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Posts posted by Outlaw_Bolt

  1. RRwpNOq.jpg

    Out-Of-Character Information



    What’s your Minecraft account name?:Outlaw_Jimmy

    How old are you?: I Am Currently 13 Years Old

    What timezone are you in?: (UTC+ 10:00) Brisbane QLD Australia

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Yes i am aware that this is a PG-13 server

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: Not To metagame [but i also agree alot with the other rule of not to powergame]

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): Nope None of the rules confuse me

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I just searched up Mc Roleplay server into google and youtube and here i am

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): i have not tried before.

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yup, i logged in quite some time ago but was confused at the time of how to start roleplaying [obviously i found out how]



    What is roleplaying?: Roleplaying is Putting yourself into the position or role of a fictional or real character and acting and speaking as they would, this also includes looking the part as-well as fitting the theme of the roleplay

    What is metagaming?: metagaming is where you roleplay but have prior knowledge that your character should not have then or there, this also means you use this prior knowledge to have an advantage over other roleplayers and events in roleplay, which ruins the experience almost completely if not completely destroying the scene and/or roleplay

    What is power-emoting (powergaming)? powergaming is where you play god and do what ever you want in roleplay having no regard for other roleplayers / people, this also means your untouchable if wanted or just an unbeatable character, which ends up in the experience being ruined and people usually ignoring you almost always, which makes your experience ruined as-well.



    Character’s name: Potentia

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human: Specified as a highlander

    Character’s age: 18 [almost 19]

    Biography: born in 1560 potentia was raised in a hovel on a mountain in the region of Istria , Potentia has not travelled very far from Istria's region and having to deal with his mother being unwell for most of his life up until the age of 12 when his mother died and The Kingdom of Urguan and the Konigsreich of Vandoria joining forces and form the Empire of Vanderguan in 1542, 17 years before his mothers death. meaning many things were going on around the region of Istria, his farther was a busy man and travelled around most of the time, so his farther was never around much to see his boy potentia grow up over the years of 1560 to 1570 ,1541: When the recent victory at Hiebenhold 2.0 happened and in 1540: After the defeat at Khro'Nogaak and since then the place of where potentia and his mother lived had been catotic, not to metion since his mother died he has had to start to travel out of the region he was use to and is now surviving out in the wild with what he had before his mothers passing, but even with those bad events in his life, potentia trys to make the best of his life and also speaking of potentia adventuring out of Istria, Potentia recently decided to venture out to oren and not return to Istria as he is starting to get older and tired of his native region, as we see now potentia's travel to oren has been a hard one seeing as he ran into many wild animals and even a witch that tried to poison potentia but failed as he could tell that the poisoned supplies he had were poisoned due to the extremely unpleasant smell they had giving them away and seeing as potentia knew that witches were around due to also seeing a few, but that is all but potentia's history up until now and today potentia arrives at oren for the first time and we will see what adventures he had from here on in.


    Personality Traits: Potentia likes fishing, jumping around high mountains and trees, sleeping is a big habbit, along with constantly checking the area around him, his quirks consist of inspecting anyone he meets or anything out of curiosity and sneaking around even when he doesn't have to sometimes.

    Ambitions: Potentia may not seem like it but he does dream of being a great adventurer who fights creatures of the un-dead and so forth

    Strengths/Talents: Potentia is good at being quiet, sneaky and fast not to mention has good aim with a bow

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Potentia is bad at using everyday tools like a pickaxe or an axe itself and it pretty hot-headed if his family is insulted in anyway, he also jumps into things a bit too fast and sometimes can be hurt as a result despite his sneaking ability being good enough to stay hidden in enemy lines for quite some time, potentia is also easily knocked out if hit with a large metal, stone or wooden object like a club or hammer.

    Appearance: Potentia has pale-ish skin and decently sized arms, legs, body and head, Potentia is about 5'7 despite his age, Potentia's Hair is a Dark Black with a slight shade of dark grey in it, Potentia only has one scar on his left hand due to a dagger slicing it by accident once in his early childhood

    Skin: [Can Be Clearly seen at the top of the post]

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