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Posts posted by NotJcbeno

  1. Name: Vassilios de Lykaios

    Location of Land: Between Balian and the Vuiller Estate in the canyon

    Purpose: A Villa to start a family in, as well as a Vineyard. To also beautify the bottom of the Canyon along the road between Vuiller and Galbraith.

    Requested Size: 50x50

    Current Address: Sapron

    How long have you lived in Balian: Since birth, 20 years. 

    What have you done to serve Balian: Became a squire and joined the Balian Company at 14, Cup-Bearer to the King of Balian. Assisted in the Cloudbreaker siege, defending the refugees and aiding the evacuation efforts, as well as protecting her Highness Elena at the Kings orders. Acted as guards to both the royal highnesses of the Kingdom. Also knighted after the Cloudbreaker siege.

  2. An Open Declaration



    [The arena of Rozenfeld at night]


    Penned in a rather rough font, some lines somewhat slanted as if by a nervous or even excited hand. A letter, perhaps a declaration of sorts, would be posted outside the arena of Rozenfeld. 


    To Ser Conrad Barclay, I have wished to spar with you since I first met you at the arena of Hyspia, however, my resolve has been steeled. I, Vassilios of Sapron, challenge you, Conrad Barclay, to a duel, for I wish nothing more than the opportunity to court your daughter Meredith Julianna Barclay”



    Vassilios of Sapron

  3. 41SSdFen7BCTBo_VQht50RkZFC0hSJQmQAcBi9098bjWDczYhebG97vTqOutUW9sYWk4rfSEWPa4gkiXuzxuWbWFvCbQiTPblnPegw9tZmFvfPOSh3IvjK4mgErMfsdq9IUH8KWQ



    [Pictured above is the layout of the Bakery, Circa 1855]


    Penned by Franz Henry de Sarkozy

    10th of Malin’s Welcome

    Year 60 of the Second Age



    Grand Opening on 12th of Tobias Bounty, 1856!


    A pristine new bakery is to open in the city of New Providence, already a substantial success after their first private sale for an Imperial Wedding cake. After the grand opening festivities, the services of ‘The Crow’s Nest’ will be obtainable to all subjects of the general public. Our services offer a wide-cast array of contrasting products and occasions, whether it be a small edible gift for a cherished one or a macroscale event that needs catering for.

    We do it all!


    One and all are accepted to transpire and commemorate these joyous circumstances at the opening of the Bakery and to indulge in a cake tasting - free of charge. Any who wish to order a special celebration cake during this tasting will receive a discount with their order and any associated catering costs.



    The bakery floor offers a wide variety of goods: from delectable, flaky savoury pastries sprinkled with the perfect amount of flour to accomplish the perfect taste to freshly baked bread constructed from the hands of hard workers, mixed with a vigorous sense of passion. Though this is not where the splendour ceases! many more confections are available at a browsing of the shop. We do not just sell food! There is a grandeur selection of drinks - whether that be hot or cold - paired with diaphanous syrups from across the lands to add supplementary flavour to your coffee or hot chocolate.




    W e d d i n g  B u n d l e


    Cake Tasting 

    At an agreed upon date, owner and head baker Franz will invite the blessed couple to participate in a cake tasting, of which he will prepare no less than 15 different samples as well as any extra that the future bride and groom wish to try.


    Wedding Cake 

    A single cake shall be constructed, three-tiered of contrasted flavours alongside enough auxiliary cake to nourish esteemed guests of said event.



    The catering will be decked with an array of 2 dazzling dishes. Each guest is to indulge themselves in the utterly delectable dishes such as roasted duck accompanied by jellies and custard stained with sandalwood with all different kinds of palatable flavouring. This cornucopia of food is to feed all present - adjusted based on the amount of guests present!



    150 minas is the base price, anything more can be negotiated when ordered. For more enquiries regarding said matter, contact Franz Henry de Sarkozy via letter.




    Signed, Franz Henry de Sarkozy

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Osric Tsecsar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Life Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  5. On 11/13/2021 at 2:59 AM, 1_Language_1 said:


    sorry ahah i have to post it again cause we posted at the same time


    IGN: 1_Language_1

    DISCORD: Language#1688

    ITEM(BID): Leather Maiden (200 Minae)


    IGN: NotJcbeno

    DISCORD: Jcbeno#6694

    ITEM(BID): Leather Maiden (225 Minae)


    IGN: NotJcbeno

    DISCORD: Jcbeno#6694

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 2 (700) Portrait 1 (400)

    On 11/14/2021 at 7:26 PM, DarkElfs said:


    IGN: DarkElfs

    DISCORD: DarkElfs#1259

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 2 (600)

    On 11/13/2021 at 4:49 AM, TheFirstShroom said:


    IGN: TheFirstShroom

    DISCORD: TheFirstShroom#5790

    ITEM(BID): Portrait 1 (350 mina)



    Case Study:

    Allergic Reactions and the Breath of Life






              In the course of recent events within the Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, the partnership of Court Alchemist Osric Tsecsar and Surgeon General Lady Adrianna Darkwood have taken it upon themselves to research alternate treatments for severe allergic reactions. As the one to treat the patient in question with a risky procedure, Lady Adrianna asked Osric to devise a potion that could ease the airways open to allow a patient to breathe to prevent the need of a direct opening through surgery.

