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Everything posted by DStriTheCoolGuy

  1. Magnolia was born in Lareh’thilln and grew up there with her pureblood high-elven mother and father. At a young age, she worked in the garden of her father’s tea and herbal shop, too frightened of people to work the counter. Her mother however was an opera singer and wasn’t at home a lot as she did a lot of traveling. She made very few childhood friends because of her extremely shy nature, and what friends she did have were superficial at best due to her living a fairly high-class lifestyle. She could often be seen in the Haelun’or library, usually hiding in a lone corner reading various books on fauna and flora. Like nearly all other high elves, she craved knowledge and the library was the perfect quiet place to learn new information. She did very well in school at the Halen'or College, always well-behaved and had excellent marks. One day another elf and his daughter came to town, and before long rumors began to stir, questioning why Magnolia’s mother and this new girl looked a little too similar or how the unknown male elf was suspiciously sweet towards Magnolia’s mother. A secret eventually slipped and suddenly her mother’s affair was out in the open and it was learned the new girl was actually Magnolia’s half-sister. The Hawthorne name was forever tarnished and her parent’s marriage was strained to say the least. However, instead of holding resentment towards her new sister, Shivana, she instead wanted nothing more but to flee Lareh'thilln with her to get away from the whispers and judgmental stares. In an act of cowardice, Magnolia fled, leaving her parents behind and she left with Shivana by her side. They grew closer as they realized their similarities and differences on their journey for a new place to settle in. The sisters currently are roaming the lands to find a place to live and call their forever-home and possibly even open their own talents.
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