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Archduchy of Lorraine

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Posts posted by Archduchy of Lorraine






    By the official decree of His Majesty, King John I d’Amaury, King of Lotharingia, the state of knighthood and those eligible to title themselves as Ser is defined herein. Their powers and responsibilities, the codes that they must adhere to and the obligations which they owe to the state of Lotharingia are thus named.



    Knighthood and Elevation


    There exists only two routes for a man to take in order to be granted knighthood and all the respect that the title of Ser entails, those being:


    Serving an existing Ser or Lord of the Kingdom as a squire for enough years to learn the tenets of knighthood.


    Being granted the office of Ser by the King of Lotharingia for an act of exemplary valour or courage, befitting of the title.


    In order for a one to become a squire, and then be knighted, the following must occur:


    They must first be chosen by either an existing Knight or a Lord within the Kingdom who holds land and title, whether they be Baron, Count, Margrave or Duke. Any man of Lotharingia may be chosen to squire, provided they be sound of body and mind.


    They must be educated by the Knight whom they serve on the matters of chivalry and the knightly code, combat and the strategy of war, the history and heraldry of the realm, and equestrian activities.


    In order for the squire to be knighted they must be approved by both the King and the Knight Paramount - with both present at ceremony.


    In order for one to be named as a knight by His Majesty, the King, the following must occur:


    The hopeful Ser must show their honour and bravery through a valorous action and in doing such prove themselves worthy of the title - demonstrating to the Heartlander Crown both their dedication and understanding of chivalry.


    A man may be recommended by the Prince or any vassals beneath His Majesty, having previously demonstrated the aforementioned qualities, and placed before the Crown and Knight Paramount for consideration


    The hopeful Ser must also swear oaths of fealty to both His Majesty, the King, and whomever his lord shall be, regardless of their title.


    Any hopeful Ser, be it through squire or His Majesty’s desires, must fit the following criteria to be considered:


    The hopeful must be a male, and of Human origin - no elfen, dwarven, orcish or other bastardisation of blood shall be allowed.

    Noble blood, whilst oft desired, is not necessary; the candidate for Knighthood may be common, burgher or noble.

    The Knight must hold land, or be capable of being granted land - whether through the Crown itself or the Lord who they desire to serve.


    For a Knighthood to be considered valid, the ceremony with which a hopeful is made a Ser must follow certain steps:


    Both His Majesty, the King of Lotharingia, and the Knight Paramount, whoever should hold the position, must be present for the ceremony to occur.


    For the ceremony to be considered fully valid, both the aforementioned figures should be present and at least a pair of other witnesses.



    Gentry and Laws


    Every Knight is a member of the gentry class, the lowest nobles within the Kingdom. Defined herein are the tenets of such class, along with their styling:


    The title of Ser is not hereditary, nor subject to the laws of inheritance. Should a Knight die, no son of his shall take up his title. Should a Ser die or fall, however, and has knightly kin - they may request to the Knight Paramount for his fief.


    Gentry are encouraged to take squires, up to a maximum of three, into their care; to enlarge the gentry class and provide a consistent fighting elite for the Kingdom.


    Knights are to be styled as the Ser of [Fief], addressed in missive or conversation as the Ser [First Name].


    In order to uphold the honour of the gentry class and all knights, they are expected to uphold the following expectations:


    Adherence to these expectations is not bound by law, as later ones are, yet to disregard such shall bring shame onto a Ser and all of his kin.


    Knights are expected to uphold the tenure of their fealty to both their lord and His Majesty. They must adhere to laws, pay tax and protect their lands, answer any call to battle.


    They must protect the commoners of the Kingdom, even if they serve beneath another Lord’s standard.


    All Knights are expected to act as an exemplar of justice and piety to all, educated and well mannered to everyone that lives within the Kingdom.


    The following crimes are worthy of death, unless otherwise pardoned by His Majesty, the King:


    Should a man claim to hold the title of Knight, or be of the gentry class, he shall be punished for breaking the King’s law.


    Impersonation of another Knight of the Realm, attempting to take on their name and garments, shall be punished just as strictly.


    In order for the gentry class to remain without stain, Knighthoods may be revoked:


    The right to revoke lies solely with His Majesty, and extends across all Knighthoods. Such a punishment may be levied should the Knight break an oath, violate the chivalric code, or break the laws of the realm.


    If a Knight has their title revoked, their Lord may enfeoff them with a non-noble title and their former fief. Likewise, should a Knight lose his lands but not his title, he shall be a Hedge Knight until he holds land again.


    The actions of a Knight that lead to his revocation shall be brought before the Lord he serves, who may also be held accountable for such actions.



    The Golden Spur


    The Golden Spur exists as an Order for Knights tasked with guarding the King:


    Every Knight enrolled within the Order of the Golden Spur is subservient to the Knight Paramount.


    The Golden Spur is tasked with the direct mission of guarding His Majesty’s person and properties as if they were his own. Their oaths to him defeat all others and they must be available to serve him at any time when he desires it.


