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Posts posted by ExplorerEze

  1. Bishop Frederick Guillen of Pembroke applauses the Archbishop for sending an inviting, friendly, and good-matured message to his brethren in faith. 


    As Bishop of Pembroke, Frederick can devoutly say he does the same, and if anyone has questions, know that the Bishoprics of Avalain and Pembroke are open for questions, services and anything else as a part of a common brotherhood of faith all across Curon and other dioceses. 

  2. “It has become clear the Emperor in his mental capacity is no longer fit to rule, holding this maxim it is imperative the Emperor declare a regency or have one of his heirs succeed him, either through abdication or brutal force. The Emperor has finally revealed his true colors; we must not forget his decision to allow the Allfatherists of Nordengrad to remain while we bled to oust the heathens, and we must not forget his decision to support the execution of canonists. Seeing of what is becoming of the people I hold so dear, the best course of action to remedy our unstable and reactive dichotomy is the removal of the Emperor, on the basis of his heretical claim that he is a divine being like GOD and for abusing the armies of man to the further to means of him and his family, not of us, the people.”

  3. Thesis on the Abbot and Monastic Precepts


    To Monastic Postulants and those considering to be a monk;


    I have been in the shoes of those considering to be monk; and I believe the life of a monk is to truly connect yourself in a community and with GOD. Before one rushes into the monastery, Monkhood comes with precepts, and places emphasis on prayer and work. We should reflect on what it means to be a monk and what GOD wants from us, as we look towards monastic life.  As the scriptures say, “Thou shalt not lie idle or inactive, nor forget thy duties in favor of sloth”


    Now - listen, to your master GOD’s precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively your loving father’s advice, that by the labor of obedience you may return to Him from whom you had departed through sloth.


    To you, therefore, my words are now addressed, whoever you may be, who are renouncing your own will to do battle under our Creator, GOD, the true King, and are taking up the strong, bright weapons of obedience, poverty, and chastity. These three counsels, I believe, are most important in becoming a monk.  


    And first of all, whatever good work you begin to do, beg of GOD with most earnest prayer to perfect it, that He who has now deigned to count us among His sons may not at any time be grieved and saddened by our evil deeds. For we must always so serve GOD with the good things He has given us, that He will never as an angry father disinherit His children, nor ever as a dread Lord, provoked by our evil actions, deliver us to everlasting punishment as wicked servants who would not follow Him to glory.


    Let us arise, then, at last, for the Scripture stirs us up, saying,


    “For I have given to thee the pleasures of the world, and they shall relieve thee in the theatre of virtue. And thou shalt take them in restraint, and shalt not become a thing of vulgar enjoyment like the beasts of the earth” Horen 3:3


    Let us open our eyes to the deifying light, let us hear with attentive ears the warning which the divine voice cries daily to us,


    “And there is no pain with GOD, but without Him. And so thou sufferest not in retribution but in separation, and in the Skies all shall find solace” Owyn 6:7


    And again,


    “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid thee, My faithful, this: Thou shalt keep fast to thy word and to thy station, and aspire not to greatness among men, but to My glory” Horen 6:4


    GOD tells us to turn away from evil and do good; seek after peace and pursue it. We shall not aspire for greatness among men, but only for his glory. What can be sweeter to us, dear brethren, than this voice of GOD inviting us? Behold, in His loving kindness GOD shows us the way of life in the monastery.


    Therefore, with faith and the performance of good works, let us walk in His paths by the guidance of the Gospel, that we may deserve to see Him who has called us to His kingdom, the Seven Skies. For if we wish to dwell in the kingdom, we must run to it by good deeds or we shall never reach it, we must defend the good and do good.


    GOD commands of us,


    “And thy people cry for justice and for purity. Takest hold of this blade, for it is a symbol of holiness, and by it thou shalt cleanse man of sin.” Godfrey 4:7


    This we shall do. But he also commands,


    “For I have ordained for thee a destination of virtue, and I have set within thy path the key to the gate of the Seven Skies. And thou shalt take only the path of virtue and shalt not stray into clearer paths, for though they be clearer they lead to impure ends” Horen 1:3


    This we shall also do.


    Therefore we must prepare our hearts and our bodies to do battle under the holy obedience of His commands; and let us ask GOD that He be pleased to give us the help of His grace for anything which our nature finds hardly possible. And if we want to escape the pains of void and attain life everlasting, then, while there is still time, while we are still in the body and are able to fulfill all these things by the light of this life, we must hasten to do now what will profit us for eternity. We must remain faithful and part of us flock and defend the world against the deceivers of earth and those within devilish beings and deceptors being described by scroll of Auspice.


