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Kay (ItLit)

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Posts posted by Kay (ItLit)

  1. I just recently joined these forums in an attempt to join the server and after submitting my application, I was going to try to interact more with the community and maybe meet some new people, but I can't seem to post or reply to status updates. Is there like a grace period of a certain amount of time before I can do this?

  2. What’s your Minecraft account name?:

    How old are you?:

    What timezone are you in?:

    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13):

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?:

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?:

    Harassment - obsessive, malicious or nefarious behavior directed toward another player will not be tolerated.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?:

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?:

    My brother told me about it and I really think I'll enjoy the community.
    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable):

    Not Applicable.
    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once):

    I believe so, though I'll do it another time to be safe.


    What is roleplaying?:

    Roleplaying is simply taking on the role of a character and manipulating them through a story or series of events in practically any way you please.
    What is metagaming?:

    The act of using information gained on any platform or chat service that is outside of the roleplaying channel to your advantage in roleplay.
    What is power-emoting (powergaming)?:

    Within roleplay, whether in combat or committing actions with chance or skill required, the player puts their character in a situation that exceeds their skill or strength without consequence or reason related to the character. Essentially emoting something that you and everyone else knows your character can't do but saying that they can do it.

    In-Character Information

    Character’s name:

    Shoshanna Wundt
    Character’s sex:

    Character’s race:

    Character’s age:



    Hailing from a distant, frigid, land Shoshanna grew up suffering in the cold forests of Northern Vailor. She comes a nomadic group of people that ironically enough traversed to all of the same places, just never settled. Shoshanna was raised by two loving parents, who coaxed her to leave the people that they have followed across the cold, cold north for decades. Her family pushed her to go find the Creator and learn the religion of the people categorized as the same species as her. She has not had much interaction with people outside of the pack of men and women her small family kept up with, not making her shy, but making it difficult to express her emotions.  Other people are definitely not Shoshanna's strong suit, so on her journey, she will have to learn how to properly communicate with people who aren't from her direct family, and likely won't understand her thick accent.
    In her journey to the heart of Oren, Shoshanna has stopped in various small towns, taking up small jobs such as cleaning homes, tending to animals, and even helping to cook a meal for a not so well known lord and his court. These jobs have helped to finance her journey and gain experience. With the bits of things she's learned, she plans to work her way into the Royal family's service, where she'll hopefully learn the ways of the true faith and earn money to create a good life for a small family of her own.

    Axios will be a fresh start for her, and her trek for the royal city will likely be very interesting, once she arrives in the new land.

    Personality Traits:

    Shoshanna's interests lie mostly in flowers, they were very rare where she comes from and they also signal new life to her. She can often be seen staring off into an open field, losing track of time and sometimes even her own mind. Shoshanna doesn't necessarily like violence and tends to be easily upset when it comes to fighting or blood sport.


    Shoshanna doesn't really have aspirations, she comes from a place where everyone is treated equally and known for what they love.


    She has a knack for both cooking and cleaning, these things are mostly what she's done in her life, other than hunting game once and awhile.


    Her combat skill is lacking, she doesn't wish to approve on this, nor sees a reason why she should.


    She's a young, decent looking girl. Her face is easy on the eyes for people of the same class as her, though other than that, her features are fairly boring. Her face is wrapped by a mane of ginger colored hair,
    her face dotted with too many freckles to count. She's about middle height, standing around 5’6 and weighing in below average at an almost sickly 120lbs.


    Currently, I do not have a skin for my character, though I know that it is a requirement to play on the server. I am in the process of looking for someone to make an original skin for me, because all medieval/renaissance skins on the internet now have been created by people on this server and I do not want to clash with anyone.

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