    The Golden Spur shall otherwise be known as The Royal Chapter:


    Based in the capital and the palace, the Royal Chapter shall consist of Knights who exemplify the greatest traits of a Ser yet have forsaken land.


    Led directly by the Knight Paramount, they are responsible for His Majesty’s personal safety, whether it be from assailant or simple harm.


    Knights may either apply to the Chapter either through the Knight Paramount, or be chosen to serve; serving in the Royal Chapter is the greatest honour possible for a Knight.



    The Knight Paramount


    In order to alleviate the strain upon His Majesty, he may appoint a Knight Paramount:


    The Knight Paramount is an office that may only be granted by His Majesty, and only conferred unto the greatest of Knights. He must be an exemplar of knightly qualities.


    The Knight Paramount may be appointed or revoked at any time by His Majesty, and the position is - as with all gentry - non-hereditary.


    The powers and duties of the Knight Paramount are:


    The Knight Paramount must lead the Order of the Golden Spur, staying abreast of all happenings and any hopefully squires.


    All documents in regards to gentry and Knighthoods must be maintained by the Knight Paramount, along with being present at any judicial happenings involving a Knight.


    The Knight Paramount holds judicial control over all Knights of the Kingdom, and can place any man who squired a Knight whose title has been revoked under investigation.


    The Knight Paramount has the authority to revoke title, given the approval of His Majesty, and may confirm or deny potential Sers.



    The Knight Paramount is, henceforth, Ser Arthur de Bar.

  2. wq0m2S1NeeGHq8tUX-PLZ_eSUx_S13UmRPMZ3pL9hSg4y09KleTf3NkzKy1TPIAmlNWdb1YNPHfjPXyNhBZgLfjom4uQVdNTLMXKzblC_llpQIsw7OUDES4cjXQVvMmew3bqsMyU


    In the cold city of St. Karlsburg, the Archduke John and Prince Charles Siguine — Regent of Haense — emerged from Ottosgrad Palace. They made their way before a crowd of townsfolk, guards and courtiers in tow. Karl would nod to a herald, and he would step forward, addressing the crowd.


    “Hail, brothers and sisters of the Empire. His Highness the Prince Charles Siguine, Count of Bihar and His Exalted Grace the Archduke John of Lorraine-Kaedrin-Savoy are here to announce a pact. We vow stand together forevermore, as steadfast subjects of the Empire, and brothers in arms unto death. We vow to aid one another, however we may, in times of peace and in times of war. We vow to work together to advance our people’s welfare, for all posterity. To bind this, the Prince has another announcement.”


    The Regent would nod as the Archduke stepped back, ascending the stage and in turn speaking to his people. “I announce today the betrothal of my good niece, Her Highness the Princess Catherine Alexandria, and this good man’s son...” — with that, the Prince would gesture to the Archduke — “... the heir apparent of Lorraine, Lord Louis Philip.” The Prince would nod repeatedly, scanning the crowd as raucous applause followed.


    The Archduke would in turn speak. “And thus, in matrimony our alliance be bound. There is no greater bond than that of the nuptials, and therefore I proudly call Karl my brother to be. The marriage will not commence for some time, of course; my son is but five winters old. But that is indeed the point: our alliance will last for many, many years, surely far beyond my own lifespan, or even that of my young son.”


    He’d continue after a moment’s pause. “It is worth noting, too, that this signifies our undying loyalty to the Crown: For my son is born of both House d’Amaury and House Horen, by virtue of my wife, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor’s sister. Therefore this union is not just to bind Lorraine and Haense together as stalwart allies, but to reaffirm both’s loyalty to the Crown, and the Empire.”


    Posters would be rushed out, hammered across trees, poster boards, and any viable surface across the Empire. They would read as follows…


    The Kingdom of Haense and Archduchy of Lorraine henceforth announce their alliance and forthcoming matrimony. The following terms shall act as legally binding guidelines for this union:


    • The signatories shall maintain at all times a state of non-aggression and, to the contrary;

    • The signatories shall act, in times of peace and in times of war, as allies and partners, helping to defend one another however possible;

    • The signatories shall promote and encourage free trade throughout their realms;

    • The signatories shall at all times work to uphold and defend the laws of both Haense and Lorraine; additionally...

      • In the case of criminals being captured in the other’s territory, extradition shall take place at their earliest convenience;

      • In the case of a citizen of either Haense or Lorraine committing crimes against the other, a court shall be formed, composed of an appointee from both Haense and Lorraine;

    • The signatories herein shall recognise and support all legitimate successor governments according to the realm in question’s respective system of succession;

    • Finally, the signatories herein shall adhere to and respect, in good faith and without coercion, the terms of this agreement. They sign below before God and men, of their own accord and fruition.