              With the assistance of Lady Valindra, a fellow Alchemist, the Court Alchemist was able to devise a set of experiments and concoctions for a potion that could assist in treatment. Such was not an easy foray as any voyage into the unknown.





    [A Hanseti Woman suffering from a severe allergic reaction Circa 399]



              The main discussion was weighing the correct alchemical symbols that would be of most use to the potion, as clearing the airways was only one problem that needed to be solved through its use. One would have to also deal with the inflammation and any form of rashes that could form and cause irritation.

            And so Purity symbols were included in order to cleanse the infected area and neutralise the cause of the reaction. While the Impediment symbols were included for the purpose of stopping the spread and the Coldness in order to numb the surface of the irritation to allow for an easier flow of air.

              From many experiments and daily use, King’s Ivy has similar properties to that of Caffeine which once imbibed allows for the drinker to feel refreshed and energized, a lesser known side effect being that it relaxes the airways which allows for better air-flow. Choosing to use this as the base for the potion and infuse slowly the symbols into it, allowing them to compliment and build off of the function of the airways and enhancing the Kings Ivy’s natural properties.

              The method of delivery was something that took time, due to its intended use as a way to clear airways and soothing inflammation of the airways, it could not be imbibed. Meaning that a syringe must be the carrier for the drug, after many trials, it was found that the Pulmonary Artery was the best place to insert the drug, as it is large and easily identifiable, while it is close to the intended target of which is the lungs.    




    Osric Tsecsar, Court Alchemist of Hanseti-Ruska


    Lady Adrianna Darkwood, Heiress-consort of House Darkwood and Surgeon General of Hanseti-Ruska



    Breath of Life


    Brief Description: Used by medics to open airways and to allow patients to breathe easier. The potion is a clear white colour, being rather viscous and acting almost oil-like, however once injected it will thin out but such a process isn’t without some pain. The potion would have an overpowering clean and fresh aroma, almost to a pungent level.



    Base - Kings Ivy Oil

    Curtailment x 2
    Purity x 2
    Order x1
    Air x2



    Heat the Kings Ivy Oil over a low heat, allowing it to slowly come to the boil before you begin to add the symbols in the order listed above until they are completely dissolved into the solution. Finally bring it down from the boil and the mixture should begin to turn a clear and almost see-through and pale white colour, being quite viscous in it's consistency. You can add Swiftness at this stage to quicken the effects.


    A potion to be injected into the chest of the recipient into their artery as to be directed to the lungs. Once injected, the airways inside and connected to the lungs will relax, causing the airways to open and to ease the breathing that would otherwise be near impossible otherwise. Suited to alleviating the airway based symptoms of allergic reactions. The non-constriction of the airways and the alleviated symptoms would last one narrative hour


    This potion does not heal lung injuries, but alleviates lung irritation and clears airways 
    While under the effects, the patient's airways would be in a state of non-constriction for a narrative hour.
    The imbiber will be unable to close their airways, making them more susceptible to air-borne pollutants as well as spells/ potions in gaseous form.
    When drinking or eating, it is likely that you can choke due to the airways being kept open, however that does not mean immediate death and airways can be cleared through abdominal thrusts and the like.
    They will also be more prone to choking on their own saliva. 
    It does not automatically restart their breathing if such had stopped. CPR and other methods generally being required to allow the breathing to restart.
    Tier 2, Common



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Osric Tsecsar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is the study of herbs and other materials in order to extract their innate properties in the form of signs and symbols. Through an in depth study of such, an Alchemist can combine these symbols skilfully to create wonderous potions of various effects. As the student progresses through the 3 tiers on their way to becoming a Master Alchemist, they will soon see that their limits are only self placed as they are only limited by their own vision. While most potions are common knowledge, some require rare knowledge and need to be taught through a book or by a teacher. And when ready, a Master Alchemist can dive into creating their own potions and leaving their mark on the profession. 


