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Posts posted by flipside

  1. MC Name: Zoslore

    Character's Name: Tobias Millerson

    Character's Age: 26

    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human Highlander

    Transformed form: Graven

    Creator's MC Name: Bromadan

    Creator's RP Name: Alaric

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Gravens are Undead spectral beings bound to a specific task, typically something they didn’t finish in their mortal life. They usually return after a particularly violent or unlawful death in order to continue their duties. It takes several hundred years for them to rise initially.


    The semi-corporeal nature of Gravens means they can be harmed as easily as any mortal while also having the normal weaknesses of other Undead. Aurum, steel, and other weapons can harm them. If they go too long without working on their task, they may flicker or fade. They also have an aversion to sunlight, which weakens and harms them. Because of this, Gravens usually wear cloaks or armor to protect themselves.


    Gravens appear as Undead or spectral beings. The aesthetic of Gravens varies greatly, but some may have blue or green flames for a body, rotted skin, or appear ghostlike. If someone were to look a Graven in the eyes, they would see the spirit trapped inside. This can cause the viewer to go insane, depending on their character.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes!

    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: I do.

    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope! I have played a Graven before, here’s the app link: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/160661-graven-ca-zoslore/

    I’m not sure if you guys wanted me to completely rewrite my summary of the lore, but I went ahead and added some more detail.


    The Rangers of Castle Frozenheart



    Serving under the Warden on the isle of Tahn lies Castle Frozenheart, the home of the Rangers. The Rangers are a group of people from all societies, bound together by tasks given by the Warden. They seek purpose, and find that purpose within the guild, completing quests and bounties. These tasks may be given by allies or by the common fellow for a price. The Rangers will never refuse a task given by someone, with few exceptions.



    The guild started with only the Warden. The Warden, Maeven, traveled the Island of Tahn looking for those who would help her achieve her task. She stumbled upon the first ranger, a small broken child. Taken under the Warden’s wing, the child was given red clothing and a purpose. So it went with each ranger- Windigo, Caster, Cross, and Fox. Each aided in The Task, and now take on their own.






    Tier 1 ~ The Protected


    The protected are those taken under the guild’s wing. These members will usually will never see combat until we feel they are either ready for it. When the time is right they can be ascended to the rank of Ward.


    Tier 2 ~ The Ward


    This rank is achieved by loyalty to the Rangers. They will personally be assigned a ranger that will guide them through training. They will be given more choices in the tasks they can take, but will be advised or even ordered to take certain tasks. Each ward is a part of a team, operating together with their other wards.


    Tier 3 ~ The Ranger


    The highest tier possible for any Ward to achieve. There are currently only 5 Rangers. The Rangers hold high authority over all Wards with no exceptions. The only one who will ever hold any authority over a Ranger is the Warden. Each Ranger has an expertise that they will teach all Wards assigned to them. They are given access to the armory, storage, all of Castle Frozenheart, and a direct say in what decisions the guild will make.


    Tier 4 ~ The Warden


    The current leader of The Rangers of Castle Frozenheart. Absolutely everyone in the guild answers to the Warden. They have absolute authority on everyone in the guild,  their word is law.


    The Current Warden


    The current Warden of the the Rangers is Maeven. Little is known about her other than her quirky habits and general spookiness. ((Zoslore))






    • Never harm, kill, or threaten a fellow member. Doing so is a severe offence and will be met with punishment- even dismissal from the guild.
    • Do not steal from a fellow guild member.
    • Do not question the authority of a superior. If a Ranger is causing a problem you will report it to the Warden.
    • No guild member will commit an act of treason against the task of the guild.
    • When dealing with an outsider who wishes to give the guild a task the guild member must treat the task giver with respect. If a task goes against the will of the guild you must quickly resign said task.
    • A guild member must always keep the guild’s secrets to themselves. If any secret is spoken to an outsider who is not an approved ally or protected member then you will be punished harshly.
    • As we are allied with House Serene, no guild member will hurt their town or family.


    OOC Information


    Thanks for taking a look at our post! We’re a group of friends who started banditing to generate RP, but since then we’ve grown quite a lot. The entire point of this guild is to provide RP outside of nations and alliances, focused on tasks and events (Leap also wants me to add that we’re the “Tinder of LOTC” meaning ¾’s of our members hook up *wink*). We’re looking for people ready to develop their character, work in a group, and RP semi-regularly. For more info, PM Zoslore here or on discord (Zoslore#0908).


    A big thanks to @asimulum for the amazing castle and general awesome-ness, and @leap1games for helping with the post. 