    His Royal Majesty the King Marius I of Hanseti and Ruska, the Ever Loyal Subject of His Imperial Majesty, Grand Prince of the Raev, Duke of Carnatia, Krajia, Courland, and Akovia, Count of Siegrad, Ayr, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, and Kaunas, Baron of Vsenk, Lord of St. Karlsburg, Protector of the Highlanders




    In nomine domini… zM5Qi9aSzI2X_YwhjvEjYKhZ5GTTu-W-XCTdI6jTkCiT85yEiQBRuiAJj1RTWhc1ZhMO2J7LcQk-DDu45LqyHYivAc3fNcR-7izYW5QSAa3ok0mSoW2VgCTAUtjP77ivqvDC7A9X

    His Exalted Grace John I Louis of the House d’Amaury, the Archduke of Lorraine, Duke of Savoy and Kaedrin, Count of Metz, Summerhall, and Cleves, Inheritor of the House de Sola, Forever August, and Ever Loyal Subject of His Imperial Majesty



  3. « The Knoxmas Festival »



    The 1st annual Knoxmas Festival will commence posthaste in the great city of Metz, the capital of the Archduchy of Lorraine. Festivities shall commence in a few saint's days. The Archduke extends an invitation to all the good people of the Holy Orenian Empire, from St. Karlsburg to Linandria, and of course to his brother in law, His Imperial Majesty the Holy Orenian Emperor, Philip I Frederick. All are welcome to celebrate the yuletide happenings, and to begin the Knoxmas holiday.



    @ 6 PM CST

    Take the cart outside

    of Johanessburg.

    It's gold and green.]




    There shall be many various festivities that occur during the duration of the festival.


    • The festivities shall begin with games and a bazaar in the square. Those who wish to purchase a stall may speak with the Mayor of Metz, Ian Highwind. [RammerJammer73]

    • Soon thereafter will be the customary gift giving that comes with any Knoxmas holiday. The Archduke will present gifts to some of his vassals and loyal retainers in recognition of their good service.

    • The Lorraingarde will be present, as well as various burgher organizations of Metz such as the local tavern, for a small jobs fair to look for potential soldiers, bartenders, etcetera. Jobs aplenty will be offered! The Mayor will also be present to sell homes to those who want them, at cheap prices.

    • A feast will occur at the ducal palace, which is near the square and is the Archduke’s home. There will be a ball as well as music after food is served.

    • The festivities will close with a prayer lead by the Bishop of Metz, Valentyn. However, the attendees are free to stay for some time longer; they could head to the local tavern for further celebrations!



    We the Lotharingian Council and His Grace the Archduke gracefully extend a number of invitations to the following specific esteemed individuals. Of course all citizens of the Empire and its allies are welcome as well.


    • His Imperial Majesty, Philip Frederick the Holy Orenian Emperor; and House Horen

    • His Majesty, Marius the King of Haense; and House Barbanov

    • His Grace, Jon Renault the Duke of Savoy; and House Ashford

    • His Excellence, Leopold Francis the Imperial Archchancellor; and House Horen-Marna

    • The Right Honorable, Samuel the Count of Cleves; and House Gray

    • The Right Honorable, Philip Augustus the Count of Roard; and House de Capua

    • The Right Honorable, Henrik the Count of Turov; and House Kovachev

    • The Right Honorable, Dmitri the Count of Metterden; and House var Ruthern



    In nomine domini…
    His Exalted Grace John I Louis of the House d’Amaury, Archduke of Lorraine, Duke of Kaedrin, Count of Metz



  4. « The Lotharingian Council »



    The Lotharingian Council is the de facto administration of the Archduchy of Lorraine. It has one sole purpose: to administer the Lotharingian lands in service to His Grace the Archduke. It is lead by the Archduke himself, with each of its members being assigned particular duties to assist in his management of the lands. The positions of the Lotharingian Council are as follows.




    The Lord Chancellor

    The Lord Chancellor is the second in command of the Archduchy, assisting His Grace in the general oversight and administration of his lands. When the Archduke is not present, the Lord Chancellor is in charge.


    The Lord Commandant

    The Lord Commandant is in charge of the Lorraingarde, the levy of Lorraine. He is tasked with the defense of the capital and oversight of His Grace’s levy.


    The Lord Chamberlain

    The Lord Chamberlain is tasked with the management of the palatial grounds. He hires servants, oversees the kitchens, and is tasked with the upkeep and maintenance of the palace as a whole.


    The Lord Treasurer

    The Lord Treasurer manages the Archduchy’s coffers, and works to draft a budget which he presents to His Grace. His Grace then may amend or approve the budget, so as to allocate tax revenue to the various councillors and their projects.


    The Lord Magistrate

    The Lord Magistrate serves as judge in the absence of His Grace, or in case of petty crimes. He enforces the Ten Tables and other Orenian law as well as any specific Lotharingian laws in place.


    The Lord Bishop

    The Lord Bishop is the spiritual advisor to His Grace as well as the highest ranking clergyman in Metz and throughout Lorraine. He manages the diocese, answering directly to the Pontiff.




    In nomine domini…
    His Exalted Grace John I Louis of the House d’Amaury, Archduke of Lorraine, Duke of Kaedrin, Count of Metz


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