    The three tiers of Alchemy are split as follows;

    Tier 1: The first two weeks of your training. Where the Alchemist should have a standard knowledge of botanical herbs and alchemical reagents, but will still struggle to extract and differentiate signs and symbols and will take much longer (Approximately 10 IRL hours.) Or a more experienced Alchemist to assist them in the process, while a Tier 1 Alchemist can make a singular batch of Tier 1 Potions, consisting of a singular potion per Saints day (24 IRL hours.)

    Tier 2: The third up to the eighth week of training. They will begin to grasp more complex symbols and signs, only taking 6 IRL hours to deduce an unknown sign. Their knowledge over the material alphabet is more intricate and they become more skilled at decoding recipes. A Tier 2 Alchemist can make 2 batches of potions Tier 2, each consisting of two and below, totalling 4 potions  every 24 hours.

    Tier 3: The eight week. An Alchemist that has reached this is a Master at their craft, their knowledge over the material alphabet is akin to that of a second knowledge to the point they can transcribe the runes to near perfection. A master can deduce nearly any recipe with enough trial and error and only takes 2 hours to deduce an unknown sign. A Tier 3 Alchemist can create three batches of potions Tier 3 and below, each consisting of 3 potions, totalling 9 potions every 24 hours.


    An Alchemist mostly signs their own potions, however some require ST signing, such as Blasting Potions and Dragonsbreath. They are limited to one batch of ST signed potions or alchemical creations, 1 for tier 1, 2 for tier 2 and 3 for tier 3.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Most potions and creations under Alchemy are common knowledge and generally split, such as Core Potions which makes up the general knowledge of an Alchemist, then there is things such as Medical Pack 1-3 which involves further knowledge but remains common. There are also rare sections under Further Alchemy, which consists of things like Infernal Alchemy and Alteration Alchemy of which require proper tutelage to understand the techniques required.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Fire Extraction

    Osric stepped down into his Laboratory, taking a wet rag over the countertop in order to clean it from dirt and dust that had built up, before getting out a chopping board, burner, mortar and pestle along with taking some Desert Berry Bush off the drying rack which hung upon the wall besides his work station. He placed the herb down upon the chopping board as he cut it down finely, once he had gotten to the end, the board would be rotated before he continued with his chopping. Osric would raise the chopping board up to his eye level, before nodding in approval before adding it into the mortar and pestle to begin the grinding process until it reached a sawdust-like consistency.


    He would light his burner, moving the powder he had created onto a clean dish before moving the burner and using such to set afire the crushed herbs. A flame quickly burned across the powder, quickly leaving a dish filled with a light grey ash. Taking out a fine set of tweezers, Osric leaned down to begin the extraction of 2 Courage, 1 Heat and 1 Balance heat prefixed symbols. Placing each type of symbol in it's own beaker and sealing it with a cork until ready to use.


    Arctic Mists Preperation

    Osric would prepare out his beakers, chopping board, burner, knife and his mortar and pestle before gathering the herbs he would need, being Athins, Frost Vine and Beardweed. Taking the Athins first, he would finely chop the mossy herb up after putting on some thicker gloves to handle the herb. Once it was chopped, he would add it into his mortar and began to grind it into a powder, once it was at the right consistency he added aqua vitae which gave the powder a boggy like appearance. Pouring it through a filter and funnelling it into a beaker of which would then be placed above a burner to evaporate the moisture away. Taking his tweezers he would extract 6 coldness symbols from the powder, placing it in a beaker of it's own which he then sealed for now.


    He would repeat his mundane extraction process for the Frostvine, extracting 9 Freezing Symbols and placing them in their own sealed beaker. And doing another mundane extraction for the Beardweed which resulted in 6 Swiftness and 3 Life symbols, placed in their own beakers as he prepared the water in a separate larger beaker. Adding the Coldness symbols, mixing it gently as it dissolved and repeated the process with the other symbols as the potion swiftly began to cool while it began to change colour to an almost snow white that seemed to shimmer under the light. Making quick time, he would pour his potion into three separate flasks that had all been covered in hide and fur to keep them insulated and sealing with a waxed cork.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Mundane Extaction

    Osric would lead Alyona into his laboratory, surrounded by herb racks and planters which are scattered almost haphazardly. Before the pair would be two set's of equipment, a sharp knife, a chopping board, a mortar and pestle, a burner, filter and many beakers. "We are going to start with the most basic, Mundane symbol extraction. Now watch how I do it." He took off some Goblin's Ivy from the drying rack and began to finely chop the herb. Taking the time to look towards her and note her knife skills, before moving his chopping board closer to hers to demonstrate the proper knife technique. "You are doing good, but we need it finer."


