait many tire of when the woman constantly bosses them around.

    -Headstrong [=]: Aedhlynn will is law. She acts on her own accord, and will throw down suggestions in an instant in ignorance, even if it will ultimately benefit her. Her bullheadedness has caused a plethora of conflicts in the past. However, the Wood Elf stays determined to have things go her way.

    -Selfish [-]: Aedhlynn’s own wants and needs are her top priority. She has no qualms manipulating, stealing from or betraying close acquaintances or strangers to benefit herself, even if it means to be detrimental to said people.

    -Fickle [-]: Aedhlynn is a rather fickle person. Her constant swapping of sides has irked many in the past, mainly as some see it as a form of betrayal. Even the slightest intriguing offer will have her lend her loyalty to another, until this almost fake loyalty will expire in due time. She feels little shame or remorse for  those affected by her sudden oscillating. This is not limited to just switching her loyalty but also extends to decision making and the like.


    Ambitions: To become a well-known archer and fighter.


    -Agile: Whilst being no expert acrobat, Aedhlynn does possess quite some agility. Her smaller frame allows for nimble and lithe movements, more-so than any others due to her Wood Elven heritage. She is by no means specialized in this and is somewhat prone to making the occasional mistake or two. Her buoyancy is often used as a last resort to escape a fight.

    -Swimming: During her travels, the Wood Elf has picked up several skills- one being swimming. Those few kind enough souls had gradually taught the still adolescent Aedhlynn to stay afloat in water, should she ever fall in. It certainly is her forté, having indeed plummeted into harbor waters and alike a plethora of times, and proved herself to be an able swimmer, though longer periods of coursing through the water will quickly leave her out of breath.

    -Pickpocketing: Aedhlynn is a master at thievery. Though this does come at a price; her urges to constantly steal anything she seems worthy of stealing. In other words, anything of value. She picked up the skill of pickpocketing during her times in larger cities where she had to rely on petty thievery to earn her daily bread. She is remarkably skilled in the field due to her nimble nature and small frame.



    -Lack of physical strength & poor endurance: Unfortunately for the poor Elf, she wasn’t given one of the more bruter bodies. Standing at a somewhat petite 5’3”, her height is not that impressive. Her body isn’t all muscle either, giving her pathetic strength and can easily be overpowered by any well-trained man or woman. Furthermore, Addie’s physical endurance is a tad on the low side. She is often completely out of breath after a few minutes of running, or performing strenuous physical labor. Whilst she is a fast runner, this serves little use once she’s out of breath.

    Inattentive: Unless she’s specifically instructed to keep her guard up, or is obviously about to engage in combat, the Elf often keeps her guards down even when negotiating with enemies for example. She’s late to react to the slash of a sword, a punch to the face, or anything of the sort. It has been her downfall countless of times.

    Kleptomaniac: Can’t deny it, Aedhlynn is somewhat of a kleptomaniac, after all the thievery she’s done in the past. When spotting something even slightly valuable, she has a near uncontrollable urge to make it hers. It can get her into some risky situations no doubt, and has been more than often arrested for thievery.


    Aedhlynn possesses a face that many would consider reminiscent of that of a teenager’s: a jawline more on the soft side, and an oval face shape (albeir her face itself being a bit on the short side.) Her stare can be most pressuring to some. She sports dark eyebrows often slanted inwards with dark blue-ish eyes underneath. To top this, a slender nose rests in between these, with a slight angling towards the tip. After an encounter with some bandits, Aedhlynn still holds 2 vertical scars across her right eye, and a horizontal one strewn across the bridge of her nose. Furthermore, one of her earrings in her right ear was ripped clean off, resulting in another scar she still bears today. Addie was gifted with her biological father’s somewhat short stature. She stands at a short 5’3”, with her weight oscillating between 105 lbs and 115 lbs. She has a somewhat tanned skin, tilting a bit to the gray side due to her partial Dark Elf heritage.







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