    Having given us these assurances, GOD is waiting every day for us to respond by our deeds to His holy admonitions. And the days of this life are lengthened and a truce granted us for this very reason, that we may amend our evil ways. My brothers, do you not know that GOD’s patience is inviting you to repent?


    But, before entering monastic life, one must consider the four types of monks. There are four types of monks, The first kind are the Virosites: those who live in monasteries and serve under a rule and an Abbot. These monks have established themselves in permanent communities among brothers after the Blessed Fabian Viroi. Another less common name for the Virosites are Cenobites. Those that have heard of the Humbertines know of these monks. The second kind, the Vytenites, wander from community to community preaching, performing acts of faith, or aiding those in need which are named after wandering priest Blessed Vytenis of Visiga. These  are which are known as Gyrovagues. This is where our distinction of monk and friar, comes from, for a friar pursue mendicant orders and a monk looks into monastic community. The third kind, the Hermits, live in seclusion from society, and go out from community into the solitary combat of the deserts and even forests. They are able now, with no help save from God, to fight single-handed against the vices of the flesh and their own evil thoughts. They are known as the Anchorites.

    The fourth kind, The Sarabaites, live by the sword and in communities to spill blood. Their law is the desire for self-gratification: whatever enters their mind or appeals to them, that they call holy; what they dislike, they regard as unlawful.


    Let us look into the problems of each type of monk which has been listed. For example, the Vytenites, although many righteous, are easily prone to growing wild from travels and living as poor beggars wandering from each community to another. These friars spend their whole lives tramping from province to province, staying as guests in different monasteries for three or four days at a time. Always on the move, with no stability, they are prone to indulge their own wills and succumb to the allurements of gluttony. Let us take the Hermits as well, living in their own seclusion. Few are called to this way of life devoid of all society and stuck dealing with an internal battle of their own, with no help whatsoever.


    The fourth kind of monks, the Sarabaites, although they fight for GOD and profess a more violent doctrine, they forget their true allegiance to the spiritual well-being. These monks, not having been tested spiritually, as for example the gold in the furnace, by any rule or by the lessons of experience, are as soft as lead. They live in twos or threes, or even singly, without a shepherd, perhaps in a castle, but not under the presence of GOD. Their violence doctrine and constant indulgence in the pleasures of the world make it difficult to focus on self improvement.


    One may ask, what of that of the Virosites? Passing these over with GOD’s help,  I believe in the life of the Virosites, the strongest kind of monks show to be the Virosites. For GOD invites us to live in communities of holiness and benevolence, and that we must acknowledge our superior. Let us consider, submitting to an abbot has the benefit of resisting corruption, for while living in a monastic community allows the devout  to check and rectify each other. Now, all the difficulties with the others monks have been presented, but the truth is, all this vice could be cleansed by having an abbot and community to watch one another. To be a monk, my brothers, is to truly devote yourself to our Lord, GOD. It is best to be in a community which has the strongest stability, who form bonds of iron and unity, to uphold and uplift the word of GOD together, under the gentle command of a guiding abbot. Not all monks choose to live in a seduced community, but you Virosites who enter into the monastery, the question is, what is required of an abbot?


    Well, the answer to that is, the abbot is important for regulating and living the precepts of monasticism. An Abbot who is worthy to be caretaker of a monastery should always remember what he is called, and should live up to the Virtues of his Superior, GOD. It comes with tremendous responsibilities and is not for everyone. An Abbot ought not to teach or ordain or command anything which is against the Lord’s precepts; on the contrary, his commands and his teaching should be a leaven of divine justice kneaded into the minds of his disciples.


    Let the Abbot always bear in mind that at the dread Judgment of GOD there will be an examination of these two matters: his teaching and the obedience of his disciples. For example, we can take the sheep and the shepherd. Let the Abbot be sure that any lack of profit the master of the house may find in the sheep will be laid to the blame of the shepherd. On the other hand, if the shepherd has bestowed all his pastoral diligence on a restless, unruly flock and tried every remedy for their unhealthy behavior, then he will be acquitted at GOD’s Judgment, knowing he did his best to correct his monks.


