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Everything posted by cece2cool

  1. cece2cool


    Ignis was the youngest of a family of 4. She lived with her brothers Azrael, Royden and her father. Her mom passed away whilst giving birth to her. Ignis was aware that the death of her mother wasn't her fault, but her father never truly loved her like he loved his other kids because Ignis resembled her mother and was a reminder of her father's loss. During her childhood Ignis was very introverted and spent a lot of time by herself. She didn't really spend any time with her brothers and she barely ever spoke to her dad. Because of that she became quite shy and a bit awkward. As she grew older Ignis became less introverted, made friends, spoke to her brothers more, and tried fixing her relationship with her father. When Ignis was old enough she did like all kids her age, she started her military training. She wasn't to fond of the training so she abandoned her duties. Not long after Ignis' father passed away which to her great surprise didn't make her sad. Ignis is a follower of the Canon; she isn't extremely religious though.
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