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Application Comments posted by NotAPan

  1. kgsczIxRoZNmmSDO1Y-GcVewI8evEHiQe8knEmFUiT_mUFTqlOUuz6Jr9sOvC6Ll0aYonX5whYpUGq3Xen6CVyB6E5ScgC5VUQUI13eWPosJC6lWBQxhnBgY0snfl4M6lWk-gslo

    Your application has been denied because you did not make these changes within the 24 hours you were given.

    Here are the changes you had to make.


    • Your definition for Metagaming needs to be expanded, and your definition for Powergaming is incorrect. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory included an outdated location, “Meranesian Islands”. That location existed during Axios, but our current map is Arcas. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits
    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.
    • Your skin does not match your selected race. Dark elves are suppose to have dark colored skins. LoTC has a Skin Archive for players who cannot make their own skins, or need a temporary skin until they can make their own. These skins are Free to Use.

    You may reapply at any time.


    If you find yourself in need of any assistance,

    do send a Community Team Member or myself a friend request over discord

    and PM them or myself at @mightbepan#9864. I’d be more than happy to help.

  2. kgsczIxRoZNmmSDO1Y-GcVewI8evEHiQe8knEmFUiT_mUFTqlOUuz6Jr9sOvC6Ll0aYonX5whYpUGq3Xen6CVyB6E5ScgC5VUQUI13eWPosJC6lWBQxhnBgY0snfl4M6lWk-gslo

    Your application has been denied because you did not make these changes within the 24 hours you were given.

    Here are the changes you had to make.


    • Your definition for Metagaming is incorrect, and your definition for Powergaming needs to be expanded. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.

    You may reapply at any time.


    If you find yourself in need of any assistance,

    do send a Community Team Member or myself a friend request over discord

    and PM them or myself at @mightbepan#9864. I’d be more than happy to help.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  4. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Metagaming needs to be expanded, and your definition for Powergaming is incorrect. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory included an outdated location, “Meranesian Islands”. That location existed during Axios, but our current map is Arcas. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits
    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.
    • Your skin does not match your selected race. Dark elves are suppose to have dark colored skins. LoTC has a Skin Archive for players who cannot make their own skins, or need a temporary skin until they can make their own. These skins are Free to Use.

    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.

  5. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Metagaming is incorrect, and your definition for Powergaming needs to be expanded. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.

    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.




    Your application has been denied due to the lack of effort placed in your application.


    You may reapply at any time.


    If you find yourself in need of any assistance,

    do send a Community Team Member or myself a friend request over discord

    and PM them or myself at @mightbepan#9864. I’d be more than happy to help.

  7. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • In your backstory it mentioned that the Strauss was a noble family, which is sadly incorrect- as you can’t have made up noble families. Even if you put a proper noble family, you must get permission from the family head to use the name. Bare in mind that your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.

    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.

  8. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.


    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Metagaming is almost correct, but still slightly confusing and off point. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory included something regarding “Hedge Knights” which does not exist in Helena or the LoTC lore. I recommend just removing the Hedge prefix.


    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  10. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Metagaming and Powergaming needs to be expanded. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory needs to be rewritten due to numerous of spelling errors, grammar issues, and run on sentences. You also can not include anything related to magic in your backstory. Bare in mind that it also requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your physical description needs to be redone, as your character has no white hair. Your description is also too confusing to be read, so please do your best to fix it.
    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten due to numerous spelling errors. Do keep in mind that it must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits


    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.

  11. kgsczIxRoZNmmSDO1Y-GcVewI8evEHiQe8knEmFUiT_mUFTqlOUuz6Jr9sOvC6Ll0aYonX5whYpUGq3Xen6CVyB6E5ScgC5VUQUI13eWPosJC6lWBQxhnBgY0snfl4M6lWk-gslo

    Your application has been denied because you did not make these changes within the 24 hours you were given.

    Here are the changes you had to make.


    • Your definition for Powergaming is incorrect, regarding your examples for it. Please be very certain of your definition, and avoid things such as “I’d say”. You also have a few spelling issue such as spelling “you” as “u” or “abilities” as “abilitys”, please do your best to fix them. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory have quite a few grammar and spelling errors, please do the best of your ability to fix it (If you feel that you are unable to fix them, you may try running it through Grammarly). The backstory also requires at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your physical description needs to be redone. Although elf does age slower, 800+ years old is still considered old, as elves already become adult at the age of 50. Please also try and lengthen your descriptions by describing things such as the height and weight of your character.
    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits
    • For your roleplay response , I recommend surrounding your character’s dialogue with quotations.

    You may reapply at any time.



    If you find yourself in need of any assistance,

    do send a Community Team Member or myself a friend request over discord

    and PM them or myself at @mightbepan#9864. I’d be more than happy to help.

  12. Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.



    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  15. Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.


  16. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.


    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Metagaming and Powergaming needs to be expanded, which could be done by adding examples. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. “Llyria” could have been a lore reference, but it no longer exist in our current map (Arcas), so please fix it. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.

    • Your physical description needs to be redone. 1.80 meter is a height unreachable for human.

    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits

    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.

    • Your skin is supposed to be a Minecraft skin.


    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  18. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your roleplay response needs an action, not just dialogue. You may use the example to figure out how to format your response.


    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.

  19. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.


    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your definition for Powergaming is incorrect, regarding your examples for it. Please be very certain of your definition, and avoid things such as “I’d say”. You also have a few spelling issue such as spelling “you” as “u” or “abilities” as “abilitys”, please do your best to fix them. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming
    • Your backstory have quite a few grammar and spelling errors, please do the best of your ability to fix it (If you feel that you are unable to fix them, you may try running it through Grammarly). The backstory also requires at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • Your physical description needs to be redone. Although elf does age slower, 800+ years old is still considered old, as elves already become adult at the age of 50. Please also try and lengthen your descriptions by describing things such as the height and weight of your character.
    • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits
    • For your roleplay response , I recommend surrounding your character’s dialogue with quotations.

    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.


    Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  23. Image result for transparent twinkle gif"rzBI3D3mnO3gP9Yhueqvgx1zBltGiVQk-luIk2IdYEZqmz2Dr5THrO36qe2-MkbpdAe8_fLjcwRz91MXo5Lj3qqjI6y5Xh7WuWkReAEx8N2O6mPsUVT_A5zPzFY5lML-7jRPhxet[rotate output image]

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

    I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

     application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

     If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

     discord at @mightbepan#9864.

     If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

    and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

     If you happen to need any assistance upon joining, run the command /creq followed

    with any questions or concerns you may have. 

    /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

    • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

    • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

    • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.

     Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

    contact me on discord at @mightbepan#9864. You may issue a /creq [message] 

    on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

  24. zEgPA-uf_YzPc_8P8r4SkU9DdsEg5_3y9UiWncnPz3ztpgMrAHSU2WLeFkVlWnEbIxnawLErc0sDxmbSWZgAipv9R1sc973NfxzlwrYqz_t-UtnRxH2H0IYdOcBeecqH5L4iUhOf


    Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

    I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.

    You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

    • Your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. Please bare in mind that we are NOT a middle-earth roleplay server. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.
    • A goblin’s max age is 200 years old, so your character is only at his middle age. If you want to make your character old, I suggest you raise the age.
    • Your personality traits need to be expanded. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits


    When you have made the changes, feel free to

     contact me through discord at @mightbepan#9864 or shoot me a PM over the forums. If you require 

    further assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found 

    in our New Player Discord.

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