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Status Updates posted by Xerihsob

  1. I use to think the community was just whiny as a new player; but now that I was a part of my first raid ever I can see all the complaints are just. People messaging others on Skype to get on and fight, people interrupting RP and not emoting actions. It's all lovely; no wonder the server has trouble with player retention when certain communites are pure toxic.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Xerihsob


      As far as I'm concerned we were in PVP as soon as it started as you guys seemed very keen on not roleplaying it out. No emoting of actions was done and you shut the gate, then a countdown was initiated as it was a ****-storm of people not emoting actions and just confusion.

    3. Silverstatik


      Ok, so after a countdown is initiated on agreed to pvp, after that, its all mc mechanics, no rp needed, untill the fight is resolved. Untill that timer hits, anyone who is in the rp is fine to join in the following pvp, even if they had just arrived only a emote or two before the pvp was called, if it would have given their character a fair reason to fight, its fine.

    4. Xerihsob


      I can feel me and you aren't going to get anywhere with this as we're both holding our ground; and it seems to be more of a issue with the nitty-gritty specifics of the rules and not something I can control. Have a good day. :)

  2. Just found an elf wandering in the Orc home, he was running around but when I turned towards him he stopped like a statue; as if I wouldn't notice him. He then proceeded to soulstone away immediately. Probably the funniest thing to happen to me yet.

    1. TinyBiceps


      that sounds like it would've been a fun rp, that's too bad

    2. Xerihsob


      @richkeyboardYeah, I was a bit upset when it happened because like you said; could've been some real good RP. Oh well, what are you gonna do. If people want to miss out on experiences, I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

    3. TinyBiceps


      good on you! i probably would've been salty all day

  3. Uhhh.... who set my gender to female?

  4. Here is where I pretend to care and say merry christmas for free rep.

  5. Seeing as the forums are back up and many probably missed my lore post; it is time for me to self promote.


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