    "We first chop it finely, the same method works for most herbs, but we need to make it to a point of which we can grind it in a mortar. Now try." He would demonstrate the appropriate consistency before adding it into the Mortar and begun grinding it slowly, occasionally shaking the bowl to cause the larger portion to rise to the surface before grinding it further. "We want it to get to a fine powder, da."


    Osric continued grinding the Ivy until it finally reached a consistency of a fine powder before adding it into a beaker carefully with a funnel. "We next add aqua vitae, in order to make it an almost paste like substance." He began setting up both of their burners as he waited for her to catch up to his point, looking over the smaller student's shoulder while she worked. "You need to grind it finer, don't worry about rushing."


    He seemed content with their process, so he began to move on, now that the moisture had finished evaporating, he was left with only a fine powder once more. He took out his tweezers and with a keen eye began to extract the symbols, showing each one carefully to her. "This is what we are extracting, these are the building blocks of alchemy." He lightly placed the 2 Life, 2 Poison and 1 Endurance symbols in their own separate beakers and sealed them for use in the next part of their lesson.


    Leaning over, running his tweezers around her dish he begun to point out the symbols for her, allowing her to extract them. "Perfect, with experience and a knowledge of what to look for, you will speed up this process dramatically. So you need to practice, da?"



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    It is something that even the greatest roleplayer does without realising, sometimes forgetting a single redline or the like. I would have to talk to them over discord or perhaps in VC, going over the mistake made and the like, while taking the time to go over their general alchemy knowledge in order to reduce repeat interventions. 


    However if their use of potions and the like are consistently being powergamed, then I will have to report it to ST and recommend their app being withdrawn.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  9. f1RqF0H8Wq8d2W2VhXB64BBaAAZE68R3WaYHEAdHn5K4VcluXG1o87XRA03StdK2H3SHL3RMBHeoGF-pcHFkHy_4SAUwBGjM300qXVknPZYHBjnCrF4yBE7gsBWMv0DysLQlXNAI=s0




    12th of Horens Calling, 1836


    "The Witch's Brew" will open its doors on the 12th of Horens Calling, making the long-awaited store finally available to the public.

    ((OOC: Wednesday the 8th, 5pm EST))


    Elainian Goods and Monsters

    These limited edition dolls are handcrafted and depict mythological creatures and monsters in a soft, plush form that is a great addition to the Skjoldier store! Each doll comes with a type of sweet that matches it. There will be something for everyone who stops by the stall!




    Travel and Hunting Apparel

    The wares in this store have been created from years of experience living and traveling in the frozen reaches of the northern tundra, and you will find all that you could need to survive there and many other climates. From traps to creature calls, all the hunting items are designed to simplify your experience, making them perfect for anyone, from the most experienced to the most novice!





    You will find all of your alchemical needs in this store, whether you are looking for medical supplies, combative alchemy items, or perhaps even something infused with potions or herbal essences! It is the only apothecary in Almaris providing such a wide variety of tinctures and potions. In case you can't find what you're looking for, please contact Osric or Viktoriya Tsecsar for custom orders.

    ((OOC: Jcbeno#6694 or tree#6855))



    It's not just about potions! A concoction created by skillful hands can instantly lift you up and comfort you when you're feeling low. We offer different flavors of Skjoldier Mead, sure to satisfy any Orenian's palate.



    The weapons of Skjoldier make are impressively crafted blades and axes suitable for any true warrior. Providing you with everything you could possibly need for battle! You can contact Osric or Viktoriya Tsecsar if you want custom weaponry, armour or shields!

    ((OOC: Jcbeno#6694 or tree#6855)) 


    We look forward to doing business with the citizens of Providence and we only hope that you and the populace will enjoy our humble store.


    Osric Tsecsar

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Osric Tsecsar


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  11. Daniel d'Arkent couldn't help but to feel worry for Amelia as he was travelling through the mines of Urguan with a kind dwed called Nara. Hand in hand as they worked for one of the many secret gifts to cheer up his best friend. Tears occasionally coming to his eyes as his thoughts we're clouded by the image of her grief.

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Simon Bastille


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Tanith Vursur


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  13. Daniel stared across at his trusted knights around the meeting table at the centre of the outermost fort of his arch-duchy of Petia! The Screowl flag hanging high above their heads as they discussed this new news. Daniel himself stroking the head of his pet Ellie, a snowy Screowl as he spun absent minded like on his chair. “We need to increase our defences and increase our candy stocks! This is going to be a long war!”

    @Palastartes @MapleSunflower

  14. Daniel Victor d'Arkent quickly filled out his form, smiling as he placed his little poetry book atop the form, muttering something under his breath as he headed towards the palace to personally deliver the form, an excited expression sitting upon his visage.

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