    Therefore, when anyone receives the name of Abbot, he ought to govern his disciples with a twofold teaching. That is to say, he should show them all that is good and holy by his deeds even more than by his words, expounding  the Lord’s Virtues in words to the intelligent among his disciples, but demonstrating the divine precepts by his actions for those of harder hearts and ruder minds.


    Let him make no distinction of persons in the monastery. Let him not love one more than another, unless it be one whom he finds better in good works or in obedience. Let him not advance one of noble birth ahead of one who was formerly a slave, unless there be some other reasonable religious ground for it. But if the Abbot for just reason think fit to do so, let him advance one of any rank whatever.


    Otherwise let them keep their due places; because, whether slaves or freemen, we are all one in GOD and bear an equal burden of service in the army of the same GOD.


    And let him not shut his eyes to the faults of offenders; but, since he has the authority, let him cut out those faults by the roots as soon as they begin to appear. He must take care of the monks and cut the roots of degeneracy and sinfulness before they appear. Above all let him not neglect or undervalue the welfare of the souls committed to him, in a greater concern for fleeting, earthly, perishable things; but let him always bear in mind that he has undertaken the government of souls and that he will have to give an account of them. He is not only responsible for himself, but for others, he will be answerable for the salvation of the souls in his care, and should strive to be the best example of GOD’s teachings. And that is the duty of an abbot.


    -Neophyte Melchior Guillen

  4. As Melchior reads the paper, he inquired into the results of the survey. It seems are the most logic answer are race and class, for nationality and relativity always changes, but a man’s race and class he was born into does not. He begins saying,


    “History of man is a history of class struggle? From freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, oppressors and oppressed, burgher and worker. Of the worker revoluti-.” he stops himself from finishing such a silly notion. 

  5. The Huntmaster strokes his beard as he receives news of the Jayaman Emporium. 


    A huntsmen and a footsolider, his grand taste in the arts and academics is unquestionable ;

    indeed, he has spent long hours preserving the treatises of the past and has now embarked on his newest theory. 


    Although, to be such an esteemed man, one must also take a look into the musical arts and literature of society, and it seems the best Jayaman has caught the eye of the Huntsman. An intriguing concept, the art of this piano must be preserved and thoroughly questioned. And that means, the most honorable musician, Jaya Jayaman, is humbly invited to an rendezvous and meeting with the huntsmen of The Grand Lodge. 


    Let it be known, that Baltasar Guillen, once contacted by the Emporium, shall be paying a hefty sum to purchase the services of Jayaman, and may be willing to pay more than 500 minas in purchases, and meet with Jayaman personally.

  6. Alfonso Trastámara would be writing his works, when suddenly a messenger gave him a new treatise and theory on alchemy, which he had requested to have all copies of as they were coming out.


    Drinking tea, he would finish reading the paper. He threw all the papers in the fire named Skepical Alchemist - which was the name of his own work and their work.


    "Goddamnit! No point in publishing my work anymore, it's already been done!'


    Once he cooled down, he would say,


    "At least it's an advancement.  Better done than what I could do independently. Congratulations to them."


    "Now it's time to beat them." He would get out new paper and a new cup of tea, and frantically begin writing. Now - he would put his new theories into place, which were proven 'not incorrect' by his work and the work of the Imperial scientists.  He would get into his workstation and begin experimenting... "No time to waste!"


  7. An Alchemist ~ WIP, Please do not review yet. 


    Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s your Minecraft account name?: ExplorerEze

    What timezone are you in?: CT, Central Time Zone

    How old are you?: 15

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13?: Yes

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: None

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?: Nope

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Google search of "minecraft historical roleplay servers"

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications: N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? : Yes



    What is Roleplaying?: Roleplaying is literally playing a role, but playing it in a way you in which truly act like your character and do what he/she would do if they were real. 

    What is Metagaming?: Metagaming is when you take OOC knowledge and use it for your character, when he/she did not learn about it in roleplay. 

    What is Power-emoting?: Powergaming is forcing actions upon a player, giving them no chance to respond or react to your roleplay. 


    In-Character Information

    Character’s name: Alfonso Trastámara (Full name: Alfonso López Horen-Trastámara y Ivrea)

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Human (predominately Farfolk, and a mixture of Heartlander and Highlander)

    Character’s age: 37


    Personality Traits: (what are your character's quirks?; habits?; likes and dislikes?)

    Ambitions: Short Term: Alfonso Trastámara wishes to establish himself on safe footing and adapt to his new life. He wishes to set up a steady income, and find a new home in Adelburg. 