    Sign Up Form


    ~ OOC ~

    MC IGN:

    Discord (required):



    ~ Role Play Information ~




    Skills (Nexus):

    Any Allegiances:



  3. MC Name: Zoslore

    RP Name: Maeven

    Race: "Human"

    Discord (For communication and rallying): Zoslore#0908

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles): Yes

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): pst

    Professions: mining, blacksmith

    Do you swear loyalty to Veris, and it’s reigning High Prince: I suppose I do

  4. IGN (Username) : Bosslore

    IRP Name: Dania Merriweather

    IRP Race: Human

    Reasons for Wanting to Join: Looking for a chance to do good work and have a community

    And Outstanding Debts, Bounties, Fines: Nope

    If Yes, How Much and Why: N/A

    Do You Agree with Our Rules: yes 

    If There is a Rule You Don't Agree With, What is it: no, i think it's all very fair

  5. Out-Of-Character Information (note: you must log into the server once on the alt account as a wandering soul before we can whitelist you!):

    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: Bosslore

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: Zoslore

    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you cannot have both of these accounts interacting with one another? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LotC?: I joined in November 2016, so about 8 months.

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: just my main account at the moment, Zoslore

  6. MC Name: Zoslore

    Character's Name: Marion Alwain

    Character's Age: 20

    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human

    Transformed form: Graven

    Creator's MC Name: Skylez1

    Creator's RP Name: Kaevryn

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Gravens are Undead spectral beings bound to a specific task. They usually return after a particularly violent or unlawful death in order to continue their duties. It takes several hundred years for them to rise initially.


    The semi-corporeal nature of Gravens means they can be harmed as easily as any mortal while also having the normal weaknesses of other Undead. If they go too long without working on their task, they may flicker or fade. They also have an aversion to sunlight, which weakens and harms them. Because of this, Gravens usually wear cloaks or armor to protect themselves.

    Gravens appear as Undead or spectral beings. The aesthetic of Gravens varies greatly, but some may have blue or green flames for a body, rotted skin, or appear ghostlike. If someone were to look a Graven in the eyes, they would see the spirit trapped inside. This can cause the viewer to go insane.  

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yep!

    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: I do.

    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  7. I. Name: Loren Allson

    II. Age: 42

    IIa. Date of Birth [If Known]: 1660

    IIb. Location of Birth [If Known]: Sutica

    III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human

    IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]: Heartlander

    IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Commoner

    V. Place of Residence: St. Karlsburg

    VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]: basic training in swords

    VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]: N/A



    MC Name: Zoslore

    Skype ID: Zoslore Dude

  8. 5 hours ago, A Moongazer said:

    How much would a kharajyr cost?


    I usually don't change prices for different races. Kharajyr are a bit more elaborate than other characters, but all things are in fantasy. I won't bump the price. I'll add more information the the post to clarify this. 


    In other news, all of the abovementioned forms will be added to the queue! Thank you for stopping by. 

  9. Art shop is closed while I work through the queue!


    ~ Prices ~

    Sketch - 100 mina

    Lineart - 200 mina

    Full Color - 300 mina

    Additional Character - 100 mina


    Examples are at the end of this post and in the form!


    ~ Information and Such ~

    There is no wait list! Just submit your form and I'll add your name to my list.

    The more detail in your form, the better the finished product. I always prefer to see a long form in my queue.

    I work in a digital program, but I can work with traditional mediums if you want.

    PM me with any questions!


    If you use my art anywhere, please credit me. 


    ~ Q and A ~


    Q: What are your price differences for elaborate races?

    A: As a general rule, there are none. Fantasy art gets complicated fast. I usually price things based on the level of polish requested, and if it requires extra elements (such as backgrounds, special effects, or just tons and tons of minute details) I may bump the price. I'm negotiable, so shoot me a PM if you have more questions. 


    Q: How long does it usually take you to finish commissions?

    A: I'm tempted not to tie myself to any particular timeframe, but it usually takes a week or two. All this depends on where you are in the queue, of course.


    ~ Forms ~

    I use a Google form for all my commissions!



    ~ Examples ~






    For more examples of finished commissions, go to my Deviantart. I upload all my finished works there. 

  10. The lore of LotC can be hard to break into, and the idea of a wipe sounds appealing in some ways. The idea of everything being fresh and all players being equal is kinda neat. I have to agree with @James2k, most groups would be resistant to change and simply reform. The idea of an entirely new server is interesting as well, but wouldn't that take up resources that are better spent on improving LotC? I dunno, I'm just throwing it out there. 

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