    Long Term: Alfonso wishes to explore the practical basis of alchemy, magic, religion and matter. It is necessary to discover more about the mythical atom, the inter-molecular forces that give matter its general properties, and the interactions between substances through chemical reactions  to form different substances. He also wishes to explore the scientific method of experimenting and rational thinking to help in what he considers the pseudoscience of alchemy. Magic and religion could perhaps play parts in alchemy and the physics of the world, which, Alfonso wishes to pioneer and make advancements. However, it is important to know not everything is simply magic, and a practical basis must be applied to find the truths of society rather through simple lore and belief. Tinkering, or what he likes to call Engineering, is important in the advancement of society. To advance society, he insists it is necessary to know what it is and differentiate between magic, religion, and true facts. A lost man can not enlighten others, so it is important for society to advance in sciences and be open-minded to knowledge. In summary, Alfonso embarks on a journey to discover the world, specifically chemistry, physics and composition through alchemy, magic, religion, and matter. 



    [+] Wise - Alfonso is a wise man and has great knowledge in various subjects. Although he did not get a education in a real school, his father thought him Alchemy and Engineering. His father's words of wisdom would enlighten him. He can be considered intelligent as well, but wise fits him better because he shows experience, knowledge, and good judgment. He would learn more about philosophy, religion and history independently. He can not be considered totally intelligent in all subjects, but overall wise. His wisdom guides him, helps him understand, and make him make good decisions.

    [+] Compassionate - Alfonso is compassion, and morally righteous. He cares for everyone, and is not one to neglect, abuse, or hurt another. As a religious man, compassion comes naturally for him. His religion, father, mother, and philosophy all shaped him into a compassion man.  

    [+] Fit - Alfonso is a fit and healthy man. He maintains a good diet, which was passed on through his mother. He also exercises regularly, believing it good for the mind and soul. His family traditions of a noble, knightly man further inspires him to maintain in good shape. Although his father is no longer alive and he does not need to prove himself to him no more, being healthy and fit comes naturally to him and it is tough for him use to lay around and be lazy, provoking him to become slothful and sin. 



    [-] Complicated - Alfonso overly complicates things, which is a great weakness and hindrance. He can not follow his heart, but must use his brain first to think before what he is doing, which by then, it could be too late. A simple and humble life is best, because a complicated mindset will stress the individual out. By overly complicating the simplest of things, he can confuse, mislead, and chase away the average man. 

    [-] Silent - Alfonso is more closer to socially inept, but to be specific, it is his silence. Growing on farm for most of his with limited human interaction besides family, Alfonso lacked the social skill. Trying to adapt to civilized life, he finally decided to be silent instead of awkward. However, his silence in some cases is awkward. He makes having a hearty conversion with him very difficult, as he likes to keep to himself and response with short answers, largely because he just doesn't know how to response and have a conversion with someone. 

    [-] Perfectionist -  Alfonso is a bit of a perfectionist. Nothing too extreme, but it might annoy some that his ideas of a person are perfectionist and that he himself aims to become the most perfect person. His causes some sort of minor pride, ego, and selfishness, but his compassion always erases it and reminds him to stop these sins. He must remember to be humble, as his father and mother taught him, although his perfectionist ways always cause a internal conflict inside him. 



    Appearance: (what does your character look like?; how tall are they?; hair color?; scars?)

    Skin: (please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin; if you need help, see our screenshot guide here.)

  8. So, I am new to the community and I'm looking to create a character. I'm very familiar with roleplay and applications, so I don't think I'll have any trouble with that. 


    However, I am willing to become part of someone's roleplay. I would enjoy it much more. Although I love creating my own story, being part of something greater than a one-man show is much more fulfilling and satisfying. I also think I would blend in better to getting roleplaying faster instead of wandering  around the map for the first weeks. 


    Basically, I am offering my services and character! Need a member for your guild? A brother? A neighbor? A friend? A servant? A follower? A solider? A lumberjack? A alchemist? A miner?  Want me to be a specific culture? Religion? Feel like a part of the map/roleplay is missing and need more characters? These work as well: Looking for anything in a character? Want me to stay clear of some stereotype character? 


    I would prefer humans, and some freedom in my creating my character (I'm not asking for you to configure my entire application). Although, if I am truly interested in your proposal, I will happily play any race! It would be nice to try something new. I do have skype, if it's a guild, faction, organization